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  1. or just say "Gesundheit" cause for me it sounded like the second part of Hatschoo
  2. what i dont like is that they allowed now to tp the player around, nothing i hate more then not able to fully control the movement of my char.
  3. hm that seems not to happen to all of em, i had yesterday 3 time capsules fights on my lvl 11 controller and 2 of em was over in seconds. Maybe it depends on mob types used for it, one spawn was family, the 2nd was warriors, the 3rd one i didnt want to do, cause "riki" well damage resistance..... and by OP the family men with 68 HP seemed to be ok, the nemesis with over 300 naturally not.
  4. Well the wiki list it as 1st episode of who will die storyarc, it has a hero and a villain contact. So by what you was writing you basically ran the same storyarc twice just from different contacts but the system still says its the same WWD Episode 1. To test the waiting period u should run a really different SSA like as example Episode 2.
  5. And to add the wiki link is way outdated. HC unified the iXP there is no physical or psychical iXP. Theres no difference anymore no need to do special trials to gain the iXP for a certain slot. Unless HC missed something like a storyarc reward which maybe marine did as he exampled Number 6 Arc.
  6. yeah it happens on all powersets , not just limited to trigun, the rest yomo already said.
  7. it takes 10 days to fill it up , 1 bar of patrol XP per day logged off, 10 Bars or 1 Lvl is max u can have when u log back in after 10 or more days.
  8. They are set to that IF u have higher lvl Player on Team that are exemplared, easy fix, make one of them Leader before u start..... PS there is no "Sunfire" TF.... the one u mean is "Moonfire"
  9. and should be posted in Bugs Subforum
  10. just checked it and my Tequila still runs normally and is updating Game.
  11. Hi Dacy, was your diff setting maybe x6 ? That would explain why there was 6 of em, and the game fills it up with what it thinks its best. Same happens when someone leaves or Quits TF while this mission is started already. Funny thing is in Morty Kal SF we did a run with 6 players set to x8 and in the Cutscene with Positron in last mission 2 chars of our team was doubled (Team Leader and my char in that case) so it filled us up to the set x8 diff setting with selecting to double randomly 2 of our Group for that Cutscene 🙂 . Greetings
  12. Hello, well i know u can turn off Group Fly from other Players with Null the gull, but the Problem is it works only for the Char not for Henchmen or Pets. While i can see range Henchemen/pets like Robots or Soldiers benefit from it, it messes with beasts or Undead which focus on melee. So could it be changed that turning off other Players Group fly via Null the gull works for Henchmen/Pets too or even better could we get a 2nd option for them so all can choose what they want? Greetings
  13. Well this is so old... it comes from earliest Windows settings from maybe Win 3.1 or Win 95, i always used fixed virtual memory on all my PC's or Laptops. Its better for the storage device especially on SSD's and overall boost performace cause Windows doesnt try to shrink or expand it continually and such delaying the wanted operation.
  14. Well the core is a bit slow with 2,1 GHz, even if its 4... but i wondering more, how u can log in at all, servers are down for maintenance? What type of storage it has, HDD or SSD? With SSD the Laos speed improves much.
  15. Well Hero Epic AT are pretty much that (Kheldians) , just no bears but shapeshifting is there (Flying Squid and big 2 legged Crab) to fill different roles.
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