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Everything posted by Luminara

  1. No, because the game is currently designed to make leveling from 1-20 easy. Scaling damage, little or no need for status protection, limited attacks available to critters, etc. The early levels of the game were oriented around the concept of having enhancements with lower values. IOs and IO sets don't need to be adjusted unless the early game is also adjusted. And if you adjust the early game, you also have to adjust the availability of SOs, IOs and IO sets to compensate, since you'll be requiring players to slot appropriately. So be careful of that can of worms, you might find that it doesn't taste nearly as good as it looks.
  2. And then developed super baking, super telepathy, super ventriloquism, super knitting... Thank whomever for Crisis on Infinite Earths. I shudder to think of how bland Superman stories would be if he could knit his way out of every predicament.
  3. In the original Greek mythology, Hades was no more a place than Zeus, or Poseidon, or Hephaestus. After Greek culture had blended with other cultures, such as the Roman Empire (which incorporated other religions quite readily), and monotheism began to spread (which also incorporated aspects of various religions), Hades was redefined. But the concept of Hades as a location didn't originally exist in Greek mythology any more than the concept of Zeus being Mount Olympus, or Athena being Athens. That simply wasn't how the ancient Greeks envisioned their pantheon. Their gods resided in places, they were not places in and of themselves.
  4. Damn. You beat me to that one (i was planning to do it later this week).
  5. Hades was the god, Tartarus was the underworld. Tartarus was a Titan, originally, then became the embodiment of the underworld when the pantheon defeated the Titans. It depends on when you look along the Egyptian time line. In the Old Kingdom, Anubis was the god of the dead. He was the protector and guardian. By the Middle Kingdom, Osiris had become the god of the dead (after Set chopped him up) and presided over Duat (the afterlife in this mythology), and Anubis' role had been shifted to the god of embalmers, the god who weighed the hearts of the dead in the Hall of Ma'at, and the protector of graves. Then, near the end of the Dynasties, he was also portrayed as the guide who led the deceased to the Weighing of the Heart. So yes, but no. Anubis didn't rule Duat, but he was the god and ruler of cemeteries and tombs (and his power there was beyond that of any other), and in early mythology, the god of the dead. This is why he was also known as the First/Foremost of the Westerners (to "go west" in ancient Egyptian culture meant to die, evoking the myth of Osiris' death and its connection to the setting of the sun), the Lord of the Sacred Land (nothing was more sacred than the places where the dead were buried), He Who Sits on the Mountain (mountains being symbolically important as representations of tombs) and many other names. Anubis was a god of different things, but he was also "just" a god in the sense that he didn't rule a place like Olympus, Tartarus or the ocean. Despite Anubis not being the "ruler of the underworld" (ancient Egyptians didn't have an underworld. Duat was neither a place of punishment nor reward, it was simply the next phase in living. they didn't believe in any kind of Hell, instead, if a soul was deemed unworthy of entering Duat, it was devoured by Ammit), he was immensely important in that culture, as important as the Nile, because, to them, the afterlife was just more life, and Anubis was the one who made that life possible in the same way the Nile made their mortal life possible. We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread.
  6. I know a dev who's tough but neat He's so fun, he can't be beat He's got posts that I desire He sets the General forum on fire I want @Jimmy I want @Jimmy I check the forums when the sun goes down Ain't no @Jimmy posts around You're my dev, when you're not hiding You're just fun, without even trying I want @Jimmy I want @Jimmy (yeah!) @Jimmy come back, there's nothing better I also like your forum letters Some day soon I'll make you post And then @Jimmy won't be a ghost I want @Jimmy I want @Jimmy I want @Jimmy I want @Jimmy Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
  7. It reminds me to turn off endurance-hogging travel powers in a mission, sometimes quite abruptly.
  8. I'm surprised that it's really been 30 years since I saw that. I'm more surprised that I remember the rubber and the grenade. I'll have to add that to my list of things to buy when I'm looking for something to pad an Amazon order. Uh... the movie, not a rubber and a grenade. Pervs.
  9. Hey! @Jimmy, @Jimmy, who can I turn to? You gave me something I can hold on to. I know you'll think I'm like the others before, Who saw your posts and rep on the boards. @Jimmy, I've got your number, I need to see that knife! @Jimmy, step up your post number! Eight six seven five three oh nine. (eight six seven five three oh nine) Eight six seven five three oh nine. (eight six seven five three oh nine) @Jimmy, @Jimmy, you're the dev for me. Oh, you don't know me but you made me so happy! I tried to PM you before, but I lost my nerve. I tried pineapple pizza, but that's just disturbed. @Jimmy, I've got your number, I need to see that knife! @Jimmy, step up your post number! Eight six seven five three oh nine. (eight six seven five three oh nine) Eight six seven five three oh nine. (eight six seven five three oh nine) I got it (i got it) I got it! I'm watching your rep and your posts! I got it (i got it) I got it! For a good time, for a good time, post! Hey, @Jimmy, just change that number, I need to see that knife! @Jimmy, I'm watching your number! Eight six seven five three oh nine. (eight six seven five three oh nine) Eight six seven five three oh nine. (eight six seven five three oh nine) @Jimmy, @Jimmy, where have you gone to? (eight six seven five three oh nine) For the price of a post, we're all here for you! (eight six seven five three oh nine) Eight six seven five three oh nine. (eight six seven five three oh nine) Eight six seven five three oh nine. (eight six seven five three oh nine) Five three oh nine! (eight six seven five three oh nine) Five three oh nine! (eight six seven five three oh nine) Five three oh nine!
  10. I have a Ice/Stone brute, no Granite. EE's cycle time is ~36s on my build (without Hasten, i don't have that on this character)... and I rarely have to use it, since I'm also well over the soft cap on every type except Fire/Cold, and have Fire/Cold Res at 75% (85% if HP dips low enough (Reactive Defenses proc)). Granted, I play high-end builds, so I may not be capable of seeing it from a wide enough perspective, but as powerful as Granite-less Stone is now, and with that much overlap on EE possible, I don't think it's in a bad position.
  11. +1/x6, LF perma and auto-firing (~8s overlap, but i'm capped on everything but Psi without the overlap). Sitting here right now with it at +1/x8. Health goes up and down, but they can't drop me before LF crashes, and the LF crash heals me back up to 50% HP. ... I allowed that to continue for ~10 minutes. HP bar went in the deep red, but I never had to interact to keep the character upright. If I rejiggered her to add another 93% regeneration (tick every 4s instead of 5.8s), it'd probably flip the scenario, keeping her in the green except when LF crashed. +2 or higher would floor her if I went AFK with the current build (and i just respeced a few days ago to move one slot, so i'm not doing that again for a while).
  12. That's still a global application, though. When you select Master Brawler, or one of the Staff Melee Forms, or a Bio stance, you're applying what those do to all of the relevant powers. There's no granularity, no choice to exclude one or two powers, it's a take it or leave it solution. That's not what we need in the case of KB. I'm sorry that doesn't hit the right note with people, but it's too broad. That's why KB->KD enhancements exist, because that's the only way we can achieve the necessary granularity. We can't do it with a single power that applies a "Zero KB for you!" flag across the board. Eh. I don't think the human form quite strikes the proper balance between dwarf and nova, but since it's damn near impossible to defeat, with LF and two heals, even at /x8, having lower damage output isn't unbalanced. I logged into mine this morning and went to Pocket D to finish the Toothbreaker badge, heard a cat outside (his name is Arthur. he came looking for me at the beginning of October. i'm his best friend) and just walked away from the laptop for a few minutes. Came back to Red Caps piled up around me... and a full HP bar. That was at /x6. I can live with spending a little longer in combat because my damage output is so low that it makes my Grav/TA scraptroller look badass, if it means I also don't have to deal with mez and can ignore my heals so easily that I typically forget they exist. Of all of the characters I play, I consider this one the most balanced. That doesn't mean I like playing it... every time Incandescent Strike misses, my blood pressure goes stratospheric. But that's a me thing, not a balance thing.
  13. I never said there was no KB tax. The sentiment you're attributing to me came from someone else. And we can all address that granularly, one power at a time, allowing us to choose which powers we knock back with and which ones we knock down with. That granularity would be lost with a Null option. That's not a net positive change, forcing players to give up that granularity, it's a detriment. I'm not thinking of myself. If I were, I'd be endorsing the suggestion to reclaim those 5 slots on my PB. What I am thinking about is the net effect of reclaiming those slots and putting them to other uses on that PB, how that would affect game balance and that it constitutes a sizeable amount of power creep on the affected characters. I'm willing to continue to pay my KB tax if it means the game is healthier in the long run, and not depriving other players of the option to keep a key KB power or two in their arsenal even if they want all of their other KB powers to be KD. This isn't about me. It would be nothing but a benefit to me, but I still oppose it because it would be detrimental to the game overall. You're the first one to raise the roof when someone suggests something obviously power creepy or threatening to balance. I'm pointing out that this is both of those things. So do you want to keep swinging a sledgehammer at my head, or do you want to take a step back and think objectively?
  14. Pere, babe, I think you mixed up /jranger with /Jr. anger.
  15. Just to be clear, you're advocating power creep and the further erosion of the existing balance via freeing up the slots we've dedicated to KB->KD enhancements which could then be used to acquire more set bonuses, procs and improving other powers, and removing constraints which currently moderate the overall strength of powers like Tornado and Hurricane, as well as totally obviating the purpose of several powers, such as FF's Repel and Sonic's Repulsion Field, not to mention putting players into a position in which they have to choose between potentially being ostracized, or having to give up critical personal protective powers? Did you forget your coffee this morning?
  16. /jranger means "We've had this conversation more times than can be counted, I've made numerous long, detailed explanatory posts about why I object or consider it to be a questionable idea, but those posts have been ignored and I'm now resorting to just saying 'No'".
  17. Your message was, "Either post my way or don't post at all". I addressed that calmly and patiently. Would you prefer the less polite response?
  18. If you complain because people are "triggering" your pet peeve, the only thing that needs to change is you.
  19. I dislike certain things that people do in the forums. But I'm also aware that complaining about them will just lead to everyone putting me on their /ignore lists and never speaking to me again, or leaving to find a forum where they don't have to put up with me. People are different, and the price of social interaction is tolerance of differences.
  20. Big Trouble in Little China, Galaxy Quest, Slither, Deadpool/Deadpool 2, Zombieland/Zombieland: Double Tap, Planet Terror, The Lego Batman Movie... I'm inclined to include Death to Smoochy, as it's making fun of the entire television industry and going so over the top; and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, a spoof on the entire vampire genre; as well as RED and Mr. and Mrs. Smith (the Doug Liman film), which successfully poke at spy films.
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