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Everything posted by Lines

  1. Roy Cooling's arc shows that this isn't the case - the mediport technology is reserved for superpowers and a select few others. Even SWAT don't have it. At the end of the arc, the technology is released on an as-need basis for the handicapped and the elderly, but is not widely distributed.
  2. Get the Chance for Hide ATO ASAP and slot it in AS (Acronym hell, sorry). It will change the way you play your stalker. It's like going from 0 to 70. Open with your strongest attack that isn't AS - it will crit. Get up to Assassins Focus if your attack chain is rapid enough (But don't sweat it too much if it isn't) and then use AS with a critical strike to quickly knock some poor sucker out. This will hide you for another crit. As you get recharge into your build, you'll be forcing crits every few seconds.
  3. I've noticed a little more life on redside this week. Could it be our time has come? The heroes are doomed!
  4. Not to mention how niche the travel powers that we have are. Even throwing Jetpacks, Ninja run and Beast run into the mix, these still don't mesh with all that many character concepts. I'm very much looking forward to freerunning. I'm sure it will place last in the travel power effectiveness, but some of my heroes need that normality. I even quite like the idea of being closer to the ground, like ninja run - the city feels great to explore at that height. Yes, even the Hollows and The Rogue Isles. One thing that CO did well was the variety of travel powers. Can't think of much else.
  5. Ignore my last post if you saw it - got confused. I suppose others were ok with the WIP state its in. I can't comment, however. I imagine the HC crew would like it done to a final, polished version or not at all. Here's a bit of wind control.
  6. I'm on Ronion too, hit me up if you wanna do cool stuff. @Lines
  7. At the moment, wind control uses placeholder animations and reused assets from other sets. To my knowledge, they're still working on effective ways of getting new assets into the game - many of the files are proprietary, weird, encrypted types. Until that hurdle has been overcome, Wind Control is stuck in a WIP state.
  8. I'm not entirely sure I understand the point that OP is trying to make. It feels like you're making a deliberate, biased effort to prove that Corrs outdamage Blasters. If true, this is a very significant suggestion. It would mean not only that the community's calculations are incorrect but also that the game has been poorly designed and that Corruptors would be in need of a nerf. Thankfully, that isn't the case. The contrary should be evident in the damage scalars, and if that isn't enough then spend some time trying both ATs using only their identical primary powers and you'll feel the difference. CoH has a LOT of modifiers going on throughout the game. It's very hard to find two scenarios where the modifers are consistent with each other. This is why folks use Rikti Pylons to crunch numbers as a standard, accepted experiment - it's as close to a controlled environment as the game has to offer. It doesn't really work to introduce a new non-standard experiment to prove your point - you need to prove it against the accepted standard. Folks on these boards eat numbers for breakfast. They know what they're talking about.
  9. This has pinpointed my exact feeling in words I wasn't finding myself. I think a lot of MMOs suffer from this, over their lifetimes. CoH needs a coherent 'vision', and for all its elements to mesh with that vision. At the moment, there is a dissonance that has emerged over time.
  10. Shauna Stockwell lives in KR, and she starts the new skulls arcs Here's a couple more worth a mention: Level 15-24 (SC): Graham Easton Level 15-24 (SC): Laura Lockhart Faultline and Croatoa are both enjoyable zone arcs as well. Striga... is a thing too.
  11. Same Chrome build, no issue. In fact, every word of this post was spelled incorrectly and fixed by right clicking.
  12. It's a viable strategy for when you hate your teammates.
  13. You might consider playing a blapper instead? There are control options within there... If you're after the melee ATs, Tank does make most sense. Stalkers could as well, thanks to not generating so much threat. As for pools, there are team buffs within concealment, medicine and sorcery. Presence has a little bit of crowd control. Force of will has some debuffs going on. Tank epic pools can be crowd controlley. All in all, you'll be relying pretty heavily on less effective buffing powers. A Guardian AT would be a welcome sight some day.
  14. Single Target, as opposed to hitting many enemies at once with AoEs.
  15. Am I wrong in saying that only one of the new origin pool powers can be taken? I don't think a build can use both sorcery and force of will. Only heard it so; not tested.
  16. I don't mind going slow and I like being able to chat between missions. Big numbers aren't everything.
  17. Group fly is about to go from mostly useless to totally useless.
  18. The difficulty didn't seem to dissuade us from playing, so I dunno if the game sucked. It was significantly harder to level 1-20 back then than any content in game is today. In a way, I find that kinda sad. I don't think difficulty necessarily equates to bad game design, though there were plenty of questionable decisions at launch. I think it took a lot of players trying things out to realise why some ideas and designs didn't mesh,. But I also think a lot of the newer conveniences are worse in terms of designing an RPG. I remember playing as a young'un and having dreams of what was beyond the Hollows. Seeing names on the map like Skyway City and Boomtown filled my imagination. I thought there must be some Emerald City where the godlike level 50s with their unbelievable powers like flight and stamina would congregate. An Atlas Park for the elites. I think the prospect of having so much to explore was what kept me going. I'd love to see Hazard Zones get hazardous again, in a way that rewards simply exploring them.
  19. I honestly can't work out what PDH stands for.
  20. I was on a Cathedral of Pain run the other day (some if you Ronions might have been there) where we simply couldn't take down the Aspect of Rularuu, despite three full teams. We were fairly well coordinated and we had good leadership. Even post-mortem, we couldn't figure out why the run wasn't working. We do it often with barely a thought. The team looked good on paper. Either our dps was somehow low or we weren't packing enough -regen. It was the only time so far on HC where ignoring the team build possibly* led to not being able to finish the trial. *if anyone has any other theories why Rularuu might have out regen'd our dps, I'd like to know. It's still a mystery to me.
  21. I also reliably get no countdown in universities. Could there be other factors at play, such as time since last in combat?
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