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GM Impervium

Lead Game Master
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Everything posted by GM Impervium

  1. Per our CoC, we generally prefer for players to avoid engaging in any kind of controversial/politically charged speech. Our platforms are not the place for such things. Even if it's something many people can/should agree with, that doesn't mean everyone wants to be reminded of it or have a discussion about it while playing a video game. Per your question , @Neiska , /ignore ignores the entire global account, not just the character, and is the recommended remedy for these things. However, per the above, you can also feel free to report any players who engage in this behavior, so we can become aware of the situation and look into it.
  2. A staff member will be in touch with the winners about their prizes (Aether and Title) within the next couple days; we ask for patience in the meanwhile. But either way: Congratulations, all!
  3. As this is a question about ATs, moved to Archetypes forum =)
  4. When put like that, I acknowledge that my statement came on a little strong. Being of the opinion that we shouldn't change things IS a valid one, and one the Devs should (and I believe do) keep in mind as they propose and enact changes. However, if "no" is the only idea someone brings to the table, especially when they don't test things out, it's not very helpful. That said, we don't want "yes-men" either. If a change is actually bad, and can be proven so via numbers and actual play experience, that's valuable feedback and will cause devs to scrap an idea, or re-tool it until it becomes workable.
  5. While I can't speak for the devs, I feel as though they wish to avoid "too many cooks in the kitchen", as it were. Especially when many of those "cooks" tend to be resistant to any change and won't even test them before posting about how much the game is ruined because of said changes. Volunteers shouldn't have to put up with that kind of bad-faith negativity, which is exactly why our beta process is structured the way that it is. And trust me, the devs aren't infallable. They know that. They DO make mis-steps, and most of those get caught and fixed/redacted during the closed beta/experimental stage. But sometimes when it seems like they aren't listening to feedback, it's because of other factors that they're not at liberty (or mynx, or infernal) to discuss. I think a lot of people will be pleasantly surprised with a feature of the next update, and how it fixes certain issues with both older and newer sets... assuming it goes live, which it may not, which is why things don't get discussed outside of the CB environment, we don't want to get any hopes up like I just did there.
  6. Moved to Suggestions and Feedback. Incidentally, this has come up a lot over the years. Apparently doing this is harder than it sounds, based on how intrinsically linked certain things are. The game keeps track of what level you take your powers at, which is how it knows what powers to gray out/let you keep when you exemplar and do lower-level content. And what happens if the power you want to take out is one you took at level 10, and you try to replace it with a power that isn't available until level 32? Not saying it's a bad idea, just, a lot harder to manage and code for than it might seem.
  7. Any set can be the worst if you only pick one power and don't slot or enhance it =D
  8. Just popping in to remind everyone to keep things respectful. Antagonizing other players over thier playstyle preferences is quite frowned upon. That said, the Council were simply brought "up to par" so to speak. Before, just about anyone could solo them at +4/x8. This has been remedied in order to encourage team play at the higher difficulties that are meant to be team content. There's "feeling super", and then there's gaining reward for no risk, which is bad game design. Also, per the question posed by the title of the OP, you can leave feedback in the Suggestions & Feedback forum. In order to comment on changes that are being added to the game before they go Live, keep an eye out for Open Beta, and comment on changes there.
  9. More for the Community Team members, but devs can chime in, too: What was your favorite, or most memorable, interaction with a player or group of players?
  10. Welcome home! Hope you like what we've done with the place!
  11. What do you think this is, some kind of west-side story? =P
  12. As part of our "New Player Experience" initiative, we wanted Hero players to pop an Exploration badge just after leaving the tutorial, which happens on redside and goldside. And "Rookie" seemed like a fine thematic choice to bring into mainline Atlas. As for Silent Sentinel, it was returned to its original location in the Echo version of AP, correcting the long-standing misplacement.
  13. Very well, locking per request 😃
  14. Okay, SO! This looks amazing, and I bet plenty of people would be excited to participate! HOWEVER. Homecoming does not abide the sharing of personal identifying data. So, in light of that, whoever winds up winning will need to find a way to get their contact info to the OP OUTSIDE of Homecoming's platforms (forum, game, discord, etc). We CANNOT endorse giving out your real name and rough geographic location to a stranger on the internet (Yes, we know Uber and Doordash exist, shush). Any manner in which you do so is at your own risk, and we cannot be held liable for anything that happens as a result, thus, we ask you not use our services as a medium for doing so. So while I'm not shutting this down wholesale @leeper48 , I'll need to insist that perhaps you take this off-site; a private discord channel, maybe? At the very least, we don't want people using forum DMs/in-game tells to share their personal info with others.
  15. Sorry to say, but, I'm obligated to point out that we do not allow minors under 13 to play on our services. I would ask that you amend the situation.
  16. When page 7 hits, the RWZ will also have multiple "test" pylons what will tell you how long it takes you to beat them. You can then look at their max HP and derive your DPS there. Possible downside is they don't attack, so you won't get "real world" data as you can turn off your defenses and such.
  17. About 10. 23, per #6 below 😃 Just a heads up, going from Beta to Live is probably going to muck up your sound. I went on Beta, noticed everything was quiet, turned it up. Went to check something on Live, got my eardrums blasted out =( So, at the very least, headphone users beware!
  18. We GMs rely on community reports to help police the CoC in these instances. We do NOT allow IP-infringing characters on our servers, so we need everyone's help to help us identify potential offenders. As was said earlier, we can't be everywhere at once 😃
  19. As for Aeon, it's a bit of a misnomer. There's a SINGLE Immature Paragon protector in The Crey lab mission, sitting in a side room with the "Unstable" Paragon Protector. If you're used to just rushing through or stealth + TPing to the end, you'll never see them, nor any of the other wonderful easter eggs in that mission.
  20. Moved to suggestions and feedback. Also, just gonna put this out here now: I forsee this being a fiercely debated topic, so I want to remind everyone to keep it cool =)
  21. Moved to Beta Bug reports
  22. Hey all Don't panic if a post of yours went missing, or if you find someone quoting a post that isn't there. We've been asked to move posts that look like Bug reports to the, er, Bug Report section, so the Devs don't lose track of them. I'm halfway done going through the FF threads, so there'll be a second round of this tomorrow. Keep the feedback coming!
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      • Staff of Aesculapius
  23. Hey there! So, it COULD be latency/lag. You can see a visualization of your connection by using the command /netgraph 1; if you're seeing a lot of yellow and/or red spikes or blocks, that means your connection is being throttled or losing entire packets, respectively. But if it's all green, and especially if it looks more like a mowed lawn than a grassy field, then your connection is fine, and there's another cause at play. Fixing a connection issue can be a whole 'nother can or worms, which you can ask about if that seems to be the case. You can turn this off by using the command /netgraph 0. As for UI/resolution, eh, maybe? When trying to click on a line of dialogue, the entire line, even the blank spaces between letters or words, is part of the active field. But this "active field" only extends for a few pixels away from the sentence in all directions, so if you're just a little bit off, it may not register. Finally, in the past, we've found quite a few cases of this to be a hardware issue- the mouse, specifically. It may need to be cleaned or replaced, even if it seems to work fine everywhere else. I'm not sure exactly why, but whenever we tell people to replace their mouse, that usually ends up working for them.
  24. This is more of a "Which AT should I play" question, so, moved thread to the Archetypes forum 😃
  25. Check your Messages for additional info on this issue.
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