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Omega Force

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Everything posted by Omega Force

  1. Of course not, but seeing them where they should be made me *feel* better. My brain wasn't gnawing away reminding me that my Energy resistance would be displayed in hardcap blue if I'd gone defender. If not for that, corruptor would have been great -- again, you get the attacks sooner, iTrial AVs hate Scourge, and you still bring enough team support that you don't get kicked out of bed for leaving cookie crumbs on the sheets. In Sonic I skipped the kb toggle, the phase lock, and the tier 9.
  2. I made a Sonic/Beam defender back in the day (ranged softcap, SLE resistance capped). Most squishies build for defense over resistance, and even resist tanks can have holes. You fix that (my fender gave +50 SLENFCT), effectively multiplying the hp they have to absorb the hits that do get through. The buff duration is pretty good, so you can just yell at your team between fights and spend the rest of the time firing your laser gun. (I made him Beam/Sonic originally, but deleted him ~40ish and rerolled defender because it was easier to get his defense numbers where my OCD wanted them. If you're not insane like me, corruptor should be perfectly fine. You'll have a good attack chain early on, and your secondary will stay comfortably out of the way.)
  3. Glad you're having a better experience now. Appropriate, since they did promise to die for Darkseid.
  4. You're a tank, your first job is to grab aggro. You don't need to spam Taunt, but you do need a way to get the bad guys attention away from the vulnerable members of your team. Kick is horrible and you will never use it unless you are doing an ultra low level run and have nothing else recharged.
  5. You could drop Fighting for the attacks from Flight and Leaping instead. The animation for Kick is horrible and hasn't been done since Sparta, Boxing looks about the same as Brawl, and nobody can see your defensive stats to worry about Tough or Weave. Cross Punch would look okay with his enormous monkey arms, but the Leap attacks look more like his comicbook moves, I think.
  6. According to the lore bible, higher level Nemesis troops can all fly under their own power, and don't carry guns anymore. It's a facinating read.
  7. Here's one I had lying around. Defense is a little low, but it should play okay. If you aren't allergic to weaknesses, you could swap some slots and sets to bring SL def to 45 instead of bulking up psi resistance.
  8. I found the problem. You might have more success by leaving the difficulty alone until after you have your powers slotted out.
  9. That's a lot of X-Men. I feel like Beast would need Air Superiority, Combat Jumping, and Spring Attack as well as the Fighting pool, though.
  10. In addition to the heal, /Time gives you a hold and a significant defense/to hit buff, plus caps out with a recharge boost for Gang War.
  11. Grav/Energy/Ice dominator could cover Marvel Girl, Havok, and Iceman, while including a bit of Angel, Beast, Nightcrawler, and Rogue by using Flight, Leaping, and Teleport pools. Storm/Energy/Psi defender with those pools could be Storm (obvi), Bishop, and Phoenix. Psi/Dark/Energy brute for Psylocke, Nightcrawler, and Cyclops, etc, etc.
  12. If not blasters, then dominators. I can't think of a dom that even has an in-set toggle. Kheldians and /Kin corruptors are up there, as well.
  13. SS or EM/Energy Aura brute with flight is one posibility. Another is a human-only PB: gives you the shields, pbaoe explosions, and knocking punches but loses the mez protection.
  14. The point is to do ranged damage while being tough enough to survive, "a ranged Scrapper". There have been arguments about the successfulness of the implementation, but I don't care about that.
  15. I agree with Erratic. The link doesn't open correctly, I can only use the Data Chunk ("hex code"). At the top of Mids there is Import/Export dropdown. Select "Short Forum Export" and a box will pop up. The default Color Scheme and Format are fine. In the lower left are radio buttons for Data Chunk (good) and DataLink. It doesn't hurt to export both chunk and link. In the lower right are enhancement and set bonuses. In most cases, you don't need to export invention levels, bonus totals, or set breakdowns. If you want to improve readability, consider hiding the build itself behind spoiler tags. One more thing. You should post an explanation. If you're asking for help, explain any concept limits and goals. If you're providing help, explain why your build advances their goals. Throwing builds up without context doesn't promote the eradication of ignorance.
  16. Yes, it's a global, not a proc. Critical Strike's +50% is a proc that has to be used.
  17. I start with the concept and power animations. If a power looks stupid in Icon or doesn't fit the character, I don't take it. Travel power NLT 14, for Posi 1. I try to take the pools in alphabetical order, because the screaming voices in my head don't like it otherwise. (First letter, at least. Reverse order is managable, too.) Flight, Fighting, Leadership, Leaping, [Epic], unless another pool is important enough. Then I start throwing down slots. Six-slot attacks, ~3 slot defenses while including space for the procs and breakpoints. (4-slot Reactive Defense for F/C res, Shield Wall for E/N; Titanium Coating or Aegis for SL). 3 slot Health and Stamina, use no more than 2 slots for powers who need common IOs like Hasten. Before I start using sets, I check the toon's defensive levels and set goals: 90 SL resistance for brutes or tanks with 32% defense; 75 SL for scrappers and squishies (which also aim for 45% ranged defense); enough recharge for perma-dom or -PA. If those aren't attainable (like resistance for Super Reflexes or perma-Doms), I find a pretty number to compromise. (I have a SR scrapper build that has 55 SL resistance and positional defense.) While doing that I try to keep the powers properly enhanced. (High acc/endredux, red damage, reasonable recharge.) After achieving my goals, I continue to tweak. Maybe I can shuffle sets or slots and get a second position to 45%, or can spare the 5th and 6th set bonuses in a hold for purple procs? Do I really need to 3 slot Stamina when I could throw in another Perf in Quick Recovery? Do I have thematic melee and ranged options?
  18. If your tolerance for redraw is low, you could try a Beam sentinel. Energy Aura, Invulnerability, Super Reflexes, and Willpower are all low-click investments that will stay out of the way. If you go defender/corruptor, there is a thematic pair in Traps, and low click powersets like Force Field and Time. Blasters can match it with Devices, but another option would be Energy: classically used to simply buff your ranged attacks while hover-blasting. Back in the day I had Sonic/Beam and Traps/Beam defenders, and a Beam/Mental blaster. They were all concept characters, competent but not amazing.
  19. Yup. Fire, Rad, and Dark are all resist armors that are better on tanks and brutes due to increased caps and hit points, as well as taunt auras. If you've already done /Dark as a scrapper, that clearly isn't a dealbreaker and you'll be fine. The heal isn't as beefy, but the damage will be better.
  20. I had a Mind/Time controller, with Time representing ESP or combat precognition. /Dark, Empathy, Pain, and Storm could also fit a psychic theme, particularly if colored to match. Time is basically an armor set (like FF, but with holds and heals), and Mind isn't the king of damage, so you might prefer Mind/Storm for more offense.
  21. Beam is good but has redraw. Fire and Ice are good for personal damage, while Sonic is the best multiplier for teams. I think a Time/Sonic defender or Ice/Time corruptor would work well with the brute.
  22. Here's one. Basic armored build (SL resist cap, Ranged defense), only a few melee attacks, doesn't throw the stupid beach ball. Has some stealth in Sprint.
  23. Hmm. My MIDS is showing the following on a /Dark tank: SP 56 SM 88 SL 131 MG 184
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