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Cobalt Arachne

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Cobalt Arachne last won the day on August 29 2024

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About Cobalt Arachne

  • Birthday 03/29/1991

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  1. This is likely due to the method by which many mob support powers work, using a whitelist of allowed targets. Specifically, Heal Other is only allowed to be cast on a curated list of Cimeroran Traitor enemies, if they try to target anybody else (like a player) it will return invalid. In this specific case, it's to prevent them from healing Nictus Romulus in the finale mission on standard difficulty, as their heal hits for a base 50% of the target's max HP which would be really strong if used on an arch-villain.
  2. These are due to an extents issue in Atlas Park, and a mini map scale issue in Founder's Falls; Fixes to both are coming in the future.
  3. Sorry to punch a hole in the hyperbolic list that you made to make a point... But I'm the only dev who could've possibly said anything about the Labyrinth, and I can promise you that I never said this, because I actually like the suggestion and am considering adding it now that I've seen it. But the context that I'm seeing it makes me disappointed. It benefits nobody to pessimistically assume and spread misinformation.
  4. Sounds like another Devouring Earth misdeed... We'll deploy our strongest nature-relocating super gardeners to see if they can't convince the shrub to 'leaf' the area.
  5. It's not. Trackers can't be retroactive, as there's nothing recorded before the trackers are added.
  6. I have a fix for this in the works that should go out with the next Page update.
  7. I have a suspicion the reason she doesn't like that mission is because NPCs like to have doors to exit out of on both sides, and for the first couple of dimensional doors it's just one door, one way. I'll look into adding non-functional doors at the arrival points for her to emerge from and we'll see if she behaves better after that.
  8. Fixed up Summer Blockbuster (15-29), Kane's House of Horrors (15-29), and SSA 1.1 (10-20) incorrect level ranges.
  9. While I'm fixing this one, are there any other known LFG descriptions that have issues?
  10. This was probably just overlooked; I'll check on it. Update: Was overlooked; Fixed in a future patch.
  11. Happy Halloween! Here's to another fun-filled year of City of Heroes!
  12. This seems incorrect from what I'm seeing in the game's data; Red Cap transformations don't have any awareness for difficulty I can see, unless there's something hard coded that I'm unaware of. How they work: 1 in 7 chance per spawn group that a single Rascal minion will have RedCaps.Minion_Transform.Transformation which always spawns RedCaps_RedCap_Transformed_Lt 1 in 7 chance per spawn group that a single Hooligan LT will have RedCaps.Lt_Transform.Transformation which always spawns RedCaps_RedCap_Transformed_Boss The transformed Red Cap cannot transform a second time, something exclusive to Snaptooth.
  13. Bug that's already been fixed internally, hopefully we can deploy a hotfix to the Labyrinth zone soon.
  14. Our intention is to run the new Anniversary event each May and continue adding to it, so those badges will be available again next year. 🙂
  15. Some misunderstanding there on what's doing what... Atlas Park changes automatically when the server's calendar date rolls over into to October, it has nothing to do with the Halloween event running or not. We use a script to start the Halloween event after the first October maintenance, it doesn't activate at 00:00 of October 1st like Atlas does. This year things just happened to fall on the same day, but they are usually triggered independently. The special Halloween version of Atlas was designed to be Halloween themed, so it has spooky window swaps always on by default, because that version of Atlas Park only ever appears in October, no need for seasonal setups. However, for the rest of the game unfortunately, it does require manually patching. Specifically, a patch that uncomments this line from every single zone's scene file: #include scenes/includes/halloween.txt Edit: I'll ask our admins about it... But a longer-term solution is probably warranted, it's a very minor change that doesn't warrant two version builds, but was a charming part of the original event, and I agree, it is a bummer to see it missing.
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