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Everything posted by ArchVileTerror

  1. Yes, Aries. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/16315-petition-get-haijinx-to-get-a-profile-picture/ Very much: Yes.
  2. What's really going to bake your noodle is that Death From Below -already is- co-op between Hero and Villains; you just can't -launch- the Trial while there is a mismatch in the team composition. But once it's started, the actual instance is co-op and has NPCs for both sides already in it. They're just visible/invisible based on your current alignment. I haven't tested this with Drowning in Blood yet, but I would not at all be surprised if it's the same deal.
  3. Ideal "Group" situation? Perfected themed bases for each of my roleplay factions, and personal housing for any independent characters. Socializing's for the chat channels; especially the Globals. Ideally the Global Channels would show up without having to manually reconfigure Chat Tabs for each character one has, without having to remember to /loadchat every time.
  4. The biggest problem with always-on Hallowe'en is that you can only trick-or-treat on doors which are your level. If Port Oakes (for example) was one of the only places to Trick or Treat, then you would need to team up with someone between levels 5 and 15 (or 2 and 18, depending if the +/-3 rule applies).
  5. Sorry, I seem to have missed it . . . but what are your payment methods?
  6. Emphasis: "with what we know today as" I am using modern parlance to paraphrase what was originally stated by Jack.
  7. ie: 259 x 1.969 = 509.96 (not exactly, since "259" and "96.9%" aren't actually accurate, and there's a rounding error in the displayed values)
  8. Hmm. Would this not be appropriate as a thread in the Roleplay board? All the same . . . mains. Main Hero doesn't live anywhere, since Its undead. *rimshot* All the same, being an extradimensional entity and not requiring concerns such as traditional food or rest, there isn't a singular location It would call "home." Main Villain has a cozy little island fortress to the south of the main Etoile Islands. She has a rather large family and a private personal military force, and would be an island dictator if there were any civilization infrastructure on her little slice of paradise. I then have about another 80 to 90 characters who don't also live on said island. Kings Row and Port Oakes are two popular places of residence for my characters. There's also one named Mercy who lives on Mercy Island (harkens to a rude joke). A couple of my characters may live in Founders' Falls and St. Martial, though I haven't solidified that yet for those characters. I have a Hero Group which is decidedly homeless; though Kings Row, Skyway City, and Brickstown are their typical haunts. None of my characters are so awful as to live in Steel Canyon. And while it's a point of contention within the roleplay community, I happen to fall in to the category of players who believes that there are neighbourhoods beyond the Warwalls which -have- been reclaimed and rebuilt, but are merely not represented with in-game Zones. I know that some other players vehemently disagree with this, and state that it's their belief that anything that's not expressly shown as an in-game zone is essentially a Mad Max wasteland. Hmm . . . overall I think I want to give the question some more thought. I have quite a few characters who I just haven't really -thought- about which part of the cities they actually live in.
  9. I don't have the quote in front of me, but I have a memory of reading something from Jack along the lines of his expectation for City of Heroes Archvillains to be on par with what we know today as "Dark Souls Hard." ie: Banging one's head against it, until you finally triumph through sheer tedious reattempts. Multiplied eight-fold by being on a full team.
  10. OO! Something else that comes to mind: Could we please have the newer Exploration Badges (the ones with the 100-word essays as descriptions) rewritten to be less Agency-stealing? Short of mind control (and even then, there's a good way and a bad way to handle that) narrative content in a roleplaying game like this should not rob the player of agency to define their character, and should NEVER tell a player how their character feels. For example: Rikti Monkey Island Exploration Badge "There is a secret to this island of monkeys: that if an infinite number of Rikti Monkeys were placed before an infinite number of typewriters, the smell they'd produce would be unbearable. It is nearly unbearable here; the Rikti Monkeys chattering non-stop, dropping dung wherever they please, and prancing about with that unnerving rapidity fills you with the urge to kill every last one of them. You're going to enjoy pulping their little bodies." Proposed changes (plus some other edits): "It has been said that if an infinite number of Rikti Monkeys were placed before an infinite number of typewriters, the smell they'd produce would be unbearable. But it's no secret that on the Rikti Monkey Island things really are quite bad. The little monsters chattering non-stop, expelling droppings wherever they please, and prancing about with that unnerving rapidity. It's enough to fill some with the urge to kill every last one of the Rikti."
  11. I am also in support of Hallowe'en in Spring!
  12. Try this one. /bind LALT+NUMPAD1 beginchat "/petsayall I'm Dancin'!$$petsayall <em dance>"
  13. Congratulations on 28 years! My spouse and I are "only" up to 12 so far.
  14. 100% behind $shard All the others? Sure. Okay. Just give me $shard already!
  15. Pretty sure we went over it already: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/12155-going-forward-can-we-have-more-things-that-mean-something/ But, let's turn it around for a second. Whyfore bragging? What's so good about tedious and difficult stuff? What's the point of any of that? Ultimately, I think, it's a preference. I don't think there's really going to be any "explaining" it. Not any more or less than one can explain a preference for Coca-Cola or Pepsi. If the Devs were to create a category of Badges which don't count toward Badge totals, that -might- be enough for the majority of Badgers to be "okay" with the addition of nigh-inaccessible "Hardcore" Badges. But, basically, this game has a history with being fairly accessible and casual overall. There are a lot of players who view Badges as core content (sometimes even as -the- Content). Locking them behind exclusionary barriers feels bad for them. And even if they managed to unlock them, it would never feel like it was an accomplishment or a meaningful time investment; it would feel like a pointless grind meant to rob them of their free time which they'll never get back. That's, at least, the perspective as I've come to understand it. I'm not quite that extreme with my personal views, but I do baulk pretty firmly against anything that's a timesink for no reason other than to be a timesink. That just smacks of total pointlessness. As long as things remain genuinely optional, I won't complain. But at this point, we're discussing design philosophy. That's a much bigger topic than this thread's really designed to handle. Maybe a discussion in a new thread, either in General ( https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/10-general-discussion/?do=add ) or Off-Topic ( https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/69-off-topic/?do=add ) might be a good place to tackle it.
  16. and just gonna say, Jimmy; the non-competitive incentives are VERY MUCH appreciated. Definitely a good idea to include that sort of encouragement.
  17. And, yet again, it bears repeating that the Homecoming Team has done everything they can to subtly insinuate that they do not like that they had to make this change to the Code of Conduct. Hint, bloody hint.
  18. One could consider splitting the difference. Reduce the Buff value of Maximum Hit Points by 20%, but add an Absorb of approximately 30% of the old +MaxHP. But then, I always like compromises as a general principle,
  19. I mean, if you want it to happen sooner; get on the Test Shards, bring your friends, and hammer the hell out of everything there to get the bug testing and balance passes done quicker. You -can- actually help this happen faster by being involved in the process!
  20. Oh yeah! Also: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/15184-gender-locked-badges/ It would be great to have the Gender and Alignment flags moved to a Null the Gull menu option instead, so that we may choose our Badge Titles more precisely. Although I've heard that the Praetorian versions of some Badges are completely separate, so that could complicate such an effort.
  21. Given the situation, I think streaming from any server of City of Heroes has the potential to jeopardize the negotiations, if only because the whims and fancies of corporate executives are a difficult thing to gauge. But generally, any affront to their ego is a bad move, unless you have the capital to squelch them at the table (which Homecoming definitely doesn't). I'm not privy to any additional details, mind you. This is just a few thoughts that I'm musing out loud.
  22. It would be, biostem . . . however, I kind of like this behaviour at times. When the last enemy in a mob is a teleporter (or the final boss in the Sutton Task Force), I actually appreciate my Henchies running off and showing me which direction the blighter disappeared off to.
  23. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/16882-march-costume-contest-winners-natural-origin-theme/
  24. Did Peregrine Island or Port Oakes ever give you any trouble? If so, it might be the Arena geometry assets. Otherwise, the only other unique assets in Galaxy City -might- be in the Freedom Corps building.
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