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Everything posted by Luminara

  1. Unless the invaders read the reports, too.
  2. Impeded Swiftness and Gift of the Ancients also have triple rares.
  3. Unless the attack comes from a southern direction, in which case there's going to be some serious "YOU HAD ONE JOB" going on.
  4. It doesn't do that any more. It applies Only Affecting Self now, your toggles aren't shut off.
  5. I'm using rocket boards as the base currency unit from now on. It's giving me a serious giggle fit.
  6. At the P2W vendor, there are free buffs for increased XP, free "starter" enhancements (all have the same 16.7% Dam/Rchg and a proc effect, and you're not restricted to only selecting one) and free vet/temp powers (travel powers and attacks), all of which have a noticeable impact on soloing. For a scaling price (the higher the character's level, the greater the cost), there are also amplifiers which give status protection, increased recovery/regeneration, buffs to Defense/Resistance and ToHit and Damage, and more. There are also a couple of low level trials, which offer some long-lasting buffs upon successful completion, that a lot of people run frequently (i've never done them, so i can't go into further detail). The HC team has been re-examining older/less well regarded power sets and bringing them up to the modern par of every character being capable of soloing three +3 minions (the old par was three +0 minions), so several sets have had adjustments and improvements. Travel powers have been improved in numerous ways, and more options added, so getting from point A to point B is easier than ever. You'll have to read through the update and patch notes, though, because covering all of the power changes over the last couple of years would not be a short list. The economy is in an extremely healthy state, and AH prices on things that cost more than your life on the original servers are easily affordable now, even for a starting player. The AH has had a few tweaks, the most notable of which (for the purpose of this post) is that all enhancements can be purchased attuned (meaning they level with your character). SOs are available from level 1 now, and can be upgraded all at once (if you have the inf*), if you prefer the old school experience. There are numerous guides for generating inf*, just stick your head into the guides or market forums, and there are a lot of people giving away a few million inf* to anyone who asks (nicely). Reward merits allow you to turn even garbage recipes into pure gold, through the use of converters, so you can have that uber tricked-out IO build you always wanted, on every character, even if you're "poor" (no-one's poor in this game unless they're actively trying to be). And the Incarnate stuff has been streamlined, so you don't have to grind through the same TF over and over again endlessly, you can play normally and become a god/goddess, and it won't take several years of your life to get to "the end". Essentially, play anything you want, any way you want, the game's got your back.
  7. Yes, this is the forum for suggestions and feedback. But you made your suggestions and gave your feedback on that topic months ago. Revisiting the topic now, in a thread only tangentially related, despite there being no changes which warrant revisiting the topic, isn't giving feedback, it's drowning out feedback (@Jimmy has asked us explicitly not to do that); and it's not making a suggestion, it's pestering and harassing the development team who already considered and rejected your proposal. Let it go.
  8. The Kraken badge is available with the purchase of any Li'l Bosun's platter (ages 12 and under) at Cap'n Krak'n in Independence Port.
  9. Amazon power. Beating up vampires. Oh hi, @Snarky! 😜
  10. You beat this horse to death in the relevant beta feedback threads. Beta's over. Move on.
  11. I FOUND ONE! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! 95 yards due south of the university in Kallisti Wharf. This is my happy place.
  12. They're all over the city. They're at every university, they're in Atlas Park, they're in Kallisti Wharf (probably in Praetoria, too, since the KW and the current AP are modeled after that aesthetic)... and they're all facing the wrong direction (due east, due west, due north... fucking due north! are you kidding me?!) and/or located in places where they'd be shaded. As far as I've been able to determine, there isn't a single instance of solar panels in the correct (southerly) orientation and situated in a location which doesn't have 35+ story buildings throwing shade on them.
  13. These panels are facing northwest. Where Paragon City is located, in the New England region of North America, the sun would track east to west in the southern sky and the panels would never receive any direct insolation. In other words, the sun would be behind the panels. They're pointed the wrong way. On the same rooftop, there's another series of panels facing southwest. Those panels would receive insolation in the late afternoon and evening... if there weren't buildings right where the sun would be at that time. This is really bugging me now. If Paragon weren't already defunct, I'd fire the person who did this. Twice. With prejudice. And a shoe. 😠
  14. I think people who are unwilling to spend five seconds to send a /tell are going to be unwilling to spend five seconds right-clicking and selecting a "like".
  15. With Sorcery for the demonic powers (Mystic Flight and Enflame), and Ice Mastery for the alien (turning the air into diamonds?). And the shape-shifting can be handled with different costumes (can even change height and gender), as well as a couple of P2W travel powers (panther and... i forget the other). 👍
  16. Controller. Wide enough variety of powers to fit the theme, and you can RP the T9 pet as one of the personalities "stepping out of the box". With Illusion Control, you could have all of the personalities inhabiting discrete bodies at will. The character, three Phantom Army pets and Phantasm.
  17. The least expensive purple recipe on the original servers cost more than I've spent to fully kit out eight level 50 characters on the HC servers. Five purple/ATO sets, both +Def (All), the PvP uniques, five LotG +Recharge IOs, the whole shebang on every character, times eight, and it's still not equaling the going rate of a single uncrafted Fortunate Hypnosis back in the day. Not seeing the problem.
  18. So... adding a P2W item which creates instant level 50 characters with zero enhancements, and costs an arm and a leg to buy in the first place, will... reduce farming?
  19. Douglas Adams' method is easier to attempt, though rarely successful.
  20. The error code states that you're trying to run the game on Intel HD integrated graphics. Your follow-up post says you've got a Radeon installed. Either you enabled the integrated Intel chip and set it as the default in the BIOS, or a Windows update did it in the OS.
  21. Hit mechanics, but instead of misses, glancing blows. Glancing blows would deal less damage (if the power deals damage) and the secondary effects would be reduced (either duration or percentage/magnitude), providing a measure of parity between toggle/passive mitigation and active mitigation.
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