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Everything posted by Slithershot

  1. The obvious answer would be stone melee, hitting people with poop mallets and hands. Why am I helping with this? Nevermind.
  2. I'm just glad @Sir Myshkincould benefit from the infinite condescending wisdom of uh... hmm... That one random?
  3. If you play around with builds yourself, then go play around with builds. You've had multiple suggestions here for combinations, and even how to play them, from people far nicer than myself. Maybe if you didn't have such an air of entitlement people would be more willing to help you. Just some not so friendly advice for a not so friendly person.
  4. Yeah. I'm not sure I understand that comment either. I've never found SR or shield "hard to drive" unless you're diving face first into 801.6+ solo without a plan. But at that point EVERYTHING is hard to drive. Some just spin in place till they explode. Ironically, that's probably how I'd rate survivability at the very top end anyway. Though I think I'd personally switch shield and SR. .../ena brute on the other hand. You gotta be able to drive a stick shift, bring your own stick, shift gears, and pray that you don't fuck up and blow up your engine doing any of those one things. Aka what @Linea does before morning coffee. But if you can do all that it can be tied at number 1 😛
  5. Seems fair to me. I've always been a huge proponent of "Want someone to play this content? Make the rewards worth it". I think this is a step in the right direction. Good on you guys. Carrot is always more effective than stick, imho.
  6. Openable/closeable (maybe even lockable) doors in bases.
  7. Good to see I can step away from homecoming for a year, and still see Hjarki making giant walls of text posts that show a complete lack of understanding about tanking and starting arguments based around those flawed analysis. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside 🙂
  8. The reason SR is not ultra popular on tanks is quite simple. Most people who play tankers don't like seeing their health bar move. They want to feel invincible, not just tough. They want to exit a battle unscathed so their cape can flap in the breeze under the beaming sun. People like us... we don't mind having a little bloody lip, cause at the end of the day we're still standing, and still dropping bodies. 💪
  9. Mm. Thanks for the input folks. I think I'll just stick with my traditional build then 🙂
  10. My dark armor toon is dark/staff. I find it to be more than adequate for any content I throw at it. For me, I'm not focused on damage for this build so I literally just rotate four attacks. Mercurial blow, Guarded spin, eye of the storm, and sky splitter. Single target damage is average, AOE is pretty decent, and the only time I've ever died on her to my memory is in 801. Also, I sing the love language of "TOK TOK TOK.... TOK TOK TOKTOKTOKTOKTKOK" Staff in particular is nice because it adds that extra layer of melee defense for the debuffing types, while still doing pretty good AOE damage. It also has a build in end reduction, but once you get t3/4 ageless... endurance problems are a thing of the past in general. https://www.midsreborn.com/builds/download.php?uc=1581&c=739&a=1478&f=HEX&dc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
  11. This is a very specific question. I've been thinking about proccing out follow up, cause I've heard a little bit of noise about it. But here's my question... in your experience, is it worth it? Like, I know it would bump up single target damage pretty decently, but without slotting for recharge and stuff, wouldn't I be losing out on a whole lot of AOE damage in a double stacked FU spin? And for those who do proc it out, do you slot as many procs as possible and a -res proc, or just a few and try to frankenslot for maximum buff spread elsewhere?
  12. Slithershot


    Whelp, that seems to be all I need to know 😂
  13. Slithershot


    So, I haven't touched my savage/bio stalker in a good long while. It's okay I guess, just doesn't feel all that great. It's not as durable and doesn't feel as strong as my DB/EA stalker. So I've been considering rolling a Sav/bio brute. Is it worth it? Will I see any big differences in the two? Does anyone have a good build that I can compare to?
  14. Probably not. That's how much I hated it. Lol. But I get what you're saying.
  15. Yeah, I made an SS/invuln. I ended up hating SS so badly that I deleted the character.
  16. I don't see an issue here.
  17. Okay, I was just wondering if there was some weird anti-debuff thing going on there which made it irrelevant that I didnt know about 🙂
  18. Other than the obvious of playing solo and wanting more damage, is there any particular reason you're not using void judgement for the damage debuff, and Diamagnetic on the interface for to-hit debuff?
  19. Y'know. I always think I have great survivability on my tanks. And then I go into the higher difficulties of 801 and get the peoples elbow to my ego as I drop in 30 seconds. 😅 My tanks can usually survive up to 801.5 or 6. After that I drop off a ledge. Lol. My staff/dark tank can actually hang at 4/6 in 801.A if I can manage to aggro like half a group. More than that and it's one tequila two tequila three tequila floor.
  20. Woot. Stuff to play with
  21. It was a DB/EA. I dunno what happened tbh XD I was just recording pylon times at the time.
  22. Yep, that's why I said what I did. Electric melee is the same way 🙂
  23. It was against a pylon when it happened. It doesn't happen often, so I chalked it up to really bad luck.
  24. Oh, I don't doubt it. I just meant without combos I can rival street justice and the other top sets with an optimal single target rotation. People have been underestimating DB for a long time (myself included before I had one). DB is strong as hell... specially when you work in procs. I will say the accuracy is a minor issue for me as well though, more-so than my other melee characters. I've missed two hits in a row after build up, which boggles the mind. But that is what it is 🙂
  25. I support this suggestion every time it pops up. I support every type of it. Skins, costume pieces, models, etc. I don't ever expect to see it (partly because it's a lot of work for a small population of muscle girls like myself, and partly because I'm jaded as f--- in general) but it would be so incredibly welcome.
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