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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. A real one this time: when you are low level, and the streak breaker activates when you finally resort to using Brawl.
  2. Either I missed the down cycle, or the display bug on this has been in effect for a particularly long period, at least longer than average. For reference: False reading: True reading: I find it SUPER ironic that the high trades on the real deal are people trying to lowball where they see the false prices.
  3. I've been playing around with some of the options, and my conclusion is that if you can net 20mm inf or above for 100 merits with a relatively quick turnover (here I define "relatively quick" as by next log in, so probably next day for a main alt), you're doing ok. I'm having a bit of a harder time figuring out how to move large numbers (call it more than a thousand) of merits in that same sort of time period. If I start monetizing merits, I would probably not do more than a few thousand a day, if even that many.
  4. Pretty much as the title says. How about we put the items that the P2W vendor offers at a fixed price (ex: portable workbench) in the AH as well. There is a whole section for fixed price items in the AH, but the only items offered there are AH teleporters. On the plus side, it would make things a lot more convenient, would maybe make it more transparent what useful items are actually for sale at the P2W, and would probably increase inf sinks by a small amount. I'm having a hard time coming up with a down side, but that's why I'm posting here to get your thoughts! NOTE: I am NOT advocating to have the double XP temp powers added to the AH. Personally, I would LOVE that since then you could keep those powers up at all times, even in the middle of a TF. But since they are free rather than fixed cost, I'm not including that in this suggestion. Happy hunting!
  5. According to the combat logs, to hit runs to 4 decimal places. Ex: HIT Wild Rikti Monkey! Your Whirling Smash power had a 95.00% chance to hit, you rolled a 80.49. So no, it doesn't round to the nearest percentage.
  6. If this is something that is being converted to something more valuable (like in my example above of Titanium Coating recipes to Titanium Coating IOs to Aegis/Unbreakable Guard IOs), then it could be for a lot of reasons. It could be a sloppy mistake. It could be fat fingers (I had a doozy yesterday). But even when I was running TCr -> TCio -> A/UGio, although I was buying the TCios as well as the recipes, I never really sweated it if one way was significantly more profitable. They both were profitable! If you could eke out a few more shekels by selling directly the intermediate items like the TCio, so be it, but I have found that focusing on the process is a lot faster. Of course, it also makes sense to refine the process as time goes by and consumer habits change. As to your last point, that sounds about in the ball park for my really working a market segment. Back in the heyday last summer, TCr -> TCio -> A/UGio was netting me about 500mm a day, iirc.
  7. My heuristics (I've given up using the phrase "rule of thumb") are many and adapt over time, but a few of my rules include: 1. I don't get out of bed unless I can make 1mm profit minimum per market slot. 2. I don't generally play in sectors where I can't reasonably hope to score at least 10mm (and preferably 50+) in profit by the next log in for that alt. 3. I don't generally play in sectors where the prices tank when more than 10 are offered at a time. I think that at some point in the past year and change, I have at least dabbled in just about every thing available on the AH. I can't even remember what the AH was like on Live!
  8. Crowd Control has much higher damage and has 180 degree range and a really good chance for knockdown. In general, I think I would sacrifice the meh damage on the mobs behind me for that. In practice, however, I keep them both.
  9. I don't think I skip anything on a tank, but I would drop Whirling Mace before I would drop Crowd Control.
  10. Surely a moderator understands "Everything in moderation"?!?
  11. Just got it from you and @HawkPerson. Enjoy! Like an owlbear could stop me...
  12. I didn't get an email from any of those three globals, and I'm keeping strict records. Are you sure you sent to just @Yomo (NOT @Yomo Kimyata or @YomoKimyata)?
  13. What's your global? I've gotten many, and replied to each one!
  14. I love ice armor. It's got everything you want in an armor set: protection, self heal, endurance tools, damage aura, oh shit button It only has two flaws that I see: 1. Graphics could use some work, but I'll always support new graphics options. 2. Its component pieces may individually not be each the best in class. Dark Armor has a better heal, Bio has a better damage aura, etc. As a whole, I think it's great and imo in the top half of armors overall.
  15. I would probably apply a heuristic that gives a consistent, if not completely accurate, approximation. For example, I would probably count every yellow recipe as 2mm value added (crafted and converted to something sellable), every white recipe as 100k (vendor), every orange as 10k (vendor). That probably underestimates true value, but not drastically so. The main variability would be in the rare recipes that have 1mm+ bids outstanding, and there aren't a lot of them.
  16. Also, puns are your friend. Let's say I wanted to make a tribute character to Rutger Hauer on Torchbearer and name him Blind Fury. Unsurprisingly that name is already taken. But let's take it another step. How about a cosplay expert named Blind Furry? Got it. How about a ditz who keeps misplacing her sword named Blonde Fury? Got it. And don't get me started on Blonde Furry.
  17. This suggestion feels like a solution in search of a problem. I don't identify a current problem that this would remedy, and I could easily imagine future problems that would arise from it. Firm no vote.
  18. Yes, absolutely. I put it in the AoEs as well (Whirling Axe and Pendulum) but don't bother with the single target attacks. You won't regret it.
  19. nerp. It's the only spot where people can really manipulate prices. How much do they cost? 1bn? 2bn?
  20. Nayru took me up on my 20mm giveaway!
  21. https://www.somethingawful.com/dungeons-and-dragons/monster-manual-wtf/2/
  22. This has come up a number of times, usually when bidding over a certain amount. My opinion, is why not? It already exists for the first time you sell something over a certain amount. I think 99.99% of people will disable it at first popup, but so long as it is a trivial programming concern, I don't see how it would adversely affect me. I don't think it's necessary or even wanted by the vast majority of people, but I don't see how it would harm me personally other than temporarily inconvenience me the first time I try to buy something and then I disable it.
  23. Exactly! If you were going the wrong way to work every day, and then one day there was a pothole and you realized that there were many different faster ways to get to work that you didn't see because you were a creature of habit, then that's a great thing.
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