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Everything posted by The_Warpact

  1. Hand clap...it needs to be a stun/kb dmg power. Really any powers like that, its a stun but there is concussion associated with it and that is smashing dmg or at least should be. Honestly now that I think about it this thread delves more into crappy powers and how they can be better, more of a Suggestion thread thing.
  2. I say this all the time. Let me do my special forum power!
  3. My demon/ea is a murderous mofo...I can throw it at anything and the only thing left is smoldering chunks of meat seared in hellfire.
  4. Well Mercy was a nice place until Longbow started their criminal invasion and through their war crimes have decimated large portions of this once beautiful area. Port Oakes isn't bad its a nice port town, with local sport venues, and a wonderful business district. Cap is a technological wonder, with a small town charm, a port, and a university. Sharkhead is a large Port and mining operation with row houses for the local workers. Nerve once again would be nice a series of Ports and tourist Isles but Longbow continued military incursions should be brought before the UN. St. Martial is a lovely tourist destination with casinos, resorts, and some Ports. Grandville is the seat of power for Arachnos and is largely a military installation. If the unsanctioned invasion of Longbow would cease, the Rogue Isles would be a great tourist and business destination. Unlike Paragon City which has large swaths of the city uninhabitable from the continued "hero" elements which causes untold loss of life and billions of dollars in damage, a few areas slipping into other dimensions, and some of the most dangerous creatures and criminal elements assaulting everyday citizens. The "Rogue Isles" are a paradise.
  5. Yeah once I hit that area, I'm moving onto patron arcs.
  6. I don't know what missions/arcs your playing but I'm lvling up a toon in the mid 30s right now and I've had 2 missions that I've to zone hop so far. Von Grunn is the only contact that does that to my knowledge because its a rarity it stands out.
  7. The_Warpact

    Regen Tanker

    Two suck sets...is his name Massive Suck? Its like a Spaceballs reference.
  8. Mine are actions. 1. Posting a link to the correct section of the forum where your thread goes. 2. Report: informing some poor GM that some forum n00b posted shit in the wrong spot.
  9. Something is going on, every person on my team noticed lag, rubber banding, jumps in animations, slow load times, etc.
  10. Unfortunately because of work I haven't had that much time to play.
  11. https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Villain_Story_Arcs
  12. https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Hero_Story_Arcs
  13. you've sussed out that I'm on cold medicine, @Troo what is it loaded with codeine?! 1 toon at 47...Insanity!
  14. Suggest something that's bat shit crazy like Troo, and I'll write you a 'script too.
  15. I refuse to play your sick game...1 character only till 47??? You need help, serious professional help and lots of meds.
  16. Quit being cheap and just buy them at over inflated prices. 😉
  17. So on my end why I favor tanks is because, I am on small teams 3-4 max running higher difficulty. Hence I need that, "hey bad guys pay attention to me" and not the fenders or trollers. If I was on larger teams spread out then I would make killing a priority and go broot or scrapper.
  18. Why isn't this in the Mids forum? Just kidding... Not really 🙂
  19. I had basically the same conversation with a VGmate last night when I rolled my SD/EM tanker. He hates tanks to no end, I explained to him while a broot is fun, it doesn't have the it can't be killed aspect in higher difficulty situations without a ton of min/max which leads to making sacrifices in the build somewhere. In addition like @Omega Force said AAO doesn't react well with fury. While I have never personally tested it, it would explain some issues I had on a Elec/SD broot that I eventually deleted because scrapper/stalker were far superior. Tanks have gotten very close to broots in the dmg department and I find that the only broots I have left are my farmers. While the AT is fun, I think with changes made to other melee ATs make them less desirable now. I do agree with @Troo that on a tank they are better on a team, and broots are very fun solo. But, once you get to the upper levels broots lose their luster. This is my opinion.
  20. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/12-help-amp-support/
  21. So was thinking or rolling a EM/Inv or a EM/SD, but, should it be a tank or a broot? I love the I just cannot die aspect of a tank but, does the dmg hold up to what a broot can do? I dont want to make a tank that can keep on rolling but takes a year to kill a boss. Thought?
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