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Everything posted by Etched

  1. The Tech FX will animate the lightin to a degree for the area that it is placed in. I would suggest placin them to see which one may be useful, also check the other FX selections. Might be something you can use in them, too. You may have to use a combination of items to get the desired effect. @Etched
  2. Correction. Not Club lights, it's Casino light. Huge pinks light made for exterior use. @Etched
  3. A) Disco ball is located in Casino, Club lights are 3/4 of the way to the right in Lightin, and Tech FX may have the Party Lights you are lookin for or at least a good substitute. B) Don't hold your breath. Many have asked but the Devs have not suggested that this is on the "To Do" list. @Etched
  4. That is different all together whch is why the teleport to hami. I'd definitly use the follow option once tp'd. There is also a key that makes you face target but i don't recall what it is at the moment. That may help as well when you are not on a melee toon. I think it's "Insert" but more than likely wrong. @Etched
  5. Turn on the prompt or hit follow if you have him targetted. Never understood the tpin once the mitos were down. Leads just need to call it out and the rest of the league are capable of gatherin on their own.... let me clearify... the league SHOULD be capable of folowin directions. @Etched
  6. Now the not so big but not really small question. What is everyone goin to do with the base once the judgin is finished? Personally i'm go offer it up for free to whom ever is interested after i add portals. @Etched
  7. Doors within the base has no animation. I can assume you are talkin about the hing within Bath & Kitchen. They are just for looks. You can use ALT to shivel the door so it is open or shut but that is about it. We've been askin but will prolly never get door animation like in the game. @Etched
  8. This is my base on Torch. The Dancin' Cricket base code 420-11642 I don't work so well in the base so i build strictly above or below. Takes away a lot of the limitations that workin in the base requires. However, i have 6 tons of more editin to do. Just needed a break but the interior is 95% completed. @Etched
  9. My family have learned to tune me out when i get to that point. She is right, the editor can push you to your last nerve and beyond. Just remember @Vic Raiden CTRL+Z (Undo) is your best friend until the end. @Etched
  10. You have a valid point. People are greedy and always want more until it gets to be to much. But you have to admit it is a good suggestion. @Etched
  11. This was something discussed a lot durin live and is no less unreasonable then askin for "How much inf a toon has." But to know what toons my friends are playin before i log on would be handy, even if you don't think so. @Etched
  12. There may be something on wiki but i hae never heard of a list, my wife wold love it. Currently i'm her wiki for that kinda stuff. @Dacy or maybe @Easter Bunny may know the anwer to this. @Etched
  13. Since we're askin for additions to loggin, I would love to have a list of global friends that are currently online and the toons they're playin. I'm down with the others suggestions as well. @Etched
  14. SG Leader's Global: @Etched Discord handle (if applicable): Nope Base or SG Name: Sloppy Joe's Shard: Torch Passcode: Sloppy-13062 Other associated contributors; up to 4 more people: Just me
  15. Won't matter which side you play. You can have heroes and villains in the same base. Do you have name Ideas in mind? @Etched
  16. Do you have a base formed already or would I be creatin from scratch? @Etched
  17. What server are you dwellin? How large are you lookin to have? How fast do you want it? @Etched
  18. Doubt the poster would care to discuss anything but you are right, figued the poster would of put it in suggestions instead of here. @Etched
  19. @Tock, I don't think the poster cares about what you and I are sayin. What he don't understand is that this is the devs court and it's their ball. He isn't realizing that they are not goin to change something just cause he is throwin a tantrum and threatening to quit playing if he don't get his way. I'd hate to see a player leave but it's for the best if he moves along to another game where rage quitin will get him what he wants. This goes for anyone, myself included. They are holding the card and most of us are just happy to sit at the table. But to make demands and expect the devs to fold is ridiculously foolish. We pay nothing to get to play with the exception of the devs askin for a donation. This is extremely generous of them to sacrifice their time so we are able to live out our dream of being more than what our daily lives permit. They are the true heroes. And as far as the OP... Later. @Etched
  20. This isn't goin to happen. Have you thought about transferring them into threads and then buyin super inspirations (sell them on the market) or transform them into transcendent merits and email them to the toons you can use them on? Honestly, this isn't goin to happen. @Etched
  21. I have a female ice/kin corr that is dressed as a rabbit named Nameless Joe. @Etched
  22. I have a suggestion that would radically change this game forever. Puppies and kittens. Nothing is tougher then tryin to ignore puppies or kittens and if you can ignore them, then you are not human. Or try soloin lvl 54s with a defender. Either way, puppies and kittensare cute. Puppies and Kitten for prez 23/24. Hey, it could happen. I mean it's puppies and kittens! @Etched
  23. @Hyperstrike, sure i can understand Converters but when it comes down to Hancers and Invention Salvage, I just don't see a point to get rid of it just to replace it. Reward merits - everyone is sayin to convert them to Converters and sell them... Screw that. I save them for the A-Hole that is askin 20 mill for a Purple or a lot more for Winter Enhancements. To me it is a lot easier to transfer them into a hancer that i may need with out breakin my bank. I'm not in a contest to make the most INF if that was the case I'd start sellin the D-Syncs I have but apparently a good majority of the posts is to make as much INF as possible. I played Live and I remember what I loss when they closed down the servers... Game is to short to worry about how much INF you have cause you can't take it with you. I'm not here to keep the Market goin, i'm here to play toons. I guess that is just me. I'm not greedy. I have givin away Billions of Inf to friends and strangers and still have more than enough to fund another 10 toons. If you need INF that bad, run AEon a few times a week, keep what you need and sell the rest. @Etched
  24. It kinda dumbfounds that everyone assumes the poster is NEVER MAKIN ANOTHER TOON EVER AGAIN. So why is everyone sayin to sell everything. That makes no since to sell everything just to rebuy it. Keep what you have and recycle it for the next toon. @Etched
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