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Jiro Ito

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Everything posted by Jiro Ito

  1. It is a "player is only affecting self" kind of power though, so one can't shuffle and battle at the same time.
  2. I believe this already exists as an option at the Costume Creator?
  3. Love Trick Arrow for debuffs. Not sure how it could be called slow either.
  4. Agreed and agreed. Who cares if other people make inf?
  5. I'd rather be able to craft additional stuff with them, but sounds like it's just me. This would work too, but would be nice if we could email more than 1 thing at a time.
  6. To craft IOs? That too would be great. And if the incarnate salvage could be converted into invention salvage, that would also be helpful. I assume diminishing returns, maybe at a 2-for-1 rate for common, uncommon, and rare, and maybe a very rare incarnate piece could turn into a rare invention piece.
  7. Dear friends, I find my more-often-played characters overloaded with incarnate salvage and wish I had more to do with it. Crafting large enhancements is fine, having a handy second or third Destiny option is useful, and exploring different Lores to throw out for difficult times vs silly times vs RP times can be a hoot... ...but I've got hundreds of shards, threads, and components piling up on the characters I play the most, and since I can't trade them to my next alts or sell them on the auction house, I would love more stuff to build with them. I have some suggestions. More temporary buffs to craft at the SuperGroup buff crafting stations, take effect immediately and last for 1 hour. Salvage component cost is figured at a rate of 1M inf per Empyrean Merit, so each adds up to 25M inf which is what the P2W buffs go for. Windfall (same as that found in Winter Packs) Predetermined combo of 3 common shard or thread salvage, 2 uncommon, 2 rare Defense Amplifier (same as P2W version): Predetermined combo of 3 common shard or thread salvage, 2 uncommon, 2 rare Offense Amplifier (same as P2W version) Predetermined combo of 3 common shard or thread salvage, 2 uncommon, 2 rare Survival Amplifier (same as P2W version) Predetermined combo of 3 common shard or thread salvage, 2 uncommon, 2 rare Incarnate Origin Enhancements (InOs?). Similar to HOs and Dysncs, InOs added to fill some missing gaps in high level enhancements that affect multiple aspects of a power. InOs could be traded/sold like HOs etc. Cost to craft in the Incarnate Abilities window is 100 threads, 4 common, 1 uncommon, 1 rare, 1 very rare (at the rate of 1M influence per Empyrean Merit, this adds up to 50M). End Mod/Heal/Absorb Accuracy/Recharge Damage/Def Debuff Knockback/End Red Taunt/Damage Taunt/Endurance In summary, I'm looking for some more incarnate salvage sinks, once I've completed my build and still enjoy playing the character and piling up the loot. I'm sure others will have even better suggestions, and I'll be sad I didn't think of them first once I read them. Thank you for your time.
  8. I also play on Torch, sometimes with my kids who are roughly the same age as yours. I disable General chat and there's rarely anything in LFG or Broadcast that I worry about. Talk at hami raids or itrials can get spicy but you can skip those, or disable league chat. On the rare occasion I take my kids, I let the league know I've got a young one and they've been well-behaved.
  9. Maybe a Tip mission specifically designated as a nemesis (lowercase "n") arc could appear for you "Stop Tub Ci from stealing Nectanebo's Kneebone," and from thereafter Tub Ci has become your nemesis and will randomly appear with some Tsoo when you're doing other things, like a Yin TF (I heard you were in Independence Port, $target! You've interfered with my plans for the last time!"). Don't like Tub Ci? Don't want a magic-origin nemesis? Don't grab the Tip. Wait for a Nemesis (uppercase "N") mission to appear, or Positron (vigilantes, villains and rogues only), or Silver Mantis (vigilantes, heroes, or rogues only), or Vanessa DeVore, or, or, or. They will constantly interfere with your business, and you will continue to get Tip missions to interfere in theirs. Bonus points for a nemesis ambush outside of a mission door, in the real world. "We'll make such beautiful music together, $target!" Maestro yells. Nemeses will appear ranked according to your activity, ie if on a TF/SF they will always appear as an AV, but if you are solo with AVs disabled they will appear as EBs. Tired of your nemesis? Use Null the Gull to reset your nemesis and wait for the one you want to pop up, or, don't select a new nemesis and you won't see them trying to foil your MoCuda attempts anymore. Badges! Antagonist - select a nemesis by running their tip mission Archenemy - defeat your nemesis after they attempt to sabotage your mission Foes Like These - defeat a teammate's nemesis after they attempt to sabotage your mission Guerrilla - defeat any nemesis's ambush Keep Your Enemies Close - defeat your nemesis 5 times Feeble Attempt - defeat 5 teammate nemeses
  10. Other badge name suggestions, inspired by the greatest super hero costume designer of all: Artist Fabulous Bold and Dramatic No Capes Hobo Suit Patch Job
  11. just wanted to mention, any AT can also go to the sg base buff terminal and get an invisibility buff
  12. I don't think so, along with the Longbow Warden healing badge trick. I know for sure defeat badges cannot be earned in AE. The thread Glacier Peak snipped above has all the best tricks for efficiency.
  13. I got the healing badge pretty easily by using Rebirth at Hami raids and MSRs. And that was on a blaster. The damage taken and mezzed badges are the ones I found to be silly, because you're shouldn't have much of either of those going on in your regular gameplay (tanks and damage taken maybe). I had to farm both of those with the methods pointed out in the thread linked above.
  14. Seems like a fast way to generate a lot of generic content, but without any of the creativity, twists, or feelings a real human could come up with. I guess if you were creating CoH from the ground up, this would be an easy way to populate it with missions, but I much prefer how wild it was to see Princess Zoe saying "Mgrgrgrgrgr," or the villainous pity written into Oh Wretched Man (which I just played through again, excellent). Or all the tricks you guys throw into your AE arcs. Maybe I'm old and cantankerous, but I prefer the writing and drawing be done by people hands.
  15. Thanks for the tip, I was able to fumble about and make this work. Still, it would be nice to just have doors and speedboats act as teleporters.
  16. • Your character name: Jiro Ito • Your Global handle: @jiroito • Your base’s name: Scorpio Industries • The shard it is located on: Torchbearer • The passcode for entering the base: SCORPIO-10781 • The Base Category you are entering under: Utility Center Under 7K Items • The item count of your base: 1400 • The character names or Global handles of any members that contributed to building the base: nobody The island lair of the Ito Family, with all the amenities and trophies you would expect to find in a superpowered individual's base of operations.
  17. More items that can be teleporter clickys: doors, helicopters, boats, jets. I know you can sort of hide a portal behind doors with only some of the magic swooshy visible, but sometimes I just want to take a door from one part of my base to the other, ya know?
  18. My mace/willpower is just okay and definitely not cut out for hard mode. I love my shield/ice but struggle with him in four star stuff. Rad/em is my go-to now; I used IO sets to get him up to 49% melee defense on top of all the many tools it already has in its box and he just shines on four stars, etc. I have a bio/savage in the works and am excited to see how that plays in the endgame.
  19. I did this combo on a corrupter up to lvl 50 (Cheap Tequila! still love the concept) and just never felt comfortable with it. It felt like the single target and small aoe strengths of poison didn't mesh well with the larger aoe strengths of water. Perhaps that is just my weakness as a player though.
  20. The Live game was designed to create a lengthy grind that keeps people reupping their subscriptions. I don't have the time for something like that now, so I appreciate the options HC offers to avoid the grind. It's also not required, so you can still do the MMO slow-grind if you want to, and earn your IOs the hard way, etc. This server is fun for me and I'm happy to have the chance to play here.
  21. The land of eternal Halloween for me! Lakeside farmhouse in Croatoa, here I come!
  22. I've never seen an ice farm, and if I had to guess, it wouldn't be very popular since ice has a secondary effect of slowing movement speed and recharge, which in turn would slow down your farming speed. Ice blast and ice melee are also mostly combinations of cold/smashing and cold/lethal damage so you have to build protections to all of that, where fire and s/l farms are purely those forms of damage.
  23. How was the Market Crash badge not called "Dupin Rares" ??
  24. Don't forget all of Croatoa plus the Task Force that summons a zombie invasion when completed!
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