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Everything posted by Obsidius

  1. As we said in the old forums, QFT. What is old is new again. Enhancement Converters? LFT and Trial queues? Reward merits even? Hell, I remember when you were SOL if you outleveled a TF and missed a badge. The game is certainly a lot friendlier and more forgiving than when I started 15(!) years ago...
  2. To be honest, one of the things that drive me away form CoH was the Paragon Store. Even with all my vet rewards, it was a PITA to use and took away from my enjoyment of the game with its microtransaction nature. I can say the same for STO, and I have a lifetime sub with that game (whatever that means these days). One reason I like Homecoming is because it thumbs its nose at the whole idea. I guess partly because it has the luxury to do so, but also because many of them probably felt the same way about the Paragon Store. Keep it up. People who want an unadulterated form of CoH will already have options. I'm fine with what Homecoming has done.
  3. Double mire... so looking forward to getting my Warshade leveled up :)
  4. <Issue was reported and resolved on Discord>
  5. I'm going to reply to this comment so I can keep it for reference, but if you ever do find that very useful post, please put a link in your signature if you could be so kind; I'd be very grateful.
  6. I used to hunt them in the Shadow Shard.
  7. Just go to this link and Pay with PayPal: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/donate/ However, they've reached their goal for this month, so you'll have another chance next month :)
  8. That's not terribly easy for the layman, just saying.
  9. Here :D https://forums.homecomingservers.com/donate/
  10. Got to donate this month! :D
  11. When you're stuck at an airport trying to play Homecoming until you board, and you're stuck downloading beta server files over airport WiFi... #BestFridayEVER #brilliantidea
  12. ... have some Inf :D <3
  13. I have not, but I am now. I'm not sure how much I want to build outside the grid, because I'd have to build my own walls and roof outside the grid, but let me watch the whole video first. Interesting commands: enterbase - enter your SG's base enterbasebysgid <INT> - enter somebody's base presumable by the numerical ID of the passcode. vscale <INT> - increases vscale graphic option to have the GPU draw more of the base (useful for very large bases) nocall <0/1> - turns collision/ clipping on or off for editing character Wonder if these will work outside of the closed beta. Also, have some Inf. Edit: wow, this is like a master class, even with Leo being "not a base builder" :D
  14. That's my thinking. SG default skybox general use, room-specific skybox for specific ambiance. On that note, I wish bases had place-able windows, even with the lack of cityscape or other borderscapes.
  15. I'll have to take a look at chat tonight to see which chat channel the message appears in.
  16. This thread is epic, and I'm posting here to follow it without signing up for notifications :P
  17. I just got Rapid Response last night and logged out in my base, so I'll see if it pops up when I next log in.
  18. It pops up as a System message after you execute the command. Something like "Your supergroup pass code has been changed to "WXYZ-123". System messages should pop up in one of the upper tabs by default.
  19. Accepting RL money for such things could be... perilous for the Homecoming staff. We're already playing on servers running IP which technically doesn't belong to us. Exchanging money for goods and services based on the IP could put the in legal harm's way if NCSoft thought they were making a profit off of their old IP. IANAL, but that's my educated guess. As for the donations, they're just that, and only for the upkeep of the servers themselves, no additional goods or services implied. I know other CoH independent servers will have the Paragon Store but will provide free tokens to players in some fashion. So there are possible alternatives that don't involve the exchange of RL money for goods and service that the server hosts don't technically own.
  20. I would love this for my base's helicopter that transports us to hazard zones :)
  21. #Snape Correct. https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Window_show_(Slash_Command)
  22. I dug out my old keybinds from I23. Besides changing the drive letter in the path, they all still work just like they did 8 years ago.
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