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GM Impervium

Lead Game Master
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Everything posted by GM Impervium

  1. You left out a very important line in the section you quoted, probably because it dismantles your entire argument Correction, please heed the following in the section you quoted: "(Yes, we know City of Villains exists)". That's to prevent this exact (bad faith) argument from being made. The game content is held to a different standard, because it's made by a team of people writing missions, and it all had to go through a vetting and editorial process. But a single player making the decision to be edgy has no such guardrails. I know you were encouraged to re-make the thread after removing the parts we initially found problematic, however, this thread is straying further and further from the stated objective of tackling objectionable content, so...
  2. For the record, in case anyone else comes across this sort of thing in the future, all I had Healix do was delete their HC directory (after backing up all their personal stuff like screenshots, setting, binds, etc) and reinstall. I wasn't 100% sure that would work, but clearly, it did 😃
  3. I thought you were a cartoon catapillar... thing? (Don't feel bad, I'm a chunk of made-up metal... not sure how I'm typing, tbh)
  4. Hi. Give it a rest for now, please and thank you.
  5. Between the AI-generated OP and the nitpicking cat-fight that erupted from it, I'm shutting this down.
  6. The system doesn't look at accounts, only the last time each character logged in. So an active player with a forgotten level 4 alt on page 32 of their character list has the same chance of losing that specific character's name as the player who logged in once five years ago. Edit: this was meant as a reply to @WindDemon21
  7. Okay, looks like this thread has run its course.
  8. This sounds more like a thread for suggestions and feedback, so, moved there =)
  9. Easy there, J. Jonah Jameson! Just a reminder to everyone that we don't allow copies of existing characters. There's a fine line between an acceptable homage/parody, and a copyright violation. So people might want to think twice before they tell on themselves here, is all I'm saying.
  10. Maybe the download was bad or corrupt? Have you tried re-downloading HC Launcher?
  11. Shh, don't give the devs April Fools day ideas!
  12. Moved to suggestions and feedback.
  13. Pretty much what @Hedgefund said; sent OP a message on the matter for privacy.
  14. Split this off from the topic it was in, gave it its own thread in the Help and Support section (sorry to make you sound silly now, @Rudra!)
  15. Hey all Things keep getting heated in here, so, just letting you all know: We're WATCHING 😲
  16. Moved thread to "Website feedback". But also, what Ukase said 😃
  17. There are some contacts, particularly for Nictus/Soldiers of Arachnos, who have new missions every five levels. Also, a few Contacts besides that have a low-level story arc, and a higher-level story arc (Monty Castanella of the Midnighters springs to mind)
  18. Okay okay. At this point, we're no longer discussing the update, but just ripping into one another. Not very cash money of y'all. Thank you to everyone who voiced feedback, both praise and criticism. Any further feedback or bug reports should go in their respective places on the forums.
  19. Since this isn't an in-game bug, I've moved the topic to Website feedback. That aside, I don't think the FBSA wiki is an official Homecoming resource? If Michiyo is running it, it's as a player and not in her official capacity as a staff member. I've poked her to get some clarification. If it's not hers, then you'll have to figure out who admins it, and inform them directly, as then we wouldn't have anything to do with it, and no ability to fix it. EDIT: ok, it's hers, and I guess it's getting set up to be an official HC thing, so we'll take care of it; thanks for the heads up! EDIT THE SECOND: Due to a failure of reading comprehension on my part, I was incorrect about the FSBA wiki becoming official. So disregard the statement above.
  20. Vista? Oh jeeze. I think we have like 1, maybe 2 Vista players. So while it should still work, there isn't a lot of vista-based expertise to go around. Also not sure why Marine X's advice so far hasn't panned out for you. Keep us updated!
  21. Hey there! I'm not sure that there is. It's part of our spam guard. I would just try to make the new account a quickly as possible before your IP changes (though it should stay consistent so long as you're online). Perhaps try restarting your modem so it's not changing so rapidly?
  22. ...ew. What are your system specs? Have you noticed any issues when playing other games or using other programs?
  23. In HC Launcher, click the little gear int he upper right corner. Next, click "Homecoming" in the left-hand window. On the right, check "Reset Graphics on Next Run". Close the window, and try starting up the game again. Once you're in, slowly restore your graphic preferences. If this works, you'll have to repeat these steps and un-check the "reset graphics" box, as it will continue to minimize your settings every time you play.
  24. There might be a specific setting that's not playing nice with your set-up. I'd try maybe setting all options to minimum, seeing how that runs, and then crank things up one by one until you start experiencing issues. Then just keep the problem setting low or off whie increasing other settings to find your quality/performance sweet-spot. As an aside, I'm assuming that when you say you are "killing lots of things", that you're solo on a mission map. If you're only experiencing slowdowns like in a rikti raid, that's normal as there's way too much stuff for the game to handle, no matter how powerful of a computer you have.
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