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Everything posted by Dacy

  1. Good for you!! Sometimes there are weird bugs, and we just gotta figure them out. -Dacy
  2. Yes, names can be changed. Petitioning a GM usually does the trick. -Dacy
  3. That is pretty awesome, tho tedious. But hey, I'm a base builder, tedious is not that big a deal...theoretically. 🙂 The base code itself does not help, I need to know whose base it is, sadly. Currently there's no system in place of identifying who owns or who made a base, and I wish there were. -Dacy
  4. I did actually check with a GM on this. Pretty much a big no, the team does not want to mess with it. I was rather hoping there was a way to at least see what bases HAD been created and who created them, but there does not seem to be a way even to do that. Of course, that's not the only complication to that, so, guess we just have to depend on people who are still around who remember that they have a low number base that's just going to waste. -Dacy
  5. The "whatever spreadsheet" is the one listed under the pinned topic here, "base code passes", literally this topic. Where is your sheet listed, and how do you update it? I've never updated wiki. I noticed my Witch's House (probably list under entertainment?) BOO-17189 isn't listed... (Neither is one I did for a friend, PEST-2019, but it's not technically finished yet anyway, but it's listed in the google docs referenced.) Feels like we need a better system. Something more accessible and publicized; seems like many people don't or won't come to the forums, and many people refuse to do Discord. Wiki is great if you know it's there, but I wouldn't have thought to look there. Until you just now showed it to me. I believe there are quite a few bases I know of which are not listed there. Some not finished, of course, but still. We need to consolidate! -Dacy
  6. When I look on the Excelsior pages, all I can see are transit hubs, and not many overall. What happened to the rest of the bases, as I know for sure many more were listed? -Dacy
  7. Sorry, there is not. Make them and sell or store them. You can, however, store some in the AH, but that's character specific. -Dacy
  8. I love hearing back on stuff like this! Thank you! -Dacy
  9. Hey, just letting people know, if you have a base that you made early on, maybe you made it and never did much with it? There's a market if it's got a low number. The lower the better, 3 digits or less, and especially if it's got an easy to remember aspect to it, like a pattern such as 515, 246, etc. We're well into 5 digit numbers, and just saying, if you're not using a base with a low number, there are people who'd very much like to have that number, and some who are willing to pay large sums of influence for it. If you have a low number base you'd like to let someone else do something with, please reply to this topic so that anyone interested can see. Seems like we should have a system that puts the numbers no longer being used back into circulation so we don't end up with eventually 6 digit codes.
  10. New Series: Building Skills, when you're ready for a more in-depth look at an aspect of base building. Building Skills: Lettering! -Dacy
  11. And, trying to catch up on some promised videos...here is another one. -Dacy
  12. Isn't it, tho? If they ever took away alphabet letters and stall panel walls, I'd be doomed. Banners are pretty high on the list for versatile items, as well! -Dacy
  13. Finally, got another one done: (hoping to get more out soon). COH Base Quick Tips: Using Banners: More Than Just Decoration! -Dacy
  14. I changed my URL to something custom, not sure if this affects bookmarks or not, but the new custom URL is https://www.youtube.com/c/DacysBaseBuilding.
  15. Did you see my haunted house? You can do lots of things with NPCs if you're creative enough. 🙂 Sadly, there isn't really a "writhing" pose, but some of the dance poses work in some cases. (Still actually open, go see some of what I mean in BOO-17189 on Everlasting). But it would be AWESOME if we had some way to animate objects or NPCs so they'd circle, or walk down a path and back, or something. -Dacy
  16. Base editing can be used to create a wide, wide, WIDE variety of looks and feels. DEFINITELY can be used to create "homey" feeling places, and you can even hide the functions of the base in various places and still have it look like a home. You can also find in the base building community: space ships, space stations, city blocks, tree houses, naturescapes, fantasy lands, underground worlds, haunted mansions, island villages, shops, coffee houses, bars, and many, many, MANY more things. And fireplaces don't have to be quite so huge, if you don't want them to be: -Dacy
  17. Topic edited so that it should now go to the correct place!! Thank you so much for finding that! -Dacy
  18. Well, if it's a curse, I guess I'll take it, nice work! If you'd like specific feedback, I can be reached in game @Dacy. 🙂 Yes, I did go see it all. -Dacy
  19. Just a note here: the DawL House did provide a lot of funding and other help for that event, but they were not the primary fundraisers. 😊 Lots of people helped with that! The biggest contributor was @BlackHearted and Associates. I love the enthusiasm that streamers and such bring to the game! -Dacy
  20. Dacy

    Sutter TF Bug

    Encountered bug in Sutter TF 12/2/21. We had defeated Praetorian Duray in the final mission. Primal had called his clone. We defeated the clone as Primal teleported somewhere out of sight, and the mission completed as if we'd defeated the AV. We went ahead and finished off two more clones and the AV after mission completion. Character A-157, two teammates. -Dacy
  21. Bonfire. But almost no one uses this, they turn it into a kd fest, instead. Because in general, teams HATE knock back.
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