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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. It's a logical assumption, but a false one. You can easily test this, as I just did, with a lvl 30 character. I bought an attuned Siphon Insight (I actually bought a bunch just in case I proved myself wrong!). If your conjecture were true, then you would be able to convert it by type to a Cloud Senses, since the only level where they overlap is 30. I tried that and it failed, since the random generator didn't assign 30 as the level. If I kept it up, I presume that sooner or later I would get the luck of the draw and be able to convert, but a single false is enough to disprove your theory. So it basically is crazy!
  2. Yeah, but are you making an Empathy/Regen MM? Nooooooooooooo!
  3. You do seem to have a tendency to resurrect old threads, but I wouldn't say that makes you strange.
  4. "irregardless" is now officially a word.
  5. I'm going a little off topic, but thanks for putting this together. It's a real eye opener as to how incredibly player friendly the game has become.
  6. Well, I really hope I like Marital Arts as a set, since I just created three tankers: Dark Lee, Biologic Lee, and Radioactive Lee. I guess I'm making a mockery of things... EDIT: this has not been the first time I've mixed up "martial" and "marital"... I apologize, especially to my spouse...
  7. Really neat idea and I'd vote for it as long as it's not for knockback but for another effect like stun or immobilize. Thanks to Force Feedback proc mainly and secondarily to Sudden Acceleration proc, I feel that KB oriented sets already have a clear advantage over any other effect, except maybe hold. I'd hate to see that gap get wider.
  8. With respect to rewards, I tend to think they serve three basic purposes: 1. Make your character better/stronger. 2. Make one or more of your alts better/stronger. 3. Dopamine rush. These are all good and valid purposes, in my opinion, although I lean heavily towards the first and third. It seems to me that with respect to 1. and veteran rewards, at a certain point, you aren't going to improve your character any more, so the current system seems just about right to me with tapering rewards. By vet level 99, I'm guessing that if you aren't T4-ed out, that's by choice. I'm not a fan of being able to farm incarnate stuff for your weaker alts, but that may just be me. With respect to power creep and incarnates, I'm torn. Personally, when I hit 50 I will T4 my alpha and maybe one or two others, but then it's just boringly overpowered to me, so I retire that alt. At the same time, I'd hate to grind for weeks to get to that point rather than do it in an afternoon. My two inf.
  9. One character cannot sell to itself. However, one character on a global account can most certainly buy from another character on the same account. I do it daily.
  10. When they turn 50, I trade them in for two 25s...
  11. The easiest way for me would be to sell them on the AH on one character and buy it on the other. You can probably even make inf doing it. Although it is certainly feasible to sell your specific lot to yourself, it's not necessary for something that moves relatively quickly like catalysts. [EDIT: I just looked at them on the AH, and if you wanted to bid 1,600,000, you could probably buy them in short order and if you offered them at 1,800,000, you could probably sell them in short order. That's just right now.] I also know that when you get catalysts in Super Packs, they go into the Character Items tab in your email. They stack there, so if you have 63 of them, you can claim one or more on any of your characters on your global. I don't think that there is a way to put them in Character Items directly, however. This is not a real viable solution, I know, but if you happen to be opening a lot of Super Packs, it could be useful.
  12. I have to admit one of the things I like the most about the AH is not having to track my trades for a regulator and just being able to wing it. I need a back office!
  13. That's great! Just to be clear, you bought 5bn+ of super packs, sold some, bought more packs, sold more, and ended up where you are now? If your only investment was that first 500 or so packs, then getting an average of three ATOs per pack seems really unlikely! Well done! I definitely don't have the patience to do that in bulk. I'm surprised that corruptor was a poor seller. I generally make out well with them, but I rarely sell them when there are more than 10 offered.
  14. I don't really have a cup in this tea party, since I don't PvP or badge (although I probably will get around to it sooner or later) and I rarely pursue PvP zone temp powers. My response to your last question is that if someone feels they are being harassed, they certainly can report it. It's up to the devs to decide if it's harassment or not. If this were my ball game, I would not consider being attacked in a PvP zone to be harassment, even if I asked pretty please. If there were words exchanged, or if there were nefarious intentions, maybe so, but that's for the devs to decide. I personally would not set foot in a PvP zone unless I accepted that the rewards of farming that zone for badges or shivans or whatever come with increased risk of PvP conflict.
  15. Either 12 (if it's not one of the strongest set combinations, in which case I put in lvl 15 IOs everywhere) or 17. Hitting 17 on a new alt is like Christmas morning for me.
  16. Someone else. And their sell price is 10,000.
  17. This is not the first time I wondered if @MTeagueand I were separated at birth. I wish that I could make a filter in real life that would blank out the n word. Because I don't like that word. But if people are going to use it, then we really need to focus our resources on stopping people from using it. Not from us seeing it. You can bury your head as much as you want, or complain that "I deal with these things every day in real life and I don't want to have to deal with them in my fantasy video game." But everyone does have to deal with them. If you think slapping a female toon on the ass is funny, or if you want to make a racist comment, I cannot stop you. But I think you are wrong and would not miss you if the HC devs booted you. By "You" I'm not referring to anyone in particular.
  18. IMO, it's not that you would expect a GM to verify and stop bad behavior. It's that you would expect people to not behave badly. My experience in gaming would indicate that it's a fool's errand to expect people to act in a game as honorably and true as they would in real life.
  19. This one comes up a fair amount, and I'm not a fan of it. Nothing against you @Icecomet! Since this is a player-provided economy, every piece of common or uncommon or rare salvage you buy on the AH was posted by someone else. Now, the HC devs kindly seeded 10mm pieces of common, uncommon, and rare salvage, so it is likely you will always be able to buy them at the prices at which they were seeded. But those seeded prices are a lot higher than what the market is currently at. People putting salvage into the AH keeps things moving at lower prices than the seeding. I'm ok in theory with opting out of salvage entirely.
  20. Totally guilty. I've been working really hard on saying "alt" or "character". It's always worked for me in the past because, hey, these are all comic book cartoons anyway, but I'm aware of other people's triggers.
  21. I seem to have read something many many moons ago that part of the problem was that there wasn't a dedicated server just for the AH on HC, and there was on Live. I don't know if that's true, but there is definitely some bleeding over from something with respect to the AH bugs. For example: The Famous Miracle Proc bug. I have spent hours on this one. I cannot find another item in the AH that has the same history as the false last 5, and I'm pretty sure I've checked them all. If a solution is buy a fresh server to host the AH, sign me up. How much do you want?
  22. Anything that stacks -accuracy, especially at low levels. Packs of Spectral Followers? No thank you. Somehow one time I ended up in a battle with 7 Tsoo Sorcerers (I must have aggroed at least two mobs). That was one of my least pleasant CoX experiences.
  23. I'm totally cool with all that, but would like to point out that some/many/most? people who are PLing are doing the same level 50 content over and over again, which is also mind-numbingly boring. I suspect that the difference in attitude is primarily that the rewards in terms of inf and drops are much better at 50 than at 15. Just my opinion and not meant to disparage anything or anyone who disagrees!
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