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Everything posted by Lines

  1. This thread has given me more pause than any other whether to stay on HC or switch over to rebirth or thunderspy. Not for any particular poster or discussion, but just the reality that the HC trend isn’t really sustaining my interest. Which is a bit sad, but folks are right that a separate server is better for someone like me.
  2. Disclaimer, my scenario was hypothetical. I'm not married to the idea that if I make stuff it must be an unlockable. I'm just wondering where folks would stand with that.
  3. That'd be sweet! Some badges (master ofs or significant accolades) could become gold titles too, or completing all arcs with a certain villain group. Stuff that really matters.
  4. Display Name MVP of the Suggestions & Feedback board!
  5. I agree with this! Obviously something would have to fill ToT's shoes. Here's another hypothetical, just for interest: Let's say I'm a 3D artist (which I am), and I design a costume set (ok, I'm more architectural... but lets say) and the set is pretty sweet, it's got like sequins and shit. But I say I'd like this costume set to be unlocked from a certain arc if I'm going to contribute it. Since I'm coming from the 'earn creativity' camp, it would make sense that I ask for this right? I'd probably take my stuff elsewhere or stop making things if I'm told it'll be given free or nothing. Would you prefer to not have any access to my models, or to have it as an unlockable?
  6. There's a few people who have come into this thread and made their position clear, absolutely. And I'd expect that most people who would comment are those who are adverse to the idea - these kinds of suggestions attract opposition as they, as has been discussed, may interfere with gameplay. This isn't enough of a sample to call that a majority, but I'm not going to claim to be in the majority either. It bothers me that the response is to /jranger it. Unlockables were part of the retail game which clearly a few of us reflect fondly on. It was one of my first comments on returning and continues to be my biggest gripe. It's an oversimplification to say that they were there just to take our money. Well by extension, they did so by holding our attention and give us some things to do. A variety of content was rewarded in a variety of ways. The fact that that is gone is a legitimate problem for myself and others, and I'd like that to be recognised and appreciated. I would like to know what you and others would say to the idea of the Nemesis Hussar helmet being locked behind an arc. Literally just the helmet, not the rest of of the costume. Helmet alone. I just want hats.
  7. Isn't it just p2w at the moment? I think the nemesis staff used to be a veteran reward, wasn't it? (disclaimer, I'm not suggesting locking away things that have already been made available. Just talking about prospective, hypothetical new stuff.)
  8. I think this is exactly the sort of unlock methods Hero was advocating. Even the 50% chance drop is more grindy and less certain than what's been suggested.
  9. You know those brass helmets with plumes that Nemesis soldiers wear. Say those were unlocked behind some Nemesis arc. Would that be too much? Genuinely asking where the line is. Because I want to collect hats.
  10. Like in the last thread, this is a single issue where folks have diametrically opposed expectations. This can only be a stalemate. Adding unlockables will deter one kind of player, front-loading all rewards deters another. Knowing that, can we keep this as a discussion. It's an important one to me and I don't want this thread to get heated over it. At the moment, I find the purpose for playing the game too lacking. Others will feel differently, of course, but we can't argue each other out of their experiences. I'd like to know where the compromises are for you guys in favour of no locking, referring to my earlier post.
  11. For me, a lot of the rewards in the game have suffered from being a bit drowned out by homogeneity. There are, what, like 1500-2000 badges rolling about now? You get some of them by literally doing nothing for a few days. I have a badger toon at like 750 badges, but it's worn thin and lost its substance at this point. Some of us are making the case of "We need more drive" and the counterpoint is "You already have drive." It's not really anyone other than me who decides that, and it would be unfortunate for me if things keep getting given directly to us. I've not been able to get my teeth into the game for a little while now already, I'd like to have a little incentive to do things. But if others feel differently, then, y'know, there are plenty of games out there for me. For me this is coming from enjoying more traditional RPG progression, and the feeling that doing something leads to being rewarded something relevant and substantial. Souvenirs are a closer parallel than badges to what I mean, but the game gives them zero weight. You have to explore a few menus to even find them and they're clunky and unassuming in themselves. I don't care that I can't share them, that's not the point, just to know there was a reward for content. What about base items that are villain group members behind bars, even AVs for completing certain arcs or a string of arcs? Or relics, like the signature hero items you can get? I'm thinking of things that kinda level of relevant uniqueness and substance while avoiding costume elements.
  12. Can we not try and diagnose each other's mental states here please?
  13. Let's assume we take costume unlocks off the table for now. (Though I'm an advocate of unlockable, villain group specific, account-wide hats, like the arachnos ones you can get. I'd never wear them, I just want to collect hats.) What else could there be? Definitely more story content - there are a few examples of this already. Unique IO Sets, like the Overwhelming Force from SBB. Temporary Powers - This happens a lot already, and actually gets kind of annoying. Unless you're Coin. QoL features, like travel or crafting aids. Anything else? That feels kinda luck luster to me so far.
  14. This is a ludicrous suggestion. I object vehemently. No Malta arc could ever be cool.
  15. I did say this very thing from the start, that it’s the same effect regardless. Bentley’s story also said that this was what he was doing, hence why I raised it. You're right, but I was only providing numbers because I was asked to. They're entirely based on my experience and I'm not nearly invested enough in specific reward values to conduct a quantitative investigation. Those numbers are an approximation of my best and my worst personal contribution to the raid via herding - it ignores other incomes intentionally.
  16. But I didn’t say that. I was always clear on my irritation, and reward had nothing to do with it.
  18. I feel like buffers haven't had an easy time recently, but your mention of Force Fields is an especially sad example. They do need a little more relevance, I think. When you play a debuffer, however, you feel it. You can smell it when the defences and resistances of the enemy drop. It's a good feeling when the AV looks at you in the eye and they know that it was not the punches or the fire or the bullets that killed them. It was that -regen you stacked. And they know it.
  19. Shall we just not herd, then, if we're not having enough of an impact for you? Best case: 12 herds, 204 merits, 2,221,723xp, (assuming as a worst case scenario that all the herds are lt level and no bosses or EBs were herded) Worst case: 5 herds, 85 merits, 925,718xp That's a difference of 119 merits and 1,296,005xp between my best and my worst performance, the biggest contributor being when herds are interrupted. I don't want to keep talking about MSR in a thread not about MSR. If you'd like to continue discussing this, please do PM me. I'm happy to try and share my experience of this with you.
  20. I can't answer how much xp/inf/merits I lose out on from herding, because I already lose most of the rewards by going out of reward range to collect the herds. Altogether I reckon I end up with 60%-70% less reward than anyone else on the raid anyway. If I cared about the xp/inf/merits, I wouldn't be herding at all. I'd stay in the middle and reap everything like everyone else. I'm trying to get as much as I can for everyone else, not myself. I'm trying to answer your questions will all the information that I have, and I don't know why you're singling me out here without having a point of your own to make. Are you saying I shouldn't be annoyed when people are being annoying? Naturally I will ask in league chat to let the herds get snug into the middle before engaging them and I'll ask it as many times as I feel like I have to. I will mitigate the issue all I can, in good humour, but obviously folks don't always understand and on rare occasion people like to troll or benefit themselves before the group.
  21. My statement was that one can be enough to slow me down, which is true and I've discussed that. There can often be three or four people on the shelf or on the slopes. Edit: If I were interested in the rewards, I wouldn't be herding at all. I'm trying to get rewards for other people.
  22. This seems like a continuation of this thread, though I appreciate the specific change of title - it means a lot. And I agree with you. The lack of 'push' has been my biggest switch-off from the game recently. I know others will say it hampers their options and creativity. It's a fair argument, but I'll stick to my side of it. I'd rather earn creativity.
  23. If you go into discord, you can see what games the GMs are playing. That might make them easier to find.
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