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Everything posted by SuggestorK

  1. Hello, can it be changed.... maybe? yes? Only the dev team truly can answer that part. And just to correct, it toggle off by itself, its designed to be working like that, that is described in its Info. Still u could accidentally hit it while the active buff is running, but that could happen with any toggle, isnt it. Part of the Power is Permanent and Part is meant to be only working a short time, so its rather a combination of a passive + click power, why original devs made it look like a toggle i do not know, maybe for visual reasons.
  2. While im not against such a toggle my energy blaster would like it ๐Ÿ™‚ .... what kind of foes u are fighting... my Main is a Lvl 50+3 Robot/Dark MM and yes a minority of foes get knocked back.. but not from the big bot.. and rarely of the fire patch before theyre dead.... and i only have Common IOS slotted into him until i once get a full Purple set....
  3. Indeed this would be working solution, and it would also be a solution for another problem that would come up and i had forgotten to mention before. The Temp Power of Mortimer Kal SF that is transformed into a Notice of the Well at lvl 50.
  4. Emp Merits yeah but how many should be equal to what a notice be for shards... Astrals wouldnt work or can u create rare components with em without extra currency? Dont recall offhand at least that we could.
  5. Okay but then we need a rework for the Whole WST System too, Notice of the Well would have to been replaced with at least RARE Incarnate Thread Components.
  6. Also done, and were very close to finish, like less then 200$ left ^^
  7. But that Upload limit is per week, per month, per year? Just curious, if that was permanent it would kinda forcing recreating forum accounts just to share information u couldnt else... seems not a perfect system. Although i aknowledge of course there must be some regulation as evrywhere so its not gonna misused... if that upload limit is for a certain timeframe that would be surely okay. Anyway keep up the awesome Work HC Team, were happy to be able to play again and thus with a more stable system then old CoX was even (network connection etc ๐Ÿ™‚ ). Greetings
  8. They do, Robot//Darkness Clockwork Lore Mastermind is an army on its own, 8 control able henchmen + the pet (that one refuses commands though) from darkness set that heals u up too ๐Ÿ™‚ . Even More with red side epic pools they could get, this one has the Blueside Epic Pool without extra pet.
  9. Hm i would imagine that 5.63 is the basic unslotted number, do u have any defense slotted into the Protector Bots, or some IO sets that grants a global def boost?
  10. also if u use options for the full window u see the actual orders each pet has, its like "individual command modus" or "advanced command modus" labeled.
  11. Its Skulls, the so called hero is "Icedrone" hangs out with the protesters, depending how u answer to him he fight along with u in a door mish later or u have to fight him 1st in that same mish cause he get aggroed. Its the 1st Mish of Sondra Costel contact that sends u to him.
  12. While that is indeed very true. it does not explain why the lvl 50 refused to answer or invite snarky to team, it would not get him any disadvantage as long he is the leader. If he hadnt him on ignore, chat window closed or couldnt understand english for whatever reason there may be.
  13. Barracuda SF before the last change u needed MM or Defender or had very hard times finishing it, HC change was, give always the leader the power to do it.. Barracuda Strike Force Power of Black Scorpion (the power required to kill Reichsman) is now always granted to the team leader, regardless of Archetype Defenders now receive Power of Ghost Widow Masterminds now receive Power of Captain Mako Removed broken hospital in the first mission of the Barracuda SF which caused you to get stuck outside the map So the similar solution would be give the LGTF Leader a Hold Power for the TF ๐Ÿ™‚ .
  14. One thing i have to add there, Kheldian came with Issue 3 when Blueside had lvl 50 Content (issue 1). Similar it was with VEAT, redside got up to lvl 50 content before or at same time when they was introduced. Part of the System was u had to have a lvl 50 Char on that side before u could create an EAT, that part has been removed for HC. But still we should have the content for Goldside first (ending currently with Nightward) before we do EPIC ATs there, just my Opinion ^^.
  15. Could be the old devs tried a new system there.. u must first "find" the soldier so u know that u have to do something with him, kind of an exploring game. But of course they surely dropped that ball again after that tryout and feedback. Nonetheless if its so called "Working as intended" or if its truly a bug, it earns to be changed ๐Ÿ™‚ .
  16. Well im geek enough myself to at least know what the "Roche Limit" means, had the 1st contact with it in the fantastic Captain Future Anime ๐Ÿ˜‰that was released in the late 70s/early 80s from the Tรถei Doga Studios.
  17. interesting cause Europe stops with summertime mostly on 31.10. this year so CEST is going to CET on early Sunday at that very day.
  18. Sorry if it was meant different but there is one Shard missing....Reunion... But still awesome work and have fun ๐Ÿ™‚ . Greetings
  19. I do too but with Disney at Steerwheels theres zero chance of it coming back in a scale we going to get news about it..... unless with a secret handshake or something like that,
  20. Just to verify who enters the mission 1st does not matter for this bug. The supposition u made is actually the bug. Leader has to be in zone, for the diff setting to be working correctly, before anyone enters. As soon he entered the zone (can still be at tram as example) anyone can enter Mission without having this bug.
  21. I would like that Especially a change to the AT Origin Sets for Controller (which are Mez focused) would be nice.
  22. Best Game ever second true home get me the Tron Beamlaser and i move in
  23. Where did u read or see that? Says to me it runs whole October , only day/night cycle is only 2 weeks, but that says nothing about ToT,... at least to me it doesnt. Eternal Night The Eternal Night state is only active for the first and last weeks of the event. When active the entire game is locked in nighttime mode. This is not just a visual effect, all aspects of the game that depend on a day/night cycle are locked to the night side during the event. Enemies that only spawn at night spawn continuously during the event. Banisher, The Slayer, and Haunted badges (Hero side) and Pirate and Spectral badges (Villain side) are examples of badges for which hunting will be much easier during the event. Note that some zones, such as Cimerora, The Hive and The Abyss are unaffected by Eternal Night.
  24. Also Freakshow Spawn are different too, not only u get 4 instead of the normal 3Minions sometimes, cause of the rez-ing it feels as if u fight 2 groups. Just recalled Tsoo Minion does the 4 Minion Spawn too, but at least they dont rez. And then theres the Kheldian Spawns which add another Quantum Minion on top, so the spawn mechanic is dynamic indeed ๐Ÿ˜‰.
  25. If its part of the Storyarc from her yes, if its a standalone mission and he outlvld her (since he was doing LRSF thats assured) then no.
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