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Omega Force

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Everything posted by Omega Force

  1. P2W powers are immune to damage inspirations, aren't they? That's why you can use Sands of Mu during a Rage crash without penalty.
  2. I think Kinetics or Trick Arrow would keep you busy.
  3. This is a revamp based on my Elecx3 from Live. Ranged defense to protect you until they foolishly close to melee, where you sap and blap. A pair of holds for problem children.
  4. Mind/Fire(Pyrokinesis) dominator, maybe? Grav (Telekinesis)/Psi? The nice part of psi damage is it cuts through most problematic endgame Tier 9's, like Paragon Protectors, Maurauder, and Tyrant.
  5. Why not a Stalker? Damage aura, resistance caps and hit points. Death Shroud is your most endurance-efficient attack, is affected by Fury, and Stalkers don't get it; Dark Armor is resistance based, which caps at 90% for a Brute instead of 75%; Brutes also have 300-1200 more HP. (As defence sets, Ice and SR could go either way.) Dark Armor also has a surprising amount of psi resistance, and Dark Regeneration properly slotted means if they can't kill you in under 30 seconds, they can't kill you at all. The fear toggle also works for your concept, as they cower trying to get the sand out of their eyes.
  6. Yes. In City of Heroes forum-speak, "pure support" (or "a healer") too often translates into "I want the team to carry me." If you refuse to fight directly, play a mastermind with all three pets, so at least the AI will chip in to accomplish something.
  7. I could see tweaking some pieces, since you're overcapped on SL resistance. Unlike Gobble, I'd lean further into Unbreakable Guard: it gives you 1.56 SL defense vs. 1.25 from Reactive Armor.
  8. Glad to help. You could swap Assault for Tactics or Enflame, but I couldn't find a way to keep your defenses softcapped without CJ, and thus no Hasten. You could add in a bit of To Hit to World of Pain and keep it perma, more if you use boosters. A ST chain of Shriek, Scream, Shriek, Shout would leave your heavy hitter cracking 600 damage, almost 900 with Amplified Build Up. My Cold/Sonic defender went with Intuition Radial Alpha to improve the range of his cones while hoverblasting. Spiritual Radial or Vigor Core might be good avenues if you find your heals lack oomph.
  9. Silas wrote that Soothing Aura is pathetic on Corruptors, and your other heals were overslotted. Tweaked a bit to give you softcapped SLE defense, and okay resistance (hardcapped SL with Rune.) Improved your regen, recovery, recharge, and perma-World of Pain, while leaving you free to select any incarnate powers.
  10. Shield should be tank, because of Fury's interaction with AAO. (Not sure how it works with Shield Charge's pseudo pet.)
  11. Do you team a lot? Do you proc out your attacks or slot them for damage?
  12. No. Siphon Life is your second strongest attack, slotting only for heals is almost as bad as slotting it purely for -ToHit.
  13. TLDR: At the Agility fork you want to go left if you still need more endurance, and right if you don't. As you may know, Alpha Incarnate effectively adds a slot to every eligible power. If a power can take recharge enhancements, Agility T4 will increase that power's recharge by 33%. If it can take defense enhancements, Agility T4 will increase that power's defense bonus by 20%. So it would buff Weave from 8% to 9.6%. A typical goal is to increase your total defense to 45%, the non-incarnate soft cap. Agility Core, or the left fork, will buff your endurance modification (Stamina, Consume), recharge, and defense. Agility Radial, or right fork, will buff those as well as run, jump, and flight speeds (Sprint, Hurdle, Super Jump, etc.), at the cost of only buffing endurance mod by 33, rather than 45. If you don't have endurance issues, I'd recommend Radial. There are so many recipies because you can build the higher tiers from any combination. For instance, you can combine Agility's T3 Left Left and T3 Left Right, or T3 LR and RL to make the T4. Also, you can ultimately build every single incarnate power and swap them out, although it's expensive. So you could eventually have both Agility T4s, a Spiritual T4, Musculature, etc.
  14. His first movie would be Super Strength, or *maybe* MA using the alternate animations. He's fast and strong, but only uses basic moves. Alt MA gives you nothing but right hands all day. By the beginning of Cap 2 he's advanced to Street Justice. Animation-wise it looks most like the blend of boxing and martial arts that he and Batman use. TV Iron Fist is Kinetic Melee, BTW. Cap's most recent movie, Avengers 4?
  15. It's been a while, and I don't have my glasses on, but as I recall... The front rank is Sister Psyche, Statesman, and Golden Globes, who later gives Ms. Liberty her belt. Left of Psyche is probably Swan, since both of them are psykers they're wearing the same shirt, right of Globe might be Synapseclops? Framed by Globe's glove is Luminary 3.11 for Windows. Between Globe and Back Street Brawler is the Bionic Commando. Behind BSB is his rival, N'Distinct. Behind Pink Swan is Marvel's Boom Boom cosplaying as Rikku, from FFX in a cross-promotion that didn't pan out after NCSoft accidentally insulted the Hiroshima Toyo Carp, Yoshinori Kitase's favorite baseball team. Behind Boomku is Positron's Iron Age armor, with Elektra beside him. For the others, your guess is as good as mine.
  16. That doesn't sound right. The policy can't be that "OffensiveName" is bad, but "OffensiveName1" is okay.
  17. Omega Force


    Classically it was Ill/Rad. Search for Local Man's guide. In general, you want debuff secondaries because Phantom Army can't be buffed, and -regen for AV/GMs. Cold is pretty good too, you can proc out the tier 1 mandatory power and use the team shields as LotG mules, but won't have a heal. Traps and Trick Arrow are also sets to consider.
  18. I just see a few adjustments. Glinting Eye can be used in nova or human, so you may want to move the six slot and sets to that power. Leave Gleaming Blast and your lousy human range damage scale with three slots, or even swap it for Gleaming Bolt, to keep a human blast while giving you a little bit of range in dwarf. But with as much recharge as you have, you might not need it for your dwarf attack chain, and Blast has a cooler animation than Bolt. Bright Nova Detonation could swap the KD IO for Overwhelming Force's KD IO, buff damage to red; put +5 IOs in Hasten to shave off 6 seconds. MIDS is always wonky with kheldians, your SLE resist hard capped with Light Form?
  19. The power selection screen in Icon is wrong and shouldn't be trusted, even if you fiddle with the level slider.
  20. Concept, concept, concept. I would never remember to use them anyway, so their stats didn't matter much. I tried Longbow for the -regen, but the giant robot kept getting in the way. Support heroes and tanks would tend to go core because they could keep them alive longer, while damage heroes tend radial. Techie heroes went robotic drones, because they were small and thematic. My Illusion controller went phantoms, of course. Storm Elementals fit with weather manipulators, wizards, and psionic heroes. My winged characters used KoV as wing-buddies. Rularuu or BP pets fit in for cosmic heroes as exotic aliens they've met, or IDF as space commandoes. My loyal crab spider took Arachnos, of course. My circus character hangs out with the Carnies, and martial artist with the Tsoo.
  21. Both powersets are excellent individually, but there isn't any synergy. Phantom Army can't be buffed, which is why the debuff heavy Radiation secondary was the killer app for years. Like Zork said, Illusion's team role is aggro diffusion similar to masterminds: PA adds three immune taunters to cover the squishies.
  22. You left off the data chunk, so I can't see where the problem is. Compare yours against this build.
  23. That build has a number of click buffs which carry over into the forms: Essence Boost, Hasten, Inner Light, Conserve Energy, and Light Form. It also has toggles which are used as slot mules or for when you exemplar down.
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