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Everything posted by SuggestorK

  1. In that case it would of course be rather more similar to Spiderman or Venom (without the web slinging part) then Flash 🙂 .
  2. Yeah it was a discussion since the game existed cause superspeed, how the flash did it, was the prime example of running up a building. Just wondering how they made that possible in DCOU, but of course that game was created later.
  3. my ears are pointy and my blood flows green 🙂
  4. Afaik they dont see acceleration cause of the inertial dampener and structural integrity field which shields against those effect , at least in Star Trek has nothing to do with Phasing. It also was explained that when the Crew was shaken by any outside effect it was just the dampener/field reacting milliseconds to slow. But it still missing a explanation why the damn hell didnt they have seatbelts :). The plates on the bottom are fed with energy and thus generates Gravity, it was shown on some Episodes when they hadnt enough Energy left for it, but of cause not all story writers did cling to that tech background :).
  5. Account -> Game Account, it is not the same as Forum Account
  6. Did u talk to the contact after finish in person or just quit it... i teleport to contact always to get my Star for it.. just to be sure.
  7. Thats what i always did, never use a OS from Microsoft that hasnt got its first Upgrade 🙂 Clean Install are better then an Upgrade of a running Machine no doubt but just the warning about different Behavior that might occur under W11.
  8. Tarikoss SF should do the same trick for redside, dont think a KHTF works for redside and some Zombie Invasions started when at least it was no KHTF announced in LFG but a Tarikoss just finished :). But generally a Event List would be a good idea, even better if it had a timer how long it is, till that Event finishes.
  9. Just to add, there are reports on the Internet an Upgraded W11 works differently then a complete fresh Install (More security Features enabled). Found now a Forum Thread just about this: So far the reports went it was talked about 15% toll on Gaming Power with that Features enabled, but could of course have more issues then reported yet. Greetings
  10. Erm That would be new.. i often enough got the badge without getting new costumes, it just counts the drop, if u get new costume of it or not, i dont even think there are 50 different costumes to drop from it. Faster or slower i cant say that would need serious number crunching, cause RNG is RNG :).
  11. I can only Suggest to read the 2 books released from Original devs, they are full of background Lore. "Web of Arachnos" and "Freedom Phalanx". They are in used Condition for 3$ on amazon.com as example, sadly no e-book .. at least i didnt found one. I would put a direct link to the shop here but im not sure if thats allowed so i just point it out how to find it above.
  12. Erm Lore points most if not all Power back to the Fountain of Zeus and the Black Box hidden in it, Also there was Iterations of it, like the three sister that was born in Zeus Era and lived at least till Statesmans "birth" in early 1930s for few thousands of Years, Talos sounds Greek and could maybe too lived from that Era and just made his official appearance in the said timeline. The splitup in what was Ingame Origins came later and were at game launch mostly just for cosmetical or up to players decision for his background, the Percy Storyarc of Origins of Power came way later. Greetings
  13. also there's Missions that have a Prison in the Map, normal Hospital/Base trip get redirected and don't work normally either, although u get rezzed of course.
  14. That would be something for the Typo thread, that is stickied to top of the Bug Report Subforum. Greetings
  15. As i suspected the Laptop itself has enough Power to run CoX flawlessly till 1 Point the Intel Graphic Processor. Maybe the solution from this thread could help u with that :
  16. Just curious... these days a Laptop that cant handle CoX? Id understand if it cant run max details if it has Onboard GPU only , bit otherwise even 5+ years old Laptops should be more as sufficient. Well theres always the Possibility of Compatibility Issues with special GPU's or Processors but else? Playing myself on a PC that was build 2010 for the Live Version and still working well even in Incarnate Trials and such. Greetings
  17. Erm Marine .. Shouldnt Debt lower XP Reward only? Nvr seen it hampers with Inf as far my memory reaches. I think there are a few Special Rewards like Exploration Badges that only give XP but no Inf.. but these are very rare and not as much as the OP saying. Also as example the Clock Gears as mere sub-Minions are if u at the rewards break barrier -4 lvls so low rated that they give only 2-3 XP and therfore no Inf. But again thats a rare special and should not happen as often as OP is saying. To be verifying we would just need more detailed information. which mission, which lvl ist was set to and which lvl was his Char when he did it. Greetings
  18. It may also be kinda Powerset dependent some are more sluggish then others , the animation and speed of Titan Weapons once u get em its buff feels fluent and fast, but Kinetic melee as worst example, which others pointed out in different threads already, feels sluggish and not kinetic (fluid/fast) at all. Of ocurse it wont be like in that movie cause that was no ingame recording but it could be make more fluent, just how much u can speed the animation has to be decided by every single Power and then other factors like Damage Output/Endurance Cost come into the Equation. Greetings
  19. The HC Launcher has its own Subforum though just 2nd Entry below Bug Reports. Also the Devs might need a tad more Info's like the Specs of your Machine most important which OS, and in which Path u tried to install it, and of course did u have/use Admin priveleges while doing it. Greetings
  20. also in Kings south close to borderline them was exchanging with Lost.
  21. sure a female fire based. Firecracker: Fire Blast/Thermal Corruptor? Fire Control/Fire Assault Dominator? Fire Blast/Fire Aura Sentinel?
  22. If its the very 1st mission of the arc, easiest solution, Team Window, Quit TF and restart it in Ouro. Greetings
  23. Paladin is known and worked on, there are several threads about it. Lusca however is easy gamewise, shes pretty much always there if not even in more then 1 place, the problem there is rather to find a team willing to fight her. Way more complicated is to get the Caleb GM in Nerva, cause hes flying and kinda stealthy, if u need a GM that is compareable to Paladin in terms of hard to get. Greetings
  24. And clockwork (spoiler alert) they dont act on themselves, this goes for the regular clockwork of course not for the praetorian.
  25. Don't want to spoiler much , there is a Storyarc (Striga?) in which the council Zanith Mech's pretty much go Skynet. Since originally the Council was 5th Column, they probably are linked, the Name-Change to council and very much later re-adding of 5th Column made it a bit a mess.
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