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Everything posted by Luminara

  1. I haven't forgotten how long it took to hit 50 on the original servers. What takes a few weeks, solo and without the 2XP option, used to take several months of teaming and grinding. Story arcs, badge missions, entire zones we once relied upon to keep progressing are now leapfrogged, out-leveled before we even realize they're available. I haven't forgotten what a monumental task acquiring IO sets used to be. If you weren't firmly entrenched in marketeering and actively defending your "niche"; or aggressively farming, to the degree of spending as much time doing that as you spent working at your real job; or suffused with influence you acquired before aggro and AoE caps were implemented; or just the luckiest son of a bitch alive, chortling as high value drop after high value drop landed in your lap; then you spent the same amount of time grinding for inf* to make nifty IOs for your 50 that you spent leveling to 50. I haven't forgotten that one of the tipping points for my decision to stop playing was the lack of solo Incarnate growth options. When Issue 19 went into beta, I ran the numbers to figure out how long it would take to build a T4 Alpha enhancement using only shards. 7-8 months, and that was on a character built to farm rapidly at +2/x6/+Bosses. 7-8 months of unrelenting grinding to complete one Incarnate slot, as opposed to a few hours of casual play now. I'm satisfied with current reward structure. I'd expound on how satisfied I am, but the forum software would throw my post back at me and scream before I ran out of adjectives.
  2. The 5- and 6-slot IO set bonuses are almost always positional/typed Defense. Typed/positional Defense bonuses traditionally fill the 3- and 4-slot positions (2 for Basilisk's Gaze), and many of those are neither rarely used nor trash (Aegis, Reactive Armor, Thunderstrike, Basilisk's Gaze, Blessing of the Zephyr, Sting of the Manticore, to list a few). You don't "have to" slot full IO sets.
  3. How much Defense does that character have? Were you using Weaken and Venomous Gas? How do you have those two powers slotted?
  4. With an option to turn it off. The first time I step outside of a mission door and experience Jaegerlag, someone's getting a boot in the caboose.
  5. Well, Jessica doesn't like Bunny. And May hates Bunny. Until a few days ago, Bunny was becoming more and more antagonistic toward May. May would hiss, Bunny would stop what she was doing and walk right up to May, stand there, ears perked forward... she was saying, "Okay, bad-ass, do it." That sent May into paroxysms of hiss-snorts, and, not knowing what was happening, I assumed May was just being her usual nasty self (she just doesn't like any other cat. she's okay with Jessica, but she loses it when she hears or sees one of the outside cats), and I'd yell or stomp a foot to break it up. It wasn't until I saw Bunny standing up to May that I understood the situation, and by then, May was constipated. Poor thing was stopped up for three days and in serious pain. She did, finally, loosen up and do her business, and I've been actively moving Bunny away from her to prevent any further confrontations. But I have to say, I really like the way Bunny handles herself. She could've responded in kind, but she didn't. She could've turned aggressive and attacked, but, again, she didn't. She turned around and told the bully to step up or shut up. This is definitely my kind of cat. Other than me being her only friend, she's great. She's grown nicely, she's highly active and very affectionate. Loves to play by herself, loves to play with me (favorite game is pretending my hand is a kitty her size. lots of jumping and faux attacking... she never uses her claws on me, though. she's very careful not to hurt me). She did, though, bring friends with her. Ear mites and fleas. The mites were "easy" to deal with, bought some pyrethrin and aloe drops and treated her daily for a week, then one more time a week later. The fleas... I don't have carpets, but they didn't take long to spread, so all of the cats are wearing Seresto collars now. Expensive, cut into my freezer and new bike budgets, but we're getting them under control now. On another front, about a year ago, a cat showed up at the farm where I earn a little money on Mondays and Tuesdays. I convinced the farmer to keep her around... his wife has Alzheimer's, and I've watched her deteriorate over the last five years. Two years ago, she lost any ability to hold a conversation, and she's all this old man has for company. They used to do everything together, now... well, I figured he was pretty lonely and a cat is always good company. I was also hoping it would provide some stimulation for the wife. I know she can't remember anything past three seconds, but endorphins leave a lasting effect and, again, cats are good for that. Anyway, that cat was pregnant, delivered three kittens. Farmer gave away one, the other two, both female, settled in. Farmer wasn't thrilled about having three cats (wasn't thrilled about having one, actually), but allowed them to stick around. Then more pregnancies (all of the kittens disappeared), and he started to really become upset. So a couple of weeks ago, I rehomed all three to my cabin. They're outside cats, so they're perfectly comfortable being out there... Two of them, the original and one of the younger ones, each had a kitten that I almost missed. The first was one of the younger cat's litter, the only one that hadn't run off or... whatever happened to the others. I trapped that one a couple of days after rehoming the three and brought her out here to be with her mama. This past weekend, I took her to a forever home, so she's fine. The second kitten... that was almost my worst nightmare come true. I didn't find her until a week after rehoming the three, and she wasn't old enough to eat solid food. She starved for a week. I was in tears when I picked her up, listening to her screams of hunger and fear. Rushed home immediately and reunited her with her mother, then rushed to the nearest vet, 30 miles away, and bought kitten milk replacement because I figured mama had probably stopped producing after a week with nothing nursing. I stopped on the way back to buy a tiny bottle and sloshed together a milk solution as soon as I returned. This was my first experience bottle-feeding anything, but we figured it out together. That was a week ago. Little Violette is doing very well. I didn't wait for her to tell me her name, I chose Violette for her. Violette Szabo is a WWII personage who fascinated me, and I thought the name appropriate for a kitten who almost died (my fault, i'm going to be beating myself up for this for years). Of course, this rabbit hole goes deeper. A day after I brought Violette to the cabin, one of the younger cats had a litter of five kittens. Two cinnamon buns, one tuxedo, one that looks very much like the litter's mother, and that magnificent little one at the 9 o'clock position is... wow. Black mask, fade pattern cape, have to love that. People always say that cats aren't social, they're completely independent, blah blah blah. Completely untrue. Violette's mother, Naomi, is actively helping this one, Emily, raise her litter. She's wet-nursing, she's staying in the box to help keep the kittens warm, she's even going full-on bulldog, charging out of the box and ready to rumble if she hears or sees anything she considers threatening. The third of the cats I brought home is Sara, by the way. Sara's kitten was the one I trapped and gave to a very appreciative woman who worked at the store where I bought the tiny baby bottle. All three of these cats have always been mine, in the sense that they come to me for affection, attention, food and companionship. Bringing them back to the cabin was a long overdue move. Of course, this means Camille, Arthur, Madeline and Jacob don't come around any more. It breaks my heart, because I really do love those cats, too... But Bunny's sister, Bonnie, decided to live here, and the trio leave her alone, so I still have one of that family as part of my family. So Violette has three mothers now, and she's thriving. Emily treated her like one of her litter, including nursing her, so my bottle-feeding duties weren't as intense as I expected. She's bonded with me, though, and is starting to try to get out of the box when she sees or hears me. She wants me to pick her up. The last kitten who wanted me to pick it up was Ivan, and he never out-grew that in the 17 years we had together... yeah, I'm already fighting an attachment to Violette. At some point, I have to take Naomi, Emily, Sara and Bonnie to be spayed... don't know where I'll come up with the cash for that yet, but I'll figure it out. And all of the kittens are going to need homes, including Violette (i just can't have four cats inside, no matter how much i want to keep Violette, and as sad as i'll be when i give her away, i'd rather see her go to a good home than grow up living under my cabin). Naomi, Emily, Sara and Bonnie won't be leaving, they're mine. It's been a hell of a couple of weeks, and I'm definitely worried about the future with this many cats, but right now, they're all happy and healthy, and I'm delirious with joy. I love cats, and I have a lot to love now. And cat food is cheap.
  6. CoD has both. Go to the Homecoming_blahblahnumbernumber line in the top right hand of the page and click it to toggle between live and test data. Makes comparisons easy peasy dirty sleazy.
  7. The only Council Vampyr power affected was Gravity Well, which lost its Smashing tag. And doesn't debuff ToHit. Found that Vamps' Shadow Punch lost its Smashing Tag. The only Fortunata power altered was Telekinetic Blast... which had its Psionic tag removed, not the Smashing tag. You might want to run your tests again, since the results you posted can't be the result the damage type changes.
  8. Why are you laughing? I'm serious. A good thesaurus is the best name generator in the world. It's also Viagra for your lexicon.
  9. https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus
  10. A few lines of code to divide the power's recharge time by animation time and pass that value to the suppression timer as scale X duration expression? Just a thought.
  11. Tyrant's not accepting your calls, @The_Warpact. He said it's over and you should move on. Also, Lady Grey said Hero One doesn't want to date you, either. I hear Terra's single, though. And... "easy", if you get my drift.
  12. Already in the game. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Sidekick Critter level is the determinant. As long as the critter cons green or better (no less than -3 to the character) and has purples in its drop table (nominally level 47 or higher), the character can receive purples even if that character is a level 1 sidekicked up.
  13. The game actually does go boom if those restrictions are removed. Real boom, not just "aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh my character's lips turned into an anus" or "ZOMG why am I shooting lasers from my crotch". No starty, no worky boom.
  14. Three pools for keeping the damage at bay, Three for the origins writ in stone, Five for travel powers, helping us save the day, And one for use when not alone In the City of Heroes where we come to play. One rule to guide them all, one rule behind them, One rule to equalize and in the game bind them. In the City of Heroes where we come to play.
  15. It's not a warning. The mission briefing is giving them permission to be there. That little window is colluding with the Council. Arrest the text.
  16. I captured a short video of my one attempt to solo it.
  17. TP Target. Fold Space. PBAoEs. Location-targeted AoEs. Pets. Henches. It's statistically unlikely that no-one on the team has any of those, even at low levels, and equally unlikely that only one person has any of them. I play solo and I still manage to deal with stuck critters rapidly and without undue stress, using the existing options. Ah, so this isn't actually a suggestion to alleviate a problem, it's a blatant attempt to kick power creep so high, by Fold Space available without the power selection cost or slot cost, that the game shits itself to death. So not happening.
  18. Regen was fixed a long time ago, just like my cats.
  19. Terrain deformation so the wall is destroyed or damaged when something hits it, thus removing the geometry in which critters can become stuck. But that would require an engine overhaul, if not replacement. So... Pseudo-pets interspersed behind walls and above ceilings, each with a pulsing low magnitude Repel PBAoE. If anything goes deep enough into a wall to become stuck, the pseudo-pets push it back into the proper geometry. That would be the immediately possible solution. Bit of work placing the pseudo-pets manually in every map, but one of the HC team could probably whip up an alteration to the bacon system to automatically place the pseudo-pets.
  20. The shape of the knife, the mass, whether it has a haft or is bare tang, whether there's a hilt, a number of variables affect the final outcome to some degree, but those are actually very small, and the knife will still transmit almost all of its force to the target on impact. Knives, even throwing knives, aren't designed to pass through, they're designed to penetrate, and there is a difference between penetration and pass-through. Even if your knife is perfectly straight and razor honed, the rotational force it experiences upon being thrown is sufficient to ensure that it will never pass through a target, so, again, almost all of the force will be transmitted to the target. A knife is not an arrow, it doesn't move like an arrow, it doesn't experience the same forces that an arrow does, and it doesn't behave like an arrow in flight or on impact. Whether that would be sufficient to knock a target down would depend on the target's mass, center of gravity, posture and what the target is wearing (multiple layers of heavy fabric would absorb and spread much of the force, for instance). I don't know how much force is required to knock an average human down, so I can't answer any more fully than that. Fascination with forensics and interest in various weaponry. Yes, I am a nerd.
  21. Force = mass * acceleration. The fastest recorded pitch was clocked at 105 mph, and your super-powered Bill Z Cuisinart is swinging his arms at double that acceleration, minimum, creating tremendous force. Stand next to a highway when an eighteen wheeler is driving past at 75 mph, the wind from that vehicle will transmit some of the force generated by the vehicle's mass and acceleration. Same principle applies here. Science, Captain Slapchop!
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