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Everything posted by Luminara

  1. How would one go about having one or two powers remain high KB when a character-wide setting neuters all KB? Some people really like having those one or two powers with ridiculously high KB values, to decisively put some distance between them and melee threats (or just for fun, because turning critters into astronauts is fun), but even with maximal slotting for KB, they'd never deal KB with a global setting turning all KB powers to KD. Those "GET OFFA ME NAO, TURDBURGER!" powers would be gutted for their purposes. If this is done for KB, doesn't it also have to be done for Repel and KU? So we'd be turning powers like Telekinesis, Tornado and Hurricane into perfect KD patches? Sounds very power creepy. I have 5 (five!) KB->KD enhancements on my Peacebringer. All of those powers have sufficient Accuracy, Damage, Recharge Reduction and Endurance Reduction, they don't need any more of those attributes, and they don't offer any other compelling use of the extra slot. Three of those powers are six-slotted, the remaining two are five-slotted, and they're all giving significant global bonuses. None of those powers would be "improved" by changing the KB->KD enhancement to something else, so the only value would come from moving them to one or more other powers. That would also constitute significant power creep. Would this result in teams either congregating around Null constantly to ensure that everyone has their KB flag set, or ostracization of players who didn't visit Null (perhaps they forgot, perhaps they didn't know, perhaps they chose not to use it)? If so, then it would be creating problems (plural). A solution that introduces more problems than it resolves is bad solution. This is not the first time this has been proposed, but to date, there have been no attempts to address those additional problems. Until and unless those additional problems are addressed, it's a bad solution.
  2. Hurdle six-slotted with 50++ SOs. After ED. First character when I started playing again 18 months ago... Hurdle three-slotted with 50+5 IOs. You can all stop looking at me with your eyes twitching like that.
  3. They're all drinking Red Bull now. No distance limitation. They're still slower than old people driving, though.
  4. I flipped to a second build as a way to respec a character after running out of free respecs once... that's all I've ever done with that feature.
  5. Come on, people, stop blabbering about C-listers and bench warmers. Squirrel Girl and the Wonder Twins are the real tragic absences.
  6. I haven't seen that particular oddity, but there have been a lot of new AI bugs popping up in the last six months. Enemies in the same group attacking one another when they never did before, Crey Juggernauts aggroing even when they're -10 to the character and too distant to be affected by a damage or Taunt aura, pathing being even worse than it was in the past, reports of pets like PA ignoring enemies, enemies running for the hills and only returning after Thanksgiving dinner and a long nap, Rikti in Crey's Folly doing their absolute best to beat the shit out of HVAC units... a spawn trying to beat up the floor doesn't surprise me at this point.
  7. I hold off on running Montague Castanella's arc until it's well past Lost levels, sometimes waiting until level 50. The Lost are all replaced by Rikti who have a much more diverse color palette (rather than green, green, green and brown, green, oh, look, green), and they speak English (some of those drones are almost poetic).
  8. To aid in the avoidance of being forcibly entered into a combat state by external actions. Combat Jumping and Hover are combat mobility powers. Infiltration is not.
  9. Do the auras appear if you deactivate cel-shading?
  10. Those aren't identical. Shoulders, gloves and boots are different. Test each of the differing costume parts, by matching them precisely to what you know works (change them on the huge model to match the female model), one at a time, to verify that it's not a specific costume piece causing the problem.
  11. The group settles in Brickstown. Swan and Manticore are in Brickstown, so they're tasked as Marauder's nannies.
  12. Since the game is back from the dead, but not truly alive, I think that's a vote for zombie Statesman. Now, where did I put that rabbit army...
  13. Here at Lumicorp, we're not evil. Irascible, inappropriately humorous, but never evil. Lumicorp, the megacorp with a shit to give. Two shits if you're nice to our representatives!
  14. Resurrect, as Zombie Statesman! Doc V and The Clockwork King team up to dredge his rotting corpse out of whatever hole it's in, re-animate it and send it shambling after Lord Recluse, who subsequently uses his mental network to take control and uses it to launch an assault Ouroboros in hope of discovering a way to break his connection with the Well, but instead, creates a parallel Paragon City in which everyone is a rabbit! Doom bunnies, with deadly hopping powers and mind-bending nose wiggles, bent on domination of the Rogue Isles, invade Grandville, and heroes and villains team up to prevent the bunnification of the entire world!
  15. ... Does anyone want to field this one, or should we just cough loudly and give each other sidelong glances while we wait for him to check my post history and put two and two together?
  16. They appear in that location for characters who have completed Primal Earth Provost Marchand's story arcs. So you're seeing them because you completed the arcs.
  17. The attacks? Yes, unless it's +Damage, then no. More thoroughly answered, in the strictest sense, set bonuses are powers applied to your character, not to other individual powers. So if you have 45% +Accuracy, that's an Accuracy modifier on your character's base hit roll equation, and that adjusted equation then becomes the base used by other powers. That's how set bonuses work.
  18. No-one's hitting the damage cap on any archetype with "a medium inspiration or two". You're not strengthening your argument with that kind of statement.
  19. My main is a Staff/Willpower brute. This is her build. I exemplar with this build, so it's functional all the way down to level 7 (the lowest available through Ouroboros). Looking at my oldest saved version, it's not much different. The power selection is level for level identical, and I leveled her up without planning a respec build. The slotting on the older build was a bit more haywire, because it was from before the travel power changes or addition of Athletic Run (63mph Jump Speed, without buffs), so my current build, the one I've included, is really as trim and lean as it can be, the result of over a year of tweaking and minor adjustments. It should adapt to scrapper well. The Energy Mastery APP was selected specifically for this character, as an extension of Willpower (Superior Conditioning and Physical Perfection really fit that), because Legionette doesn't have any "special" abilities, just a stick and her determination to prove herself to the Sisters. Energy Torrent is, therefore, just a set bonus mule. You probably won't want or need Body Mastery, so you might consider Weapon Mastery (if i could've had that, i would've taken it). Yes, I have Infiltration as the final power selection, but I don't use it. I use Athletic Run, Sprint and set bonuses, and she's around 73mph Jump speed and 75mph Run speed. Legionette doesn't sneak. She might be timid at times, but she's not going to hide from her enemies, or try to avoid a fight. You can move Infiltration to a lower level and use it, or substitute another travel power, and de-emphasize the extra movement speed (put that extra slot in Sprint to another use, for example). Attack chain depends on the situation. No boss = Guarded/Innocuous/Guarded/Eye. One boss = Serpent's/Sky//Serpent's/Eye. Two or more bosses = Guarded/Serpent's/Sky/Eye. This build has just enough global +Recharge to make all of those work without the game giving you "Power Recharging!" honks. Form of the Body is the only one I use. Ask whatever questions you like, I'll answer.
  20. Here's a summation of what I've collated from the discussion in this thread: Some imaginary secondary and tertiary characters from a fantasy story are being slightly changed in a filmed adaptation of that story, some people objected to that, the company filming the adaptation reacted to the criticism in a less than kind or intelligent way, and then everyone started acting like twats to each other. Yeah, I don't really care. That's a normal day online. If you tell me there's a massive controversy over banana smoothies in gender politics, I'll tell you that it's Saturday. And there's a subtext of intent on both sides. The "influencers" are riding this pony for all it's worth, manipulating people to make money; and the company, whatever the intent behind the changes, is now using this bruhaha to generate heightened interest in the adaptation in hopes of convincing more people to see it so they can figure out why it was controversial. Yes, the people who criticized the complainers, rather than respond to the complaints and engage in positive exchanges, are wrong. But so are the people who turned the complaints from a molehill into a mountain, for profit. Both sides are wrong. And the people maintaining the fight are wrong. In a year, this'll be a two paragraph blurb page on Wikipedia and everyone involved will be repeating the fight on another platform, another product, another mountain built out of a molehill, and laughing as they cash their checks at the bank. But at least I get to see a bunch of monkeys fling poo at each other. That's entertaining. 👍
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