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Everything posted by DoctorDitko

  1. Just a guess: maybe his chosen name is the same as someone who was banned in the past?
  2. Go for Storm/Storm. It's pure, lovely chaos.
  3. Or my personal favorite, Jump around the corner, aggro, hit nuke... And then wind up where I started, nuking nothing but myself. Then the mobs come around the corner, baying for blood. Effing Verizon wireless dialup emulation!
  4. And then once you have them like you want them, right-click and select "Lock tray numbers" so you don't accidentally change them. In mid-combat. From your offensive powers tray to your travel powers tray. Ask me how I know.
  5. Be sure to click the "Install to Launcher" button when you run it. Only needs to happen once, but it really needs to happen.
  6. There's a new one that seems pretty good: City Mod Installer, IIRC. Works where the other stopped working.
  7. Being picky, I know, but Steamy Mist doesn't Confuse the enemy. That's Arctic Air, from Ice. Steamy Mist gives you resistance to and protection from Confuse.
  8. You, too? I thought it was my medication! Certain debuffs on certain mobs just seem to piss them off to the nth degree! (I'll try to document it, I just thought it was me.)
  9. I love Defenders, but try a Controller. Containment is a considerable force multiplier (1.8x, IIRC). (Edited to add: Pro tip, grab the Sorcery Pool. As a controller, you can sometimes get the benefit of Containment and Empowerment with Arcane Bolt. It's a joy to behold when it all lines up!) (Insert Tony Shaloub: It's the simple things in life you treasure.)
  10. I'm afraid they're lacking an editor. Someone to say, "This is a comic. Make room for the artist!" Mission briefings that need paging or scrolling should be the exception, not the rule.
  11. Thanks for this. My second favorite CyberKnight will be reprogramming directly!
  12. It's a good place to check out strange builds, some of which are surprising as well as absurd.
  13. Malware extension? Is it a .mal file?
  14. In the city where I work, there are countless little concrete markers with brass plaques that greatly resemble those in CoH. Every time I pass one, I have to fight the urge to pull over and click on it. Even when the game was dead!
  15. I'm a fan of Storm Defenders, usually paired with Ice or Water up till now. Looking forward to trying a pure Storm defender!
  16. Being picky: Mercury goes into retrograde (appearing to reverse direction in the sky), not tardigrade (Adorable microscopic waterbear critters than can survive in space). It won't fit in a tardigrade. I know I'm being "pendantic" (cf SGU*) but it itches! * Skeptic's Guide to the Universe. World's greatest podcast: theskepticsguide.org
  17. Wow. Talk about your attention to detail: Now THAT's dedication!
  18. Wait, we have Sontarans, Daleks, and Fendahl in this game? Where?
  19. Patch notes, or it didn't happen!
  20. SBB, no question! Good rewards and you get to make Hollywood jokes!
  21. That's right! I always forget the best auto-hit AOE Disorient and debuff in the game also rezzes your buddies!
  22. I blew $50 on an non-lcd (but backlit) 5x5 keypad from AliExpress. It uses the QMK system for setup, which is open-source, but it's complicated enough that I keep putting off learning it. Cheap alternative, though. You can print on acetate and slip labels under the keycaps. A pain, though, and yours is very nice! Back on Live, I used a $5 laptop-style USB numpad, with stickers on the buttons, but it appears Win10 conflates all numpads, so I needed something different.
  23. Y'all are missing one vital thing: Attunement means you can have all your enh icons nice and round. It's an OCD thing, but I don't apologize for it.
  24. For that matter, didn't Intel actually remove OpenGL support a few years back?
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