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Everything posted by Etched

  1. Playin on Torch, mostly in the mornins it is nearly impossible to put a team together to run normal mish let alone +whatever Hard mode. Also, I rarely take Barrier cause I LOVE END. So Ageless it is 99.999% of the time. Can't really fight if you have no End to do it with. So it is a simple "I don't run them." @Etched
  2. So, you say that is nudity? Where? That is bout offensive as seein your own toe. You and I have a different view as to what nudity is. There is no detail indicatin nudity. You see a lot of snakes wearin shirts where you live cause the ones around here don't. I understand you're makin sure your kids are not expossed to harmful game play but it sounds like YOU are the one that installed a mod (knowin or not) into the game not the devs or anyone else. Nor did anyone force you to do so. @Etched
  3. I can see what the OP is sayin. The game is becomin dull when everyone is a tank no matter what the AT is. When blaster and defenders are able to solo 4x8. (and if you believe this doesn't happen you're not playin enough) I'd suggest a Exetreme Settin for normal none tf play, maybe a +5 or +6 (with the same XP as lvl 54s)in mob lvls without debuffin players. Also, it would give players more of a option to play at a harder lvl other then runnin Exetreme Aeon or ITF cause some of us can't put that kinda team together when we are not able to play for long periods of time or because we are on a less Pop shard and we can only play when the server is at it's lowest Pop. I'd agree with most on this though, mob size is not the answer when a solid team can steamroll Malta, KoA, or whatever group at 4x8 w/bosses and AVs. (Havin the settin at 4x10 or 4x15 or 4x20 wont make a difference) Give us a chance to get the shit beat out of us, give us a oppertunity to realize our toons are not gods, if that is what we choose. I know there will be a ton of backlash sayin I could just make my toons wimpier by not fully kittin out our toons, use SOs or whatever but remember the ODs made the game this way when they put IOs and SETs into the game. I have billions of inf like a lot of others so why shouldn't I or anyone else use it to make the best toon we can and play the hardest mobs possible. @Etched
  4. I have never seen nudity other than the shirtless male tops. I know you can make a Tight costume but it is lackin the details that would make it "Nude". Females don't have any option that makes them appear completely nude. Add a pic to prove me wrong and I'd agree but I mean a truely nude and not a nippleless tight costume. However, if a topless male is offensive then I'd suggest never goin to the beach. @Etched
  5. I have a solid SG base with a total of 6 people(one of those six is my wife). We all teamed together durin Live and still do every Sunday. As far as Global friends.... Well, i see it as this, if I don't team or at least talk to you once a week then you don't have a place on my friend list. This isn't Pokemon and I'm not tryin to collect them all. So, I only have 7 friends. LoL What can I say, I'm picky about my friends. Honestly, there are not alot of people that plays steadily in the mornins on Torch. So I duo a ton or every once in a while I'll put together a pug. @Etched or it could be that people just don't like me. Who knows... 🙂
  6. I was lucky though and have good friends. When I packed all my toons so did they. Wait... Indom has a LFG channel? Would of never known whan I was playin there. LOL @Etched
  7. I speed most all tfs that I solo or duo with a good friend. However, once i hit pugland, the second thing I say/ask "kill all or speed?". If I get no answer (happens a lot more then you realize) I assume it's a kill all until the leader shows me otherwise. I started out on Indom and man this is sooo true. However, when it came to Hami the league was full before i could sneeze. Now I play on Torch and it's not really any different at the time I am able to play which is mostly always in the AM. @Etched
  8. I could only imagine a ptrate as a tough SoB, so I'd suggest either DB/SR Scrapper or maybe DP/SR or DP/WP Sent. But that is only my idea as to what a pirate would be like. @Etched
  9. Combat Jumpin all the way, even for my non-melee toons. Only time I take fly is on my basebuilders. CJ has soo much better control then hover and as stated above has a immob protection. Two slot it with a Kimet +Acc and a LotG proc. I actually 3 slot it with the Kismet and two LotGs @Etched
  10. If im not mistakin, it was like that durin Live, too. @Etched
  11. I use 4, 6x2 set up on all my toons with the main tray on top of them. works really well for me. @Etched
  12. Hammer on the nail! I knew it, I knew it, I knew it. The original Devs HATE ME! I'll get them and their little dog, tooo! @Etched
  13. When I was a whee lad I had 2 gym Teachers in middle school. One was Coach Allen, a real hard ass and Coach Ryder. Coach Ryder was a great coach and never called us dirtbags or worthless scum pops like coach Allen always did even though I'm sure he meant it with good intentions as he made us run lap after lap after lap, We all had really strong legs. Anyhow, to get back to the subject. I named one of my tanks after Coach Ryder cause he caught a lot of crap since his first name was Dick. So, Dick Ryder was made into a meta hero.. WP/SJ I wouldn't say it's BOMBASTIC but it's funny as hell. @Etched
  14. As I work on my wonderful SR/SJ tank I realized something fairly disturbin to myself. I mean someone else may not find it as disturbin or they might. Idk, I'm not you, The question is as follows which may lead to different directions dependin on how many "/powercreeps" I get. Why is there only one resist set within the power pools? I mean it seems like Def is in 82.999999% of them but Fightin is the only one that offers a resist power (good ole Tough). Don't get me wrong, I like Def buuuuuut, I also like a little resist with that def. So to be clear, I am not suggestin anything, I'm just a little curious as to WHY the pool powers don't offer it more. It's not even a hard question for the diehard numbers players. Which I am not. Only numbers I like are the number of toons I have that are 50/t4 and the amount of inf i have stuffed into emails. @Etched Fingers crossed it's not "/powercreep" which is what I'm expectin to be the answer from all 9 of y'all that may or may not answer this Question, really it's just a question and not a suggestion. OK, I lied... I suggest a vender that sells all lvl of insps... Damn't, I forgot that is one of the "/Infsinks" 😞
  15. I thought this was national pizza day and national run over your neighbor day? AND It"S EW&F DAY, TOO! Wow, it's a great day in September, can this be a Fantasy cause that's a good Reason to Sing A Song! @Etched
  16. You are merely a figment of your own imagination, a cracked mirror that is completely fractured, a disillusion of a illusion. And yet you question reality on a forum of your own mind, expectin an answer from us... You are definitely mad. @Etched
  17. I realized that after I posted. Gettin old in my slow age. Looks very much like McFarlanes art. Turns out it was/is David Finch. Awesome aetist and is within my top 5. @Etched
  18. Not Spawn disturbed. More like the Three Stooges disturbed. @Etched
  19. Y'all people are disturbed. Just sayin. @Etched
  20. Any power from a Dark Ring Mistress. An AV with her powers would be a challenge even for a seasoned player. This is how I feel about the Dark Ring Mistress. @Etched
  21. I am a master at deletin toons and being a t4 incarnate does not save them from extinction. I am very particular about my toons and if they don't live up to my expectations then they are voided. I have deleted more t4 50s than most players have with 2 on the choppin block currently (BR/SR Sent & A Bane SoA (which didn't get far enough to be incarnated)). With that being said, I normally roll a toon to replace the deleted toon/toons. Otherwise, the toons that do make the cut are logged on the first of each month to collect merits, emp merits, inf, and etc. I'm extremely OCD about my toons. They need to be able to handle 3 criteria- solo, team, and tf/sf/gms. I have started movin toons to Excel that I don't play that much, prolly to be deleted. @Etched
  22. I might of mislabeled one or two of the collision walls but I'm sure you get the idea. The surface tiles work the same as the White Floor Tiles but they are numbered every one eighth. Great for settin a floor above or below the base. The collision wall are like the war wall in the zones. I should of added but I'm slack. @Etched
  23. Collision Wall 8x8 - wall to block off the allowed bounds of your base. Extra extra Small Collision Wall 32x32 - wall to block off the allowed bounds of your base. Extra Small Collision Wall 64x64 - wall to block off the allowed bounds of your base. Medium + Collision Wall 16x16 - wall to block off the allowed bounds of your base. Medium - Collision Wall 128x128 - wall to block off the allowed bounds of your base. Large Collision Wall 512x512 - wall to block off the allowed bounds of your base. Extra Large Collision Wall 1024x1024 - wall to block off the allowed bounds of your base. Extra Extra Large or Damn that's large! Axis Gizmo - serves as a reference to the coordinate system for base editors. X and Y axis. Allows you to arrange two or more items with the same degree of axis. Axis Gizmo (Z Up) - serves as a reference to the coordinate system for base editors. Vertical alignment. Surface Aligner - as a helper to align an array of objects, such as lights or pillars, along the x and y directions simultaneously. Axis Aligner - aligner as a helper to clip through surfaces to determine alignment position at a distance. Think of it as a vertical yard stick Surface Tower - tower as scaffolding to quickly snap other surfaces or objects to. Vertically. it goes from the base floor all the way to the top of the base limit Surface Tile 32x32 - to quickly snap other surfaces or objects to. They all work the same with different sizes, you can place them in the base but they will be invisible once you exit the builder and you can pass through them Surface Tile 64x64 - to quickly snap other surfaces or objects to. Surface Tile 128x128 - to quickly snap other surfaces or objects to. Surface Tile 512x512 to quickly snap other surfaces or objects to. Surface Tower (Collision) - Same as the other Surface Tower but you can Color it Surface Tile 32x32 (Collision) - to quickly snap other surfaces or objects to. You can change the colors on them and they work as a barrier. (Great if you want a black out room) Cannot pass through Surface Tile 64x64 (Collision) - to quickly snap other surfaces or objects to. Surface Tile 128x128 (Collision) - to quickly snap other surfaces or objects to. Surface Tile 512x512 (Collision) - to quickly snap other surfaces or objects to. Fit Gizmo - gauge the minimum distance required for a player to pass through, such as a low ceiling or small corridor. Good to use if you are not sure a toon may be able to pass through or go around. Hallways, Tunnels, Etc Collision Gizmo - gizmo to gauge the minimum distance between two players. This will give you an idea of how much room multiple players have to move around together in a confined space, such as a pool or small corridor. Use this to make sure two toons would be able to fit side by side within a hall, ect Smooth Water Fill - Fills the base floor completely with water Smooth Water Fill (No Sound) - Fills the base floor completely with water. The water will have no sound to it Rough Water Fill - Fills the base floor completely with Rough Water Rough Water Fill (No Sound) - Fills the base floor completely with Rough Water. The water will have no sound to it Honestly these are the texts in the descripts for each item directly from the game. I don't use all of them but a few are handy when you need to make sure a toon is not hung up when traversin the base. Hope this helps even though all i did was copy/paste from the game directly with a minor personal description. @Etched
  24. I'm normally on around 10a and run until 12/1ish. We don't slow roll though and we normally run 50s but we don't have any restrictions on lvl. Paper/Contacts/TFs. Always room on Torch. @Etched
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