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Everything posted by Luminara

  1. Right, leave the ones with the Holds, Sleeps, endurance drains, ToHit debuffs, Resistance debuffs, Recharge debuffs and Moment of JUST FUCKING DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE I HATE THESE THINGS for last. Fortunately, it's sooooooooooo easy to tell which ones have Stuns, and not only which ones have Stuns, but also which ones have 20% chance Stuns, which ones have 30% chance Stuns, which ones have 50% chance Stuns, which ones... Yeah, no.
  2. Life's too short, and unpleasantness in abundance, to waste time "sticking it out" when you're not happy. Quit the team, find another. There's always another.
  3. What's "stun turn of flight"? Aerial acrobatics? I'd be down for some loop de loop and barrel roll animations.
  4. Unfortunately, the army of the great Lord Nemesis has subsumed all of the available majors. Would you settle for a captain event and a few master sergeant events?
  5. There's precedent. There were several other axe murders in the same period, including some which were believed to be perpetrated along a rail line, indicating that someone was using the railways to travel from town to town, killing people with an axe at each stop. That's a sneaky son of a bitch. With an axe. The evidence suggests that there was personal motivation in the Villisca case, that it wasn't random, or the act of a serial killer But the murder was never caught, so again, sneaky son of a bitch with an axe.
  6. Wrong forum. Archetype questions belong in the appropriate archetype forum (Tanker, in this case), or in the Archetypes forum. The description of the power states, "As Power Surge wears off, the charge in your body explodes in a massive EMP pulse." That's the Hold. 22.35 second duration, mag 3, 50% chance for an additional mag 1 Hold of the same duration, 10 target cap. The Hold occurs when Power Surge expires, 179 seconds after activation. You don't know if you'll even be near a spawn when that happens. And if you are in combat for the full duration of Power Surge, it's highly unlikely that what you're fighting will be vulnerable to the Hold. Stick to slotting it for Resistance, Endurance Modification, or both, and ignore the Hold.
  7. It has a 25' range. Maximally enhanced with Range enhancements (which are Schedule B), it tops out a bit under 40'. With an animation time of 1.848s (and that's now, not at launch, when all of the TP powers took seventeen thousand lifetimes of the universe to animate), your final movement speed is approximately 21.44'/second. Base Run Speed for all characters is 19.33 mph, or ~28.35'/second. That's no enhancements in Swift, Sprint not toggled on, no +Movement buffs or set bonuses, no travel powers, no P2W stuff, nothing. If anyone at Cryptic ever imagined the norm being players crossing a zone like IP with Team Teleport, they were either incredibly high or horrific at math.
  8. In a darkened room, several shadowy figures sit around a table lit by a single spotlight glaring down from high above. "Is it done?" "As planned. Rest was completely ruined. He's mildly annoyed." "Wonderful. Proceed." The room is plunged into gloom as the overhead light shuts off with an audible click. Footsteps echo and shuffle briefly, a door opens for a moment, then closes. "Wonderful", the remaining shadow at the table leans forward and rasps into the empty room.
  9. Top right, widget which looks like a slider button, called Customizer. Click that. Toggle on Sticky Header.
  10. They hump your leg.
  11. If I have a Confuse, I love fighting Rikti so I can steal seventeen million AMs from Guardians. Right up to the "MISS! MISS! MISS!" crap when I'm trying to hit drones, then I hate fighting Rikti. I love fighting Knives, unless they're hammering me with -Recharge and making me drop out of Domination, or delaying my perfectly created attack chain so I have to listen to that fucking "WAAAAAAA NOT RECHARGED DOOFUS" sound. That's just an insult on top of the damage I'm taking. Bitches. I hate fighting Nemesis with melee characters, because most PBAoEs and cones aren't properly flagged as AoE, so it's a constant whiff festival. The not fun kind of festival, where you're strapped into a dunking booth and sitting over a pool of urine and feces, while people throw things and laugh at you. Not as bad with ranged characters, as their AoEs and cones are usually properly flagged, but still not in my list of delightful ways to spend the evening. I hate fighting Longbow because there's always that one asshole who flies away and doesn't come back until you've been sitting in front of the computer for three days. I hate fighting Crey because the tanks all do the same damn thing, run to the furthest point of the map and just stay there forever. And those Assholecendents who phase me FIRST THING, I'd die happy if I never ran into them again. AVs and GMs are just bullet sponges, no real challenge, just long, tedious fights. I don't like that. I love fighting late game CoT. I hate fighting early game CoT.
  12. Yup. We've been down that road. Teamspeak, Ventrillo, now Discord is the buzz, we just don't care. We're old and we just want to log in and play, without juggling a bunch of devices and programs while doing it. Been there, done that, using the t-shirt to polish badges. Voice chat programs never brought in thousands of players when the game was on the original servers. IM programs were around for fifteen years before that, and they never had an impact, either. If there were thousands of players just itching to jump into our 20 year old MMO, I strongly doubt the lack of interest in Discord amongst the established player base is discouraging those potential new recruits. If they really wanted to play, they would. If they really wanted to use Discord while playing or to plan out their play, they would. Whether or not a thousand or two existing players are on the app is irrelevant. Chat channels facilitate group play better than voice chat/instant messaging/forum-style communication. They offer an immediacy which is lacking in external programs. Recruiting through chat channels in-game ensures that all of the potential party members are there, already prepped and ready to go, not sitting on the sofa playing Mario Kart, glancing at the phone every few minutes to see if there's something starting in another game. That's another several minutes the group has to wait for the Discord user to haul his/her ass off of the sofa, go to the computer, launch the game, log in, select a character, realize he/she is on the wrong server, log out, go to the server selection screen, pick the correct server, log back in on a character, decide he/she wants the badges/merits on another character instead, log out, switch characters, log back in... Yeah, no. That's not immediate, that's excruciating. In-game content requires in-game presence, and you're not in the game if you're not in the game. That's why we have in-game chat channels, so no-one has to wait any longer than necessary. If you want to be part of a team, you be in the game and ready to accept an invitation, or to send out invitations, not playing another game while checking your IMs or listening to someone tell a funny story. Additionally, you can't have fifty people all talking at the same time on VoIP and have anything comprehensible, and posting to an IM app from your phone isn't functionally any different from watching the in-game channel, you're still staring at text. Yes, you do have to be logged in to Co* to see Co* chat channels, but you also have to be logged in to play the game. No-one wants to wait for someone to "get around" to playing, eventually, when they agree to join a group. They want that person there yesterday, not next week. Butt-kicking for goodness waits for no man or woman. If you prefer Discord, by all means, use it. Bring some of those thousands of people and use it with them. Then your conundrum will be resolved.
  13. I did it again. Back at the beginning of October, 2021, I was sitting here, playing Co*, and I heard a cat. I look at Jessica, Jessica looked at me, May looked at Jessica, I looked at May, and so on. We spent at least 90 seconds asking one another, "Did you say something?" and doing double-takes. Then I heard it again, and I was certain it came from outside. I walk out onto the porch, look around, and see... Arthur. Let's pause here for a moment to consider this. A small mammal wandering alone in the forest, meowing. From an evolutionary perspective, nothing about that indicates fitness to survive. Making noise increases the likelihood of a larger predator homing in and attacking, and it also warns prey, so if the animal making the noise isn't eaten by something else, it's not going to find anything to eat, itself. And cats aren't stupid animals, evolutionarily speaking. He was meowing with a purpose. He was looking for something. He was looking for me. @Bill Z Bubba, I told you that the cat chooses you. Perfect example, right here. I'm Arthur's best friend. He tells me I'm his best friend every day. He follows me wherever I go in the forest. He'll follow me right up to the nearest road, he'll follow me on a four hour hike, he'll follow me when I'm carrying a chainsaw and a splitting maul. Where I am, is where he wants to be. And I can't say that I have the slightest problem with that. He's almost the perfect cat, as I see it. If he'd jump up on my bike and go for a ride with me, then he'd be perfectly perfect. But that's a step farther than he's willing to go, and I'm also fine with that. A hiking/wood cutting buddy is one more buddy than I had before. Anyway, Arthur went back up the hill and told all of his other friends about me. And one by one, they all moved down to the valley. Arthur's mother, Camille, was the next one to show up. She's as sweet as any animal I've ever met. She's not clingy, just always happy to see me and to be pet. Up next was a surprise. The first time I saw this one, I thought it was Arthur. And, of course, I rushed forward, arms thrown wide, cooing with delight... and I was soooooooooo confused when "Arthur" ran away. Then Arthur walks up behind me, and I'm still seeing not-Arthur's butt receding into the brush. Turned out, Arthur has an almost freaking identical twin sister, Madeline. And there's one who I haven't taken a picture of yet, Jacob. Jacob is Camille's brother. Arthur and Camille are human-friendly, Jacob and Madeline are feral. I was lucky to get that picture of Madeline. BUT, after almost 8 months, I've gotten both Jacob and Madeline to the point of not bolting as soon as I open the door. I can stand on the porch and murmur to them, and if it's dark enough, and I move slowly enough, ever-so-gently brush my fingertips along their backs. None of these cats are a problem. Cat food is cheap, I can afford to feed some strays despite living so far under the poverty line that it's hilarious. The first problem is the other cat I haven't photographed. Oskar. Oskar is the father of Arthur and Madeline. He's... enormous, as cats go. He has a facial shape like a mountain lion, and when he locks eyes with you, it's not pleading or affection you see, it's calculation. He is, quite simply, the most glorious example of a cat I've ever laid eyes on. He's also feral, and worse, brutal to the other cats. Male, female, doesn't matter, he's attacked all of them. Both of Arthur's left legs have punctures from Oskar laying into him. Madeline can't keep her head straight, she's always tilted slightly from whatever he did to her. I caught him tearing into Camille a couple of weeks ago. Jacob has, as far as I can tell, escaped the wrath of Oskar, but only because he never stays around long enough for Oskar to find him. I tried to befriend Oskar, but he won't stop attacking the other cats, so I made it a point to run him off every time I see him. Even that isn't working well... I'm awakened at 2 or 3 in the morning every few days by the sound of Arthur's screams of terror and pain echoing through the forest as Oskar goes all out in an effort to murder him. I don't foresee a trap working on Oskar, not as wily as he's become as a totally feral cat, and I'll probably catch raccoons, possums and the other cats at least a hundred times before Oskar even sniffs the trap. I may have to put an arrow through Oskar. It's not the solution I want, but I have to protect my friends. The other problem is, neither Camille nor Madeline have been spayed. None of these cats belong, or belonged, to anyone. I knew the grand dame of the entire brood (except Oskar, no idea where he came from). She was a super fluffy orange cat named Bulldog. She showed up when I was living in a tent, five years ago, then migrated up the hill. She's Camille and Jacob's mother. Pretty sure she's either gone somewhere else, been taken by the woman who used to live in the mobile home on the road (her mother passed away four years ago, she packed up and moved shortly thereafter), or died of old age by now. I noticed that Camille was pregnant in December. In February, she delivered. Around the middle of April, she brought her litter down to meet me. Three kittens. One looks like Oskar (think Arthur/Madeline, with more white and less gray), one looks like Jacob and one looks exactly like her. Being a cat person, I was instantly smitten. And not having been socialized, all of the kittens were instantly running for cover. But even the realization that I'm probably going to be up to my ears in cats and kittens in less than two years isn't the problem. I don't know how, but I'll find a way to save up enough to get Camille and Madeline spayed, and let them go back to being outside cats after they've recovered. No, the problem is, I swore I wasn't going to bring any of them inside. Not Arthur, no matter how besotted with him I am (and i am). Not Camille, no matter how many times she tries to walk right through the door. Not the kittens, no matter how adorable they are. I broke my oath. A bit more than a week ago, Camille came down to the cabin with her kittens again. Two of her kittens. The third, mini-Camille, was nowhere to be seen. I was almost in tears all day. I crawled under the cabin, I walked all over the woods, I went everywhere looking for it, and it just wasn't to be found. I assumed a predator, or Oskar, had killed it. Two days ago, the kitten reappeared. And it was... shocking. Not the fact that she was alive, that was one of the most joyful moments I've ever experienced, but how bad she looked. Her eyes were sunken, the nictitating membranes not fully opening, spine and ribs visible even through the kitten fluff... she hadn't eaten in a week, and when she tried to nurse, Camille shoved her away. She tried to eat some dry food, but she didn't have the strength to crunch a single piece, finally letting it fall out of her mouth and flopping over from exhaustion. And she wasn't even half the size of the other kittens. At three months, she should be no less than two pounds. She's not even a quarter of that. I had a can of wet food left from when I was caring for the cat I had before Jessica. Opened it up, dished it out and brought it to her on the porch. She dove right into it, ate until she couldn't eat any more, then staggered off of the porch, looking for water (i don't put out a water bowl because the stream is 30' from the cabin). Watching her walk was agonizing. She could barely move, kept stumbling... I followed her and waited until she drank her fill, then carried her back up to the porch. She went to Camille again, and Camille rejected her. So there she was, this almost dead, under-weight, under-sized little thing, paws tucked under her, looking at the porch boards with a thousand yard stare... that was it. That was my breaking point. I just couldn't leave her out there. Camille had basically told her to fuck off and die, and that's exactly what was going to happen if I didn't step in. Not on my fucking watch. Not this under-sized, under-weight, innocent little thing. I went back outside, picked her up and spent the rest of the afternoon and evening holding her, petting her, murmuring to her. I put out the last of the wet food I had, a small bowl of water (i don't put out a water bowl for Jessica or May because Jessica played hockey with the water bowl, and prefers to drink out of the Brita filtration container anyway, and May does what Jessica does. but this little one couldn't reach that, so she needed something on the floor), and showed her the litter box. She bonded with me so hard and fast, I can't help but believe she knew I was saving her life and was grateful. She started purring after a few minutes, and didn't stop for the rest of the night. Slept next to me, followed me all morning as I started my day, and parked herself right in my lap when I returned in the afternoon. That was two days ago. She's capable of walking without falling over now, her eyes are clearer and not sunken, her tail is erect and she's... happy. May is furious. She's been hiss-snorting for two days, and growling when she wasn't hiss-snorting. Jessica just stares at her, and hisses when she gets too close, but otherwise, seems to be adapting better than May. And this little thing takes it all in stride. When the other two cats reject her, she totters back to me, tail raised, purring. She climbs my pants leg, curls up in my lap or right next to one of my legs, and rumbles herself to sleep. She even played a little last night, and has started washing herself again. Ladies and gentlemen, meet Rebecca. I call her Bunny, because she looked like a baby bunny when I first saw her, the way she sat and held her head. As you can see, she's not just a runt, she's so small, runts make fun of her. As I said, at 3 months, she should be four times her weight and twice this size. It's going to be rough with three cats inside. A 12'x16' living space is not exactly a mansion. But I'd rather feel cramped than guilty, and knowing that she wouldn't have survived one more day without my help, I know this was the right decision. I don't know that she will live, in fact... it may be that Camille cat-sensed that she was sick or something and that why she rejected her. But if the progress she's made is any indication, I think she's going to be fine. And I really hope she is, because I've already become so attached to her that thinking about losing her sets me off on another spate of sniffling and wiping at my eyes. ... Ivan climbed my pants leg to sit in my lap when he was a kitten. Bunny's doing a lot of things Ivan did. Perhaps that's why I'm so smitten with her. Or maybe I just have a really, really soft spot for "hopeless" cases, like bringing her back from the brink of death and taming Madeline and Jacob. Or maybe it's just because she's so small, and so affectionate toward me, and so nonchalant when the other two warn her off, and she walked a quarter of a mile after starving for a week and still wasn't ready to lie down and die. I don't know. But I love her intensely. So we'll make the living arrangements work, one way or another. She's staying. She's home.
  14. Do you have the same salvage listed for sale on another character?
  15. Is that a video game about pooping? Or is it an educational game designed to teach the cat how to use the litter box?
  16. It's not a special day unless there are @Jimmy hats.
  17. Whoa, I didn't know anyone could get @Jimmy to pose for pictures.
  18. That's a reasonable summation of my play style.
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