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Everything posted by SuggestorK

  1. The Digital Access on the homepage came years later for all that had missed the comics only the wedding issue and the midnight Hour issue (maybe the dark horse issue too) was directly provided online , A Cat did link it in his Post 🙂 .
  2. Erm u are not fully correct there, they was only mailed to the subscribers on North American Continent, i never got one automatically,.. i had to buy and deliver em on my cost to me in Europe, but its was worth it to me.
  3. Yes i still have all of em, Blue Kings Studios and the Top Cow ones.. they also was available back on live from the CoH Homepage as PDF download.
  4. Well think harder.. many times in later content i choose not to rez right away.. either cause i still have the aggro that killed me.. or some mechanic like the death auras in itrials... yes i look at you Keyes, MoM Itrial or Apex TF..... what sense it would make to be rezzed and die right away cause u cannot move away fast enough until the animation wait time is over.... but im okay for an option for those that wants it.... its your debt farm 😅.
  5. its just outdated... it was like most buff powers once single target (bubbles, sonic shields, thermal shields, cold shields to just name a few), thankfully that was changed at some point so we have less clicker work. An yes we need fast recharge.. cause buffing a team is like herding a sack of fleas.. always someone jumps or runs away etc.....
  6. a gaming laptop maybe need more cooling.... i got some 3 vents below this laptop i use mainly use for browser games, but there are other cooling options with up to 6 ventilators. For CoH only she may not need it, but who knows what she is playing tomorrow and laptops need cooling more then anything else.
  7. I Think thats the Reason Buttcapes are in such high Demand.... evryone wants to hide their butts from Snarky 😉 .....
  8. Did he tried it with deactivated integrated mousepad. Are any other background Programs running that could steal keyboard attention just ran into something like this last week at work. A Colleague couldnt hit @ anymore cause a different Program deactivated the Alt Gr Key. Also let him check his keybinds. not that he assigned run to a different key by accident.
  9. or maybe u dont have write enabled.. window's file rights can sometimes be clumsy.. allowing to create something but not changing it anymore after creating. Is your COH Located on OS Partition? Maybe a Windows Patch happenend.... Try Resetting the rights to Folder and Files coh is installed too and make sure the account you are using is set to modify or full rights. And not a basic thing like evryone is denied to do it.... deny rights are treated higher value then allow rights for that matter.
  10. erm patch notes... this is so we can get the detective (outside) we always wanted, not the one inside 🙂 . That u have to rezone after dismissing him i do too find not very good but probably there are reasons for it,.. i can live with it.
  11. I can only say on 90 chars it have not happened to me, is the p2w window maybe overlapping with your Powerbar so it could have read the otherwise correct click wrong?
  12. 1st map of Positron 2 TFs.. pets/henchmen get always stuck before the 1st big room.
  13. Chilling embrace has slow aura component that affects foes, (at least the similar power on my ice blaster does) so that would break it. Not sure if Hide suppress aura, stealth dont, it did it for a short time before last changes though.
  14. thats for sure that u dont need that, over the years this occured many Times.
  15. try to verify files before starting game next time.. if it still happens u probably will need to call a GM to restart the Mercy Map on Mapserver for the char to be loading again, or after next server maintenance on tuesday it should work again of course too.
  16. I play Gravity too (Lvl 50 Grav/Kin) , and as far i know and have seen it prevents Knockback till a certain magnitude of course. Example i use propel on 3 foes the main gets knocked back the other 2 from area effect knocked down, i use Group Immobilze fist then propel all 3 get knocked down. Also with my energy blaster i mostly wait if a controller is on group till he drops his group Immobilize and then use Energy Torrent, i see mostly way less Knockback then without. Nova is a different matter, it still knocks em back somewhat but not as far as when they dont have Group Immobilize in em. Then there are of course different factors coming together like in other Knockback Threads already said like some foes are weak to it (like clockwork) or are -1 or less so it increases the magnitude. In teams it can be even that there are more then one Knockback Power at same time hits... that would add to magnitude as well.
  17. yeah something like a "known issues" page/thread many games do, just Exploits of course wont be listed for obvious reason 🙂 .
  18. Back to the original Question / Topic of the Thread of which Ouro/Flashback Arc would "surprise" me , my answer would be,....... none (at least for Blue and Redside). As a Player that played before Issue 1 hit till shutdown i have seen them all at least once , so rerunning em wouldnt really surprise me , maximal it would be a memory refresher 🙂 . Back at that Time u had no Radio Mishes, no Tips and it was the time before XP's got "streamlined", means as example u needed way more from 30 to 35 then today. So u basically had 4 Options Street Hunt, TF, Solo the Arcs or doing the Arcs together, I preferred to run the Arcs solo between the TFs, and back then there wasn't a reason to run them more then once, that came later with the WST , which is kinda obsolete now too with the Threads introduction.
  19. Indeed and there is something on Carnies too that should be looked at (i dont dare to say change). But Carnie Illusionists can use attacks while phase shifted and damage the player, no player based phase shift does allow that, also their Master pets stay up for a certain time after Master Illusionist is defeated (along with some other pets of other fractions but lets stay with carnies and Illusion here). Im not against that PA can be damaged by some Masterful Mighty Foes, but certainly their description should state that.
  20. You are right they did close the barriers at one point .. but when did that ever in comic history prevent new holes to be punched somehow. 🙂 And yes helping the Traditionalists would be the path heroes (bluesiders) would follow, but what about redsiders.... they would steal some tech and plan to take the homeworld over for more Power 🙂 .
  21. Shouldnt be a big Issues either cause: Just could be that Graphic and such has to be made as hindrance, we dont know Rikti Buildings ... just the Mothership and some tunnels they have digged.
  22. Lets assume all is true and happend like he claim it to be, ive stopped at 15 minutes.... 1. How can u not know regular announced times for something like Hami on the main server you are Playing and foremost streaming, heck i know the time on my server and never have done a hami cause it isnt my cup of tea. He took Actions and got basklash, that the amout of backlash he got is not anywhere in a good scale there is no doubt. 2. Leading a group is not fun evryone knows this.. as much he says, both sides overacted.. maybe some more then others. 3. There is no discussion.. if the team says no that is a no. Obey the rules or go somewhere the rules are different. 4. acceptable evryone decides what he does or does not.. just telling it all in a video i do not understand, probably its a streamer thing, i dont really understand social media and the hype about it anyway
  23. yep my bad i meant of course Lord recluse in Statesman TF which got replaced By MLTF, got mixed em up 🙂 .
  24. Beside the obvious GM's it might be Lord Recluse in the LRSF buffed by his towers, before Incarnate he was a tough cookie even for tanks with support, until ppl found tricks ^^. The old Forum which some ppl are compiling could be a source of Info.
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