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  1. Are u maybe currently in a blue side zone (no alignment change, just travelled there)? Cause then blue side tips are shown, the others arent gone just not showing, they will be back once u go back to a red side zone.
  2. Hunt Missions in General, they are so boring.
  3. Basically they use the same Graphics but not the same files, u have 2 copies of the Game now , each with his own files which are pretty much the same. But if File A is corrupt in HC , File A in Tequila is not, cause its a different copy of the same file.
  4. The mish is doing +0 even if set to -1 a pictue as example. Lvl 44 mish set to -1. i should NOT have lvl 45 Lieuts (orange) in it, 43 and 44 yes of course, but this is looking as it was set to +0 what is was not. To add the next big room had lvl 43 in it as it should, so its just single spawns like him that are wrong.
  5. the boundaries not counting right is an old bug from live, same with the Red Hat hunt later in the Progress of the Croatoa Storyline
  6. if u are exemplared (doing content below ur lvl) via ouro or TFs there wont be Enhancements dropping this is working as intendend.
  7. These shown are normal enhancement , they NOT meant for this. You can only Convert Crafted SET IO's.
  8. or just say "Gesundheit" cause for me it sounded like the second part of Hatschoo
  9. what i dont like is that they allowed now to tp the player around, nothing i hate more then not able to fully control the movement of my char.
  10. hm that seems not to happen to all of em, i had yesterday 3 time capsules fights on my lvl 11 controller and 2 of em was over in seconds. Maybe it depends on mob types used for it, one spawn was family, the 2nd was warriors, the 3rd one i didnt want to do, cause "riki" well damage resistance..... and by OP the family men with 68 HP seemed to be ok, the nemesis with over 300 naturally not.
  11. Well the wiki list it as 1st episode of who will die storyarc, it has a hero and a villain contact. So by what you was writing you basically ran the same storyarc twice just from different contacts but the system still says its the same WWD Episode 1. To test the waiting period u should run a really different SSA like as example Episode 2.
  12. And to add the wiki link is way outdated. HC unified the iXP there is no physical or psychical iXP. Theres no difference anymore no need to do special trials to gain the iXP for a certain slot. Unless HC missed something like a storyarc reward which maybe marine did as he exampled Number 6 Arc.
  13. yeah it happens on all powersets , not just limited to trigun, the rest yomo already said.
  14. it takes 10 days to fill it up , 1 bar of patrol XP per day logged off, 10 Bars or 1 Lvl is max u can have when u log back in after 10 or more days.
  15. They are set to that IF u have higher lvl Player on Team that are exemplared, easy fix, make one of them Leader before u start..... PS there is no "Sunfire" TF.... the one u mean is "Moonfire"
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