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Everything posted by Astralock

  1. Bringing things up to the level of outliers results in power creep. The better solution is to nerf the outliers.
  2. Bingo, along with Scrapper’s Critical Strikes proc. They honestly both could use a nerf.
  3. Yes, I have. Grounded is a garbage power that is only worth taking for the endurance drain resistance. If you take any travel power other than Super Speed or Speed of Sound, you're going to need additional knockback protection. No matter what travel power you use, the immobilization protection in Grounded isn't sufficient, basically requiring you to take Combat Jumping for additional immobilization protection anyway. If Grounded didn't have endurance drain protection, it'd be a completely skippable power. You're much better off playing Energy Aura, Radiation Armor, or Stone Armor instead.
  4. Pretty sure that it was design choice. I know that at the very least Electric Armor was brought up during Page 4 beta, but the only answer given was “Maybe. I’ll look into it.” Unfortunately, that complete lack of toxic damage mitigation makes Electric Armor even more garbage than it was before, compared to other armor sets.
  5. Quantic Foundry has a test to determine what type of video game player you are. You can take the test here. My results can be found here. I'm a mix of Bard and Architect, which is interesting, but also extremely accurate. The test provides example video games for each video game player type. The first example video game for Bard? City of Heroes.
  6. Astralock

    Energy Aura

    Brute, because its threat aura is fairly weak on Scrappers. Brute, you'll keep mobs around you with no problem.
  7. I've seen some pretty toxic behavior in PvE over the years, no PvP required. At the same time, even though I don't PvP myself, I've seen a lot of quality behavior and gamesmanship in some PvPers. It isn't PvEers. It isn't PvPers. It's human beings. Unfortunately, you'll find some rotten apples in every bunch, but you also find some gems in every bunch as well.
  8. Starting Task Forces, Strike Forces, and Trials from a SG base would very likely be a no-go, as you cannot have cross-faction teams inside a SG base. One of the vestiges of the SG base raiding system. AE also would not be possible inside a SG base, as they are both instances. You cannot go from one instance to another. See these two threads:
  9. Yeah. Personally, I have found some TFs and SFs (like Penelope Yin, Apex, and Tin Mage), too short to be really enjoyable. Some length is good, but getting people to set aside more than a hour for anything these days is very difficult. I much prefer kill most/steamroll over speed, but when it comes to the Dr. Aeon SF, getting people to do anything other than speed is rare, if I can get them to do it at all.
  10. I really enjoy the Dr. Aeon SF, but honestly it should have been cut into two parts like the Positron TF. Part One being missions one through four, Part Two being missions five through seven. I would like to do it more often, but most people I know won’t commit to the time.
  11. Electrical Affinity + Darkness Affinity + Kinetics + Thermal Radiation
  12. This is just IMO, but Electrical Affinity is underrated by many players, and Empathy is overrated by many players. Personally, I would rather take Pain Domination or Thermal over Empathy any day. YMMV.
  13. See Both the Twinshot and Dr. Graves story arcs are rather buggy and have been since they were added to the game. Unfortunately, this is nothing new, and no estimate of when or if it will ever be fixed.
  14. That's a remnant of base raids. Players of different factions cannot team together in SG bases as a result. From what I understand, it would be remarkably difficult to change as cross-faction teaming in SG bases would allow teammates to destroy parts of a SG base. Unfortunate considering that base raids will never come back.
  15. I don’t know about that. I recall you from the old blue boards. But then again, I have always been here.
  16. That's why, IMO, Electrical Affinity is best on Masterminds. Let the henchmen do the damage, and the Mastermind focus on Electrical Affinity.
  17. Electrical Affinity is definitely a tier 1 set. Honestly, I would put Darkness Affinity in tier 1 as well, and Dark Miasma in tier 2. Fade and Soul Absorption are top notch.
  18. Just because they're big names doesn't make them correct. I'm telling you that while Masterminds do indeed get wrecked on hard mode ITFs, they're just fine on hard mode ASFs. It's mostly some players being stupid and prejudicial that makes them think otherwise. But hey, if you want to believe something that is flat out incorrect, be my guest.
  19. Trust me, it's been done. Masterminds can do 4* ASF just fine. It's the hard mode ITF Masterminds really struggle with. If anyone tells you that a Mastermind can't do a hard mode ASF (even at 4*), well... to be frank, he or she has no clue of what he or she is talking about.
  20. FWIW, I know that all Blasters, all Masterminds, and all Warshades hard mode ASFs (at either 3* or 4*), have been done. I wouldn't recommend it, but if you have the right builds and the right players, it can be and has been done. You're just much, much better off with a variety in your team as that is what the content has been designed for.
  21. Please, please, please, with sugar and caramel on top, allow Wormhole to work on +4 bosses. Wormhole is one of Gravity Control's signature powers. A lot of groups like to run everything at +4, and when I'm teamed with them on my Gravity Control/Darkness Affinity Controller main, one of my signature powers is almost useless.
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