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Everything posted by Astralock

  1. Try 51579. For some reason, I can only see mobs' XP up through level 49 (I suspect because I use a 1440p monitor), but minions and lieutenants are both at 100% XP for level 49. Bosses are at 95% XP for level 49 for specific reasons, but good enough for me.
  2. The streamlining of City of Heroes SCoRE did for their tiny "secret server" years ago made the game entirely too easy by putting characters on the fast-track to godhood. Thankfully, the Homecoming developers are starting to address this by adding Advanced Difficulty content like the Dr. Aeon SF and the new Advanced Difficulty Imperious TF. I would recommend finishing your Incarnate abilities, and then joining an Advanced Difficulty ASF or ITF for an actual challenge.
  3. I think Thunderspy has the perfect solution. Supergroup bases require prestige, but everyone gets to make "apartments" which are just solo only SG bases with everything that we have now. That way creative people can build their own apartment how they see fit, and supergroup bases still require prestige for people who like to grind and for people who like to earn things together as a supergroup.
  4. I don’t know. Trained chinchilla Masterminds sounds like an upgrade to me.
  5. You aren't looking on the weekends then. It isn't high, but I've seen it get up to about 80.
  6. It's been over a year since the last poll. The old Task Forces available via Ouroboros Flashback were missing from the last poll, and there's been two new Strike Forces added since. Well, one and a half. Let's see what the forums community thinks these days.
  7. Here's the deal. Homecoming has been hemorrhaging players for the past two+ years. 75% of its player base compared to summer 2020 is gone. Part of the problem (and yes, it's a problem), is that, compared to live, Homecoming gives you everything. Costumes, (up until now)? Given to you. Capes? Given to you. Auras? Given to you. Supergroup bases? Given to you. Incarnate abilities? Given to you. Heck, purple IO enhancements, ATOs, PvP IO enhancements, and winter enhancements are practically given to you compared to live. There was nothing to work towards. For some casual players, that's great. But it's a double-edged sword. There's no stickiness, no investment. There's nothing to earn to keep people around, and Homecoming has lost players as a result. Now, we can debate how many of the 75% gone are because there was nothing in game to earn, but it's a fact that at least some of them left because of that. I suspect a number sizable enough to matter. Homecoming developers tried to put something new in game for people to work towards. Give them something to earn, something for them to stick around and earn, without negatively impacting casual players. Letting the costumes be purchased with reward merits or another of the existing currencies would entirely defeat the purpose.
  8. City of Heroes uses OpenGL. Unfortunately, OpenGL is ancient and has been replaced by Vulkan. As a result, Intel and Microsoft no longer natively support OpenGL in Windows 10 nor 11. Only AMD and Nvidia graphics cards drivers still support OpenGL. That’s why your computer struggles with the game. Even though it is old, it still requires a proper graphics card to run properly.
  9. It isn’t the only place. It’s very helpful on both Hamidon and mothership raids as well, to counter all of the fear mezzing from the blue mitos, and all of the various mezzing from the Rikti. It’s also helpful on hard modes if you don’t have any Electrical Affinity, Force Field, or Traps characters on the team. Which is frequently, if you PUG.
  10. Barrier, IMO, is overrated. I never took it until recently because many hard mode teams demand everyone on the team to have it. Even then, despite having it I only use it on those hard mode teams that require it. On the other hand, every single character I have takes tier 4 Clarion Core, Incandescence Radial, and Rebirth Radial Destinies, in addition to a tier 4 Barrier Core Destiny now. Even melee characters. Those characters who need Ageless Destiny take that as well, but it’s not a must have on every character because having four tier 4 Destinies on every character already feels a bit much. I have seen many Minds of Mayhem and Underground Trials outright fail due to a lack of AoE mez protection. Heck, I have seen a couple of Rikti mothership raid league wipes due to a lack of AoE mez protection. It’s extremely undervalued, and I find that often I am the only person on the team or league with it. If I go down, I have seen the league follow due to being mezzed.
  11. Yep, I know. I was answering Alpha Series and Shazbot, who were using the Tequila launcher.
  12. Tl;Dr: Try using the Homecoming launcher.
  13. Musculature and Agility are the top two Alphas for most Blaster builds, you're fine there. Diamagnetic is fine for Interface. Pyronic and Void are the top two Judgments for Blasters, IMO, so you're fine there again. Destiny... in addition to Barrier, I would add Clarion Core. Too many people undervalue AoE mez protection, and don't have Electrical Affinity, Force Field, or Sonic Resonance characters. Clarion Core can be put to good use on hard modes if you don't have any of those power sets present. Knives of Vengeance Radial Lore pets are fine. If, adding Clarion Core Destiny, you have enough Incarnate salvage to spare, you may want to think about adding Longbow Core or Banished Pantheon Core Lore pets, but neither are necessary. Hybrid, Assault is the top Blaster Hybrid. Melee is only worth it while soloing or duoing.
  14. Yes, but about the only time you will stay in one place like that is a mothership raid. For teams constantly on the go, it’s hit or miss.
  15. It does, but it’s not up enough to be permanent. You will spend more time out of it than in, unlike the others.
  16. Cold Donination, to be frank, is a little overpowered. Sleet gives too high of a -res debuff on Corruptors, Controllers, and Masterminds. Plus, Burnout lets you stack things that really probably shouldn’t be stacked.
  17. You get mez protection by playing Electrical Affinity, Force Field, Sonic Resonance, or Traps.
  18. If it makes you feel any better, many team leaders are turning away Brutes and Sentinels as well. Not that I agree with any of that, mind you.
  19. @The Philotic Knight, @BlackSpectre This may be of interest. -
  20. Tankers farm just fine. A little slower, but not by much. Same combinations as Brute, Radiation Melee or Spines with Fiery Aura.
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