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Everything posted by Luminara

  1. Infiltration has bonus Defense, above and beyond the standard pool power Defense. The bonus Defense suppresses. The standard Defense, which is not suppressed, is identical to the Defense in Hover and CJ. Combat Jumping isn't a travel power.
  2. 0.46 is less than 0.29? Are you certain?
  3. I take Infiltration on most of my characters these days. I also take Stealth sometimes, but it's in addition to Infiltration, not instead of it. Infiltration is the draw for me, Stealth is just something I might work into the build if I see that it's going to be close to the Defense soft cap and that power would take it over the top. I don't have any characters with Stealth and not Infiltration.
  4. No. The highest value of any active travel power applies when you're running multiple travel powers, all lower values are ignored. If you toggle on both Infiltration and Ninja Run, the only thing Ninja Run will contribute is an increase in endurance usage.
  5. The door it sent you to was probably in that mission. Abandon it and do it again, and stay outside to complete it.
  6. Infiltration is faster (Jumping and Running speeds), jumps higher, has a lower endurance cost and can be slotted. https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=pool.invisibility.invisibility https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=prestige.prestige_travel.prestige_athletic_run
  7. Um... David Copperfield. Igor Kolomoisky. Oprah Winfrey. John Carmack. There are more examples in all of those categories. Piles of money make people behave like comic book characters. Or caricatures of comic book characters.
  8. Build Up procs have a duration of 5.25s. OSA has an animation time of 1.32s. Spawning OSTarget requires an additional 0.132s. Presuming you're using a relatively fast Fire or Energy attack, it'll take you 1.0-1.32s to ignite OSA. Spawning OSBurn tacks on another 0.132s. So discounting human response time, out of that 5.25s of Build Up boost duration, OSA will deal increased damage for 2.34-2.67s. Including human response time, you're probably looking at 2s at the most. I wouldn't go this route, but it's your character, your call.
  9. Being paid to do a job never encouraged a single one of my co-workers to actually do that job. 🤷‍♀️
  10. Sean Connery in a diaper, thigh-high boots and suspenders was the masterpiece. I wonder if he kept the costume...
  11. Came to be shouty. Leaving after placing a request to have the thread stickied. 👍
  12. You're projecting an expenditure of 1.5-2x actual cost on everything (except the Winter enhancements)?
  13. https://archive.paragonwiki.com/wiki/Category:Hero_Contacts_Level_30-34 https://archive.paragonwiki.com/wiki/Category:Hero_Contacts_Level_35-39
  14. There are only ten purple sets, there isn't a purple set for every enhancement category, and every purple IO is unique. Even if you include Winter sets and ATOs, you couldn't spend 2.2 billion this way even if you made a concerted effort.
  15. Now here's a hoopy frood who really knows where his towel is.
  16. Fold Space makes every cone, AoE and PBAoE bigger on the inside. The Doctor approves.
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