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Everything posted by Luminara

  1. They were changed to suppress in the last update. Actually, they were changed to apply Only Affecting Self, so technically, your toggles aren't even suppressed. Same net effect, you can ride without retoggling now.
  2. Unless they've been changed, or recently flagged to ignore buffs. They are pets, but they're pets acting as the player's powers and they're expected to perform in specific ways, such as increasing their damage output when buffed. When you activate Blizzard, the game wants you to view it though your character is creating that swirling mass of snow and wind, so it hides the fact that the blizzard is actually an invisible pet with a rapidly activating PBAoE. Assault has to affect the damage that pet deals in order to maintain that verisimilitude.
  3. I respeced out of Soul because my widow kept dying seconds after I summoned her, even though I run Grant Cover despite playing solo (the debuff resistances are worth the toggle cost). I thought a ranged pet would be better because it would be away from all the big, scary things I was beating to a pulp. Oh, no no no, it's even less likely to survive, because being ranged means it tends to stay OUTSIDE of Grant Cover's radius.
  4. The Taunt in Gauntlet is mag 4, and it's not variable. And it's not the pet's Gauntlet, the pet doesn't have that power. It's my Gauntlet. The game is applying it to the PPP pet because my character "owns" the pet. Like Rain of Arrows benefiting from Assault. The pet's threat is my threat, because the pet's damage is mine.
  5. All of them, yes. Reactive Defenses did cease granting set bonuses at that level. Synapse's Shock, Power Transfer, Sudden Acceleration and Bombardment, however, continued granting bonuses when exemplared below their minimum slotting level. All sets created recently. I'm guessing that Artillery will display the same behavior. Probably Experienced Marksman, too, but given that it can be slotted at level 7, it's probably moot.
  6. What? Fucking what? How, by any logic or reasoning, could it possibly be a good idea to allow a PPP pet with no Defense, token Resistance to two damage types, the hit points of a naked squishie, and exactly one mitigation power on a 50 minute recharge timer (why it needs to be that long, when the pet has a 4 minute duration, i can't even begin to imagine), to taunt? I did expect, when I respeced into the pet, to have to put a little effort toward keeping it alive if I was going to use it. That I would occasionally have to peel aggro off of it, to guard and protect it to some extent... This isn't a little effort, it's a 4 minute fight against myself. A dick measuring contest in which I'm the only participant, and I'm fucking losing. I understand that it's simply inheriting the effect from the character, but I don't understand why it was ever allowed. Is this an oversight, or a deliberate and malicious decision to allow PPP pets to function in a manner which is obviously detrimental, as a means of imposing a (poorly devised) limitation by ensuring that the pets would die seconds after being summoned, instead of, oh, I don't know, altering the scalars/modifiers? 😠
  7. Sounds similar to The Thirteenth Floor.
  8. >.> <.< *clicks that Claim button once, just in case*
  9. I poached her left-over funds for another character some time ago, after I'd purpled her out (how do you think i'm sitting at 235% global +Recharge?), and stopped playing her until I can figure out how to make a set of rolling chat binds for Phantom Army. That's my latest 50's stockpile (what's left after purpling). Feel better?
  10. The wiki is definitely wrong about the amount of XP required per vet level. I just hit vet level 2 on this character.
  11. It's primarily min/maxing, but it can be useful from a casual approach. Dropping a few boosters in the right places can help get you over an endurance management hump, for example, or give you enough extra slots to take and use an "I just want this because it's fun" power that you otherwise would've skipped due to lack of slots for it.
  12. None of the sets I've shown to be behaving abnormally are on that list. Power Transfer, Synapse's Shock, Reactive Defenses, etc., not there. Might be a different bug.
  13. All IOs can be boosted if they're not attuned, and the only IOs attuned by default are ATOs and Winter IOs. I typically boost the */End (Dam/End, Hold/End, Confuse/End, et cetera) purple IO when I'm slotting purple sets, because I also typically only slot 5/6 of those sets, leaving out the single-attrib IO, so boosting that */End IO red-lines the primary attrib and improves endurance management. That works because purples function identically to attuned IOs without requiring the attunement process or locking out boosters. No loss, all gain. PvP sets function that way, too, so they can be boosted if you're not using them as attuned sets. Otherwise, I do skip boosting unless it's common IOs or franken-slotted/single-slotted IOs (such as an End/Run in Sprint, or three Def/End in a Defense power), because I prefer attuned IO sets (really makes the leveling process so much less frustrating than it ever was in the past).
  14. There's nothing that has to be done once per day, or several times per day. Nothing. You can, if you prefer, run almost anything as many times as you want, as often as you want. The only restrictions are in a diminishing returns approach to the reward system in certain content, such as Task/Strike Forces or Incarnate story arcs when selecting the merit reward (you can receive the full merit reward for the restricted content once every 20 hours. running the content again when less than 20 hours has elapsed results in half the reward. this restriction is not global, so you could run every Task/Strike Force once in a 20 hour period and receive the full merit reward for each, for example). But grinding a limited content set isn't a requirement. The game practically dumps rewards in your lap anyway. Regardless of what you want to acquire, it can be obtained through casual play. Enjoy the ride, the game will reward you handsomely for it.
  15. It was sped up recently. 5x boosting takes about as long as 1x used to take. Click click click click click done.
  16. That's the second time someone's made an assertion of this nature (the first being the claim that Infiltration was "unpopular", despite no stats being presented to support that claim). I'm going to have to insist on seeing a data source this time.
  17. Irradiated Ground has a 5s activation period listed, but it spawns a pseudo-pet with a 2s activation period. The pseudo-pet has a self-destruct at 10s, so... fucked if I know how it works. @oedipus_tex could untangle it. It does look like it has regular hit checks, but the hit rolls might be showing in the pet hit rolls channel, not the regular hit rolls channel. Radiation Therapy has a base 3.0 hit chance, meaning 225% base accuracy, so no, it doesn't seem to need Accuracy. Freezing Rain can miss, but it has a sizeable Defense debuff. That helps quite a bit.
  18. I missed the ToHit note at the end of the line pertaining to Defense. It happens. I pre-emptively dealt with by linking the relevant data so if I did miss something, the person asking the question could find it for him/herself. I also noted, in my response, that what the power did in regard to endurance wasn't specific, and included modification in the possible effects. Last time I checked, draining endurance fell under endurance modification. So no, I didn't spread misinformation.
  19. https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=blaster_support.energy_manipulation.power_boost https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=epic.mastermind_mace_mastery.power_boost https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=epic.primal_forces_mastery.power_boost&at=controller https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=epic.corruptor_soul_mastery.power_boost https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=epic.power_mastery.power_build_up https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=dominator_assault.earth_assault.power_boost&at=dominator Heal/absorb, mez, endurance (reduction, possibly modification, maybe also discount, it's not specific) and all Defense types. Power Build Up and Power Up (there are two other dominator Assault sets with Power Up) also buff running and flight speeds, and damage. None affect any debuffs in any way, none buff Resistance, none buff any buffs not specifically flagged (such as Recharge Reduction or Jumping Speed)... but there are occasionally unexpected interactions between powers and enhancements (for example, Accelerate Metabolism has no +Fly, but slotting it with Universal Travel IOs gives it a flight speed buff), so it's possible that someone could find some unintended use of Power Boost and its derivations.
  20. The Synapse Shock set has a listed minimum level of 18, but I continued to receive the set bonuses when exemplared down to level 15. This set was slotted in a power taken at level 44 on the character tested. The Power Transfer set has a listed minimum level of 18, but I continued to receive the set bonuses when exemplared down to level 15. This set was slotted in powers taken at levels 2 and 4 on the character tested. The Reactive Defenses set has a listed minimum level of 17, but the set bonuses were lost when exemplared down to level 15. This set was slotted in a power taken at level 1 on the character tested. The Unbreakable Guard set has a listed minimum level of 17, but the set bonuses were lost when exemplaring down to level 15. This set was slotted in a power taken at level 14 on the character tested. The Preventative Medicine set lists a minimum level of 17, but the set bonuses were lost when exemplaring down to level 15. This set was slotted in a power taken at level 16 on the character tested. The Sudden Acceleration set lists a minimum level of 18, but I continued to receive the set bonuses when exemplared down to level 15. This set was slotted in a power taken at level 6 on the character tested. The Guassian's Synchronized Fire Control set lists a minimum level of 17, but the set bonuses were lost when exemplaring down to level 15. This set was slotted in a power taken at level 8 on the character tested. The Bombardment set lists a minimum level of 27, but I continued to receive the set bonuses when exemplared down to level 15. This set was slotted in powers taken at levels 35 and 38 on the character tested. All of the testing was conducted with attuned IOs. This isn't an exhaustive list, obviously, but it is indicative of a trend. The HC-added sets I tested (Bombardment, Power Transfer, Synapse's Shock and Sudden Acceleration) are continuing to grant set bonuses below their minimum level, while older sets are not, despite having a lower minimum level.
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