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Everything posted by Jaguaratron

  1. I think the stun mechanic is a bit much now with useable AOE imo.
  2. Are you kidding? If Emmert had his way this game would have folded years sooner and no one would have been clamoring for a revival, the mess that is Champions Online is much closer to what he wanted out of the game. City of Heroes was a success in spite of him not because and he was pretty resentful of that success too.
  3. Why does blaster tactical arrow oil slick arrow have a 90s CD while the trick arrow set oil slick arrow have a 3 minute CD?
  4. Dominator/electrical assault/voltaic sentinel is a bad joke of a t9 ability, it should either live for 5 minutes or cost nothing to summon.
  5. Castle screwed the set around same time he screwed up PvP, he fixated on numbers as opposed to actual play experience so only ever had half the story. Yes EM was king of PvP but then he screwed PvP into an ungodly bastardization and STILL messed with EM, probably to make it "fit" into a higher damage bracket of PvP attacks as he changed it to factor off animations, who knows, he was a nut because EM was a terrible set for 99% of the game but a god in PvP which is what he was fixated on. I remember him saying how good Whirling hands was..... I dont know what to suggest though, make energy transfer a chain? Good luck.
  6. Rollback to pre i13, as it stands its an abomination.
  7. They cant really, well they could, but only with a lot of work on the costume items The arachnos slot was a huge fudge by NcSoft, basically its a NPC slot because the arachnos soldier costume parts were never intended to be used by players and are not built in the same way in regards to playing nice with different costumes. That slot could be expanded upon for non arachnos in some fun ways, they could make a signature arc or TF with a badge and then that badge gives and alters the use accordingly. For example The "signature TF" badge could be replaceable but only one would be "active" so to speak Do a Carny TF, get badge NPC slot allows you to access the NPC carny items Then do a Malta/Knives of artemis TF (because the costume sets are not unisex), the carnie badge becomes "revoked", you get Malta/knives badge active and can choose from their NPC pieces in primary slot. But you know, theres a lot of fun things that could be done, it just requires time and manpower.
  8. When it first came to test server teams stacked it which led to unbalanced metrics, same as if you stack any AT so NCsoft nerfed it hard and it became mediocre and more of a control set than what it should be as a buff/debuff set. As mentioned by many, the recharge times are punitive and dont lend themselves to being of continuous use to a team, lets look at their "debuff" of disruption arrow as a secondary powerset, it gives a location based -res effect of -15% and a 25ft radius, not mobile so if fight moves you are stuck until it recharges which reasonably you can expect it done in 30s. Then you have sonic, which you can throw around whoever is in the thick of the fight, and do more -res (-22.5%) at a slightly smaller radius (15ft) as a toggle which is infinitely more useful to a team. Just look at it oil slick arrow, 3 min recharge EMP arrow, which is crap, is on a FIVE minute CD, the blaster variant, though holds for less is on a 90 second recharge and it goes on, you could cut the trick arrow recharges in half and it may still not be OP.
  9. Its not so long solo, just getting about takes time if you arent using the cosmic transport hub. Or just tag along with a group, they are always forming posi teams
  10. There is an AV fight, its soloable even at lower levels provided you kill the adds that spawn when he his 50% life a couple of times and throw envenomed daggers temp power at him. I solod him with a lvl 15 staff/bio stalker, I would recommend clearing around his spawn on the floor as he can go walkies. You can also do the original Positron task force in Oroboros, I think its called "The New Recruits" and that one has no AV fight, just an EB at end.
  11. Its not random, theres some kind of flaw in the "draw" If you go to AS someone (while hidden) and your staff is not drawn it will have a delay, like the system thinks it is "drawing" the weapon at the end of the AS animation before the damage is inflicted. If you go to AS someone (while hidden) while your staff is draw it will work correctly I would assume this is down to staff fighting not having a "no redraw" option. Solution = add no redraw option to staffs or at least make AS a no redraw ability.
  12. Any chance you could do something with staff sounds? every animation sounds like its using a hollow bamboo rod and its a little jarring to me.
  13. And its likely a very easy fix, Broadsword doesnt have this issue, neither does mace, its a simple comparison job
  14. It would suggest it doesnt abuse the games AI, the AI does what its supposed to, it tries to get you with its attacks but if its attacks are mainly melee and you can survive its ranged attacks (of which every mob has at least one) then you are good to go. Also the Recluse fight is a poorly designed affair from the start, and stupid.
  15. I have everything on my Elec/Storm corrupter though I could probably lose thunderclap
  16. Rise of the Phoenix = Mag 4 stun, Soul Transfer = Mag 30 stun As I said, one stuns everything.
  17. Unstoppable and power surge are too punitive to bother taking, if they covered the hole of Psionic then it would have a roll but it doesnt and it doesnt do anything of benefit fundamentally Rise of the Phoenix is pretty worthless, spend a power or carry a wakie.... Soul transfer at least stuns everything.
  18. Its good Icy Bastions activation animation sucks and is not appropriate for the power type.
  19. I doubt talks with NCsoft will go anywhere, I hope Im wrong. If this is an update of the Freakshow I hate it with a passion reserved usually only for politicians
  20. lvl 26 is a day of solo play, I cant help you with your issues if you cant see the value in the heal at level 4 which has a much reduced cooldown over the other clicky heals, fortunately theres plenty of other combos that will suit you. Also as a FYI, HIDE gives stalkers 40% aoe defence at BASE when hidden so your point on not wanting to hit while lining up an AS is flawed.
  21. Its a monster, its highly capable once you get healing flames alone (which is at level 4) so long as you drop in a KB protection IO, the rest of the low level play is just the same as everything else, low level play. Its not missing much in resistance terms to any of the other resistance sets You dont open with AS, you open with Fire Sword Circle for the crits, drop burn and laugh as you run off to kill another group
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