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Everything posted by Hexquisite

  1. I slot right away. Literally. In the tutorial, I grab all five "prestige enhancements" from the p2w vendor, along with the other usual stuff, and slot right there. As I level, I generally follow the method @Coyotedancer described. What I can afford/whatever drops, sell what I can't use. Every new character gets 5 million starting inf, with which they have to make their own fortune. This also lets them slot without having to worry for the perfect drops. DOs as soon as I can use them, SOs as soon as I can use them. Around the thirties, if a character makes it that far (many do not ) I start working out a final build, and I start buying for it.
  2. Oh, jeeze. . . alright, I realize most of these are portmanteaus, rather than outright puns, but that still totally counts. Also, this isn't all of them. These are just the ones I remember off the top of my head without opening the game. Clearly, I have a problem. Hexquisite Psi Melee/Invuln Brute. My love, my darling, my main, my first and so far only 50. Former actress, current witch, far too complex to summarize here. Spellegance Willpower/Dark Melee Tanker Hexquisite's probably-insane Praetorian double. Sacrificed portions of her soul to excise her inborn psychic power and avoid Mother Mayhem. Praetoria was so dull, and this new world is so rich with opportunity for those with the will to take it. . . Delights in chaos, discord, and manipulation. For her own benefit, and for the lulz. Hex Pistols Dual Pistols/Time Defender. Hexquisite's time-and-dimension displaced double from a magical western timeline. Occultrasonic Sonic/Sonic Defender. An exceptionally elegant villain, who sacrificed her eyes in exchange for power. Loves the finer things in life - fine food, high fashion, the deaths of those that wrong her. Mass Hysteria Grav/Earth Dominator. Bwaahahahaha! Look at 'em run! A sadistic woman who's really only in it for the joy of tormenting others. Paralethal Rad/Sonic Defender They set out to make an AI that would provide a fair, unbiased interpretation of the law. They got a psychotic robot lawyer. So close. Thrillectrical Elec/Martial Dominator. What? An electric speedster? CRAZY. A thrill-seeking former inter-dimensional pirate who was caught, and sentenced to hero work in Paragon as community service. Lassphyxiate Widow A young woman who's mutation causes her to produce her own unique poison. Arachnos was quite interested. Anarchcutie Thugs/Sonic Mastermind A violent revolutionary, set out to bring the status quo to it's knees, curbstomp it, and free the people from the shackles of corrupt, self-serving tyrannical governments. She refuses to stand at the sidelines as her comrades fight, joining them in every action. She is not the leader, she's one of them, one more voice. Cloverwhelm Plant/Earth Dominator Of course Cole tried to find some way to control the Devouring Earth. Of course it failed. Of course an innocent young woman was forever altered by it. What? She hears voices? That can't be Hamido- Charmageddon Fire/Fire Blaster A social media-obsessed pyromaniac who uploads video of her fiery assaults to YouTube, takes selfies with the charred-out husks of her enemies, and Instagrams her handiwork as it burns to the ground. Some people just want to watch the world burn. Others want to set up a livestream so everyone can enjoy. Severvescent Dual Blades/Willpower Scrapper As deadly as she is lovely. She just wants to see your inner beauty. . .
  3. People who use TT without announcing it first. It's very disorienting to be flying along to the next mission, and then all of a sudden you're flying into a wall.
  4. For PvP, if I have to go into a PvP zone for badges or other reasons, as soon as I enter, I hit Broadcast and just say, “Only here for badges! Please don’t attack!” I usually get a few people who acknowledge this, so I think many are used to it. Then I proceed to actively avoid anyone else in the zone. If anyone comes close, I repeat my message in Local. Thankfully, the majority of players are cool, and I haven’t been bothered.
  5. I primarily solo, although I’ve recently gotten into making a duo or trio with a few friends when the mood strikes us. Those characters, I almost feel weird playing without the others. Either way, I love doing story arcs. Reading through everything, trying to see if I can piece together the ending in particularly well-written ones. I love most the ones that require my character to make a choice, as I love to see what direction they take. With the exception of characters made for duos or trios, I try to solo the first ten levels on any new character. It helps me find their voice and their personality, and just let me know if I actually find them fun to play. After that, I still primarily solo, but will pop onto a team if the mood and the right offer strike me. Always, though, I tend to play aggressive. No matter the AT, I like to get in the fray. I build for dealing out damage, but more often for being able to take as much damage as I can. This works better on some ATs than on others, and I’m forced to adjust how I’m aggressive. But I can seem to shake my confrontational nature. . .
  6. That’s in combat. I expect to be hit by fists or flames or various effects while in combat. That’s completely misrepresenting the issue. Really, if I have to explain why sexual harassment, even if it’s “only virtual” is horrible behavior and concerning, then I don’t think I can explain it in a way that you will understand.
  7. When they come up to you, and are shorter than you, or you're higher up, so that the slap is specifically against your toon's ass, it's rude, creepy, and objectifying. When they continue to do it after you ask them to stop, it's harassment. This is often accompanied by crude and objectifying language, and if someone can't understand why this is an offense I feel should be reported, then I don't know how to explain it to them. I don't tolerate it in real life, and I won't tolerate it in a game, even if the ass and the slapping hand are 'just pixels'.
  8. If I’m on a team with them, then by all means, buff me up. But if I am, like @Darknebladesaid, minding my own business, or engaged in active RP in a public area, and someone just starts throwing buffs around... that’s just rude. And serves no purpose. I’m not in combat, they aren’t in combat, nobody is in combat.
  9. I’ve been playing since City of Villains went live, and I still don’t know what zones connect to what zones. I am notoriously bad at maps. This has turned into a running gag on one character, who will frequently post to SuperGroup chat the simple message, “. . .I got lost. . .”
  10. Thankfully uncommon, but common enough that I felt it worth bringing up. Sometimes it a friend trying to be funny, and I can shut it down quickly. More often, it’s someone I don’t know, and it’s harder to make them stop. People are lucky I can’t punch them through the Internet. Yet.
  11. First, apologies if what I said came across wrong. My biggest pet peeve in ANY game is people claiming there’s a “right way” to play. I wasn’t trying to imply that, merely express that I don’t understand that particular method. And I get annoyed when I can understand something. Any way people choose to play is the right way, provided they aren’t intentionally being an ass to other players. I’ve run it hundreds of times. For me, it doesn’t take long, and it’s important to the beginning of a characters story. Some of it is drudgery, but that’s where the story comes in. I like to see how the character reacts to these situations. Will they be the type of kill Aaron Thierry, or are they the type to arrest him and let him live with what he’s done? Will they prefer to work with Burke the Merc, or allow themselves to be a pawn of Arachnos? I can’t get into a character if I can’t feel their personality, and to feel their personality, I need to run them through story content. I can understand that. I just -personally- can’t see how those characters can be considered finished. But, that is entirely a matter of perception. I know plenty of players who have fully developed characters that were power leveled through AE. I don’t know how they manage it, but they do. It simply isn’t how my brain works. Not wanting to build a characters story is another thing my brain can’t quite grasp, because my brain just does it without my prompting. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I even realized not everyone had a narrative running through their heads as they played. See, this doesn’t cause my peeve to flare up. You are still doing the work. Still actively playing the game. So, don’t have so much an “issue” with that. And I do get it. Sometimes, I like spending hours crafting and buying and flipping enhancements. It’s mindless, almost zen-like, and sometimes exactly what I need after a long day. I can see farming being the same kind of thing. Again, I never meant to imply it was wrong. Pet peeves don’t have to make sense, and they don’t need to be logical. I don’t intend to shame anyone for power leveling through farms, so if it came across that way, I apologize. If it makes you happy, then I’m all for it. I just politely turn down invites to join a farm, and happily go run story content. I just don’t get it. But like I said before, I don’t get why people enjoy watching other people play sports. I also don’t get algebra. There are a lot of things I don’t get in this world. That doesn’t mean I think they’re wrong, or don’t accept them. Just a pet peeve, and one that ranks below fire farmers who don’t turn off the shooting spikes and fiery pulse when outside the farm, masterminds who ALWAYS have all of their pets out, and people I don’t know who send me group invites without asking.
  12. Aww, thank you! This is definitely NOT a pet peeve of mine - people complimenting me on my name, look, or bio in game. Never apologize for interrupting anything when you send that tell. ^_^ The LFG spam doesn't bother me, cause I can just ignore LFG. Until it ceases to be in LFG. When you're spamming General, Help, Local, Broadcast, etc, with 'lvl12 Scrapper lfg,' that's when I get annoyed. When you keep doing it after people point you to the correct channel, I get peeved. This really applies to anyone who spams any channel with anything, even when it's appropriate to the channel. It's a bit different when there's no active discussion going on in said channel, but when there is, and it keeps getting interrupted by people announcing a Mothership Raid or This Specific Club is Open Tonight, that's really annoying. And since other people brought the thing I wouldn't bring up earlier, I guess I can too. AE powerleveling. I know, and agree, that farming is a legit way to play, even if it's not one I prefer. No issue with that. I also agree that powerleveling a character through an AE farm is . . . no, I can't say that's fine, because I honestly don't believe it. How is that fun for you?! I've tried for months to understand, and I just can't wrap my head around it! As much as the repetitive DFB -> Radios -> PI Council Teams method of quick leveling some people use annoys me, and the very thought of it bores me to try, at least they are actively engaged in content. Sitting on someone else's farm. . . I mean, I shouldn't let this annoy me. But it does. Because I simply do not understand that mindset. I like to earn my levels, get that feeling of accomplishment when I see that bright golden flash. . . how do you build the character's story by sitting in a farm for fifty levels? How?! I don't get it. And I think it's the not getting it that annoys me, and makes this into a peeve. Of course, I also don't understand why people sit and watch other people play sports, so. . . Okay, I was mostly with you until this bit here. By this reasoning, I spent a grand total of about eight hours actually playing during the six years I was on live. It means I've spent maybe ten hours playing Guild Wars 2, and despite a year and a half on SWToR, I've never actually played it for a single minute. Which, I suppose, is another pet peeve of mine, albeit one that I don't encounter often. People who deride solo play. I don't mind teaming, especially in CoH, but most of the time, I don't want to deal with people. In most MMOs, this is because most people are asshats. On CoH, it may be that I'm just not feeling social, or would prefer to experience the story in a mission arc than simply steamroll through it, or don't want to deal with people having to drop out after a few missions and then finding replacements for them. But regardless of the reason, I am a soloist at heart. ALSO! Boys, do not go around emote-slapping female toon's asses! It's rude, it's sexist, it's downright creepy, and you are not being funny. You are being reported, however. Edit to add: Or anyone’s ass, regardless of gender. Ass-slapping should be consensual between all parties.
  13. This, so much. Any toggle with a visible pulse or similar effect does not need to be on all the time. In that same vein. . . Masterminds, you don't need ALL of your pets with you EVERYWHERE you go. My other pet peeve is probably one I shouldn't say, since it would likely annoy a lot of people. . .
  14. It's not running away. It's 'strategic withdrawal.'
  15. If it makes you feel better, I could go back and unlike some things you said...
  16. Every toon gets 10 million starting inf. Then they gotta start earning on their own. The 10 mm is basically to fund basic TO's, DO's, and SO's for the first thirty levels, and give them starting capital to begin market play. I don't plan out my builds in advance, because I don't ever know if a character is going to grab me. I have dozens of alts sitting in the single digits because they just don't interest me enough to play on the regular. If they make it to 25, then I start considering a final build for them (and by 'I start considering,' I mean I 'ask people who are smarter than me what they would do') and begin work building funds toward it. I don't build cheap. Any of my toons that makes it to 50, deserves to be treated like a queen and lavished with only the finest.
  17. Through absolutely no effort on my part ( my effort was nerfed long ago ), I have been steadily maintaining a nice double rep-to-post ratio. Probably because I don't post often. I imagine people would be less amused/impressed with me if I talked more.
  18. Unless you can be a Bender. Then, always be a Bender.
  19. First, define your rules early, and what style of pacifism your character is practicing, and stick to it. Arguments could be made that buffing your allies so they can do more damage would be anti-pacifistic by enabling them to better harm others, as well as not preventing people from doing violence to begin with. That's lame, and would make people hate you, so I'd avoid that. Basically, don't be Vash the Stampede. Second, if you're RPing this character, also figure out why they eschew violence, and if there is any situation where they might be forced into action. Everyone, even pacifists, have their limits. The Doctor rejects violence whenever possible, preferring to solve problems through being clever. But when he (10th Doctor, if I'm remembering correctly) heard the Master was back, the first thing he did was reach for a gun. Third, powers . . . the only ones that come to mind are a Defender who doesn't use their secondary, a Controller with as little damage in the primary as possible, or a Mastermind who either orders their pets don't attack unless the MM is attacked first, or is completely petless, using only their secondary. Of these three, Controller seems most likely to accomplish your goals, and I don't know enough about the AT to suggest powers. And finally, if you're on Everlasting and need a team, hit me up. Provided you don't simply stand there doing absolutely nothing, I'm always willing to help people try out new and interesting ways of playing the game. 😄
  20. Off the top of my head... •StJ/SR scrapper and Kin/DP defender. A pair of aliens from rival species, both pretending to be human, not really pulling it off, but don’t realize how bad they are at faking it because both are completely unaware the other isn’t human. Partners in some way - cops, lawyers, whatever. • War Mace/Rad brute, using a pipe wrench. Staff/Electric stalker with a pipe. Plumbers, taking it upon themselves to fix the clogs in the justice system! They’ll be there to save you, some time between 10 and 5. • Sonic/Mental blaster and Thugs/electrical mastermind. A pair of washed up rockers hoping to reignite their careers through superheroics. The thugs are either their loyal roadies, or a documentary crew filming their efforts and hopeful rise to the top. Edit to add: Of course, powers and ATs would be up to you. I just offered up the ones that came to mind with the concepts. Plenty of other options I’m certain would fit. ^_^
  21. I seem to be in a minority here. . . I like that you have to unlock them by playing through an arc. I wish the epic pools were the same way. Honestly, I wish there were more things you had to unlock through actually playing content. Thematically, it can be frustrating to have a hero go redside just to get that last bit you need for their build. I plan this in advance, though. Through RP, both with people and just in my own head, they start heading down a darker path. Start wondering if they can truly be effective operating entirely within the law. Or they start planning a covert mission into Arachnos territory, and must get in the good graces of one of the Patrons to get what they need. Once, on live, I planned out an entire redemption arc with a friend's villain toon ( one of the very few I had during live; I was very much a soloist then, and quite antisocial) that also coincided with me getting the Patron pool I needed. Great fun, that was. And, if I can't justify it in character, I just don't do it. Character and theme override raw power for me, always. I recently ran Ghost Widow's arc on one of my stalkers, Queen Raccoon, but since none of the patrons actually fit Queen's theme, I spent the levels before that RPing that she was stealing Tsoo ink every time she fought them, with plans to give herself a mystical tattoo. This tattoo is what grants her the Soul Mastery abilities. A bit of a stretch, but it made sense for the character. As for the pools themselves. . . not much to really say about them. Never taken Leviathan, because I've never had a character that it fit for. How good they are rarely matters to me, as mentioned above.
  22. Most compliments directed at me are more along the lines of my exceptionally clever names and amazing costumes. Aside from the previously mentioned obvious stunned silence that accompanies my phenomenal tanking, I don't get many compliments. And, of course, so many these days seem to think tanks unnecessary, when others have their own means to take the alpha, especially at higher levels. So when one does their job well, they barely notice, much less take the time to acknowledge it. Aside from that, I tend to play melee more than anything - and even when not melee, my natural instinct, no matter the AT, is to be aggressive and get right into the fray. A good tank lets me do that without dying too much. So, give thanks for your tanks, my lovelies. Some of your awesomeness is accomplished because you're still alive to be awesome. While I'm sure many of your realize it, there are many who don't.
  23. Nerf stern faces! Everyone should look friendly and approachable! In fact, nerf faces! We have far too many options.
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