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Everything posted by Arc-Mage

  1. Someone posted this link a few days ago under another forum.
  2. From a post back in 2020. Jacob’s Ladder isn’t broken or needs to be fixed. It is just a vary limited power.
  3. I spam if I’m looking for a PL. I spam every channel. I get complaints probably about once a month. I usually ask for a PL every Sunday. So in the big picture most people don’t care. The reason I Spam every channel is because not everyone PLs in the same zone. Not everyone who PLs reads the same channel. If it bothers you, the game has a mute/ignore button. Go ahead and use it. I encourage those who complain to me about my spam to do so. Here is the thing. I run a lot of TFs and call out a good number of Giant Monsters. Sometimes those people who have me muted are also the people who want to join my teams. So good luck with that if you choose to put me on ignore. Im a day one player and have been playing almost constantly for 19 years now. Sometimes the people who bitch about spamming are just people who want a little bit of control in their lives. If I suggest they put me on ignore they just bitch even more. However, sometimes if I explain my situation it leads to a new friend. Of those who do care, and want me to stop spamming, I explain that I have been playing far longer than they have. I played before they started and most likely will still be playing long after they are gone. This additional bit of information is usually enough to get those people to shut up. Are there types of spam that bother me? The people who jump on and just bitch about what an awful game CoH is and how empty the servers are. Those are the spammers I can’t stand. Do I mute them? No, because I’ve bee playing long enough to know they won’t be playing much longer.
  4. I have a Kinetic Tank that sucks. It makes me sad because the power looks so cool.
  5. The one thing everyone is failing to mention, maybe because it’s obvious, is that Jacob’s Ladder is a Meele power. Meele meaning hand to hand. The game has a few Meele powers that have a reach I consider outside of Meele range but Jacob’s Ladder isn’t one of them.
  6. The order does not matter. The only thing that matters is VISITING ALL THREE VERSIONS of the memorial. Each version of the memorial counts for 1/3 of the badge. After you visit all three locations and only after you visit all three locations will the Badge trigger. At the moment it’s the only location that works like this. Follow @Xiddo link posted above. He is correct.
  7. If this was to happen I fear you would turn into the equivalent of a Force Ghost from Star Wars Galaxy. Something that is part of the game but can not actually play any content.
  8. A coned foot Sweep would be nice as opposed to the coned Cross Punch.
  9. I respect where your heart is in this suggestion but, just like real life, not every build is equal. Without this diversity the game would be boring.
  10. Probably not happening in this case but thought I’d throw it up anyway. I have my HUD set up in such a way that if my buffs go to a second or third row sometimes my Map covers it. I’ve forgotten about this happening once or twice and wondered why I’m not getting the buffs I should be. Also, there was a known hole in the safe in Pocket D. If you are hugging the wrong wall you don’t get credit for the day job. Not sure if this has been fixed yet tho.
  11. Yes, I read that in your previous post. My understanding is that the incarnate salvage drop rate for t3 level and above is felt to be lower than you would like.
  12. I am explaining why you and by "you," I mean anyone with this play style, don't get the incarnate drops you desire. The incarnate system was not designed so just anyone can become incarnate. Besides originally being behind a paywall you had to complete specific tasks or trials. You obviously are not doing so. This is what I was attempting to point out to. Not just anyone can become incarnate. Nor should they be able to.
  13. The incarnate drops in other parts of the game, other than incarnate Trials, mishes and Task Forces, are awarded for completing things. Complete a story arc, complete a Task Force or trial. If your play style is just joining pick up teams and you are never around for completing contacts, you are correct, you will never receive incarnate drops.
  14. There was a thread about a year ago where people were listing all the powers in game that should put out fires. My suggestion was the Hand Clap power as seen in Incredible Hulk.
  15. I don’t remember seeing female Wolf Spiders. What zone are they in?
  16. It’s clear the game hates you.
  17. @BjorJlen Thank you for the kind words. You may want to try what @Bionic_Flea suggest. For a flea he always has sound advice. Although, I’d suggest trying the Homecoming launcher anyway. It has some nice features and allows you to connect other versions of the game to that launcher.
  18. Yes, the only info I found when doing a search for CoH and Sweet Tea was for Rebirth which is what drew my conclusion. Homecoming has announced that they are doing away with the other launchers at some point in the future. So, like it or hate it, just pull that band aid off now and switch to the Homecoming launcher.
  19. Yep, You are correct it is bugged. The safe door is shut. I believe it was either open or a breakable one before. I can place pets behind the safe door but can not go through it myself.
  20. This is a conversation I can get into.
  21. Sweet Tea is for Rebirth. This is Homecoming. If you want to play on Homecoming DL the Launcher. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/installation-guide/ Im not sure if you can add the Rebirth server to the Homecoming Launcher but do some digging on the forums and I’m sure you can find out.
  22. I no longer feel guilty for joining teams with some of my unslotted toons. Thank You.
  23. There is already something similar in the game. It’s for the location Badges. When you enter a zone look under the “Tips” tab. A clue to the location of any Badges you are missing will pop up.
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