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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. I have a, um, friend who may be idiotic enough to solo an empathy/elec/??? Defender red side to 50. My initial thoughts were to run an endurance drain build and rely on cross punch, boxing, and kick for the drain mechanic, then start using the PPP pet for buffs. Any thoughts on this?
  2. I made one a while ago purely based on a really bad pun that I wanted to use for a name. My theme was pretty much an evil doctor who used hypnotism for nefarious and rarely medically necessary purposes.
  3. I just rolled an empath/elec/mu defender for soloing redside. No P2W powers except travel and double xp. I named him Von Sacher-Masoch. I'm hoping the PPP pet can carry me once I hit, gulp, 44.
  4. I read this as marital control and thought, well, this isn't going to work out well for anybody.
  5. 5 billion and a set of Entropic Chaos! Wait, isn't that how economics works?
  6. It's in the first paragraph! Kidding aside, my opinion on the OP's post is that, yes, we all need to be make the game welcoming and as positive an experience as possible for newcomers and veterans alike. I'm good with that. People play the game for different reasons, and (in my opinion, sadly) many players care only about what is the most powerful set, the best AT. This forum and the Suggestions forum are full of posts about how to make things more powerful and easier. My takeaway is that a lot of people really like feeling overpowered, and that is why they continue to play. I continue to play because I like challenge and I like novelty, but that's just me. If this game is to last another year, much less another ten years, it needs to retain current players and hopefully attract new ones. My message, and I try to be consistent with it, is to play whatever the hell kind of character you want. You may not be able to solo an ITF on a empathy/elec defender (then again, maybe you may!). But if you are looking to have a superpowered experience, you can do it with literally every combination of AT or powerset. This game is not rocket science, although there are parts that may be a little head hurty.
  7. I found a number of unicorns in the March data, and if I can get off my butt I'll get them all to 50 eventually. On a separate project, I recently got two corruptors into their high 30s. Their powers were entirely thematic, the play was pure solo redside, and the experience was mostly painful. Electric/Kinetics and Archery/Pain. I expect the Elec/Kin will really shine from here on out with end drain, but levelling was a chore. The archery/pain was not terrible, but there was no synergy. A solo Pain ends up choosing about three powers (or something like that) and archery with lethal damage and no special effects to proc off of is as ordinary as you get.
  8. I’m late to the game, but I would have done the same as Troo.
  9. I do want to say one thing before this gets locked. I personally think it’s worthwhile reading every one of everyone’s posts, even the ones I think are batshit crazy. I do believe there are correct and incorrect views on this, and on most things, but unless I try to understand why someone feels the way they do, I am not allowed to label them. Of course, once I’ve tried to understand (and really spectacularly failed, perhaps), then the labeling machine comes out!
  10. Sounds annoying, but my email remains a solid red. Have you found anyone else this is happening to? Maybe post this in Bugs? EDIT: Sometimes On a new alt I've seen Character Items flashing. I think there is an opt out window that pops up the first time.
  11. YOU're Thor? I'm tho thor I can barely ... Oh, nevermind.
  12. Based on my experience with super strength and my experience with scrappers, the super strength set would probably need to be severely diminished in order to provide a balanced scrapper experience. Simply porting it to scrappers with the 1.125 damage scalar would be massively overpowered compared to every other scrapper set, in my opinion. I can't speak about the rage mechanic, since I don't min max it in my play. I want more underpowered sets!
  13. I second this question. I haven’t put much/any thought into it, but I have no idea what it’s used for? to OPs point, if it’s useless, absolutely agree. If it’s useful, maybe move the tabs around. Special gets used every session. Legacy not so much.
  14. My experience with Stone Armor is incomplete. I made a TW/Stone brute deliberately because it was going to be slow at everything. I’m just about to ding 38, and I’m looking forward to the new experience. I only took the first armor because I guessed that I would have respecced out of the other ones anyway. Speaking for rooted, it’s a pain but an addressable pain. But I knowingly chose to play with it. I do like to play things in a difficult fashion, but that’s my choice, not anyone else’s. I’m 100% for appearance option changes. Appearance choices are GOOD!
  15. I only got about 25 levels in on a scrapper, and this comment and the one it referred to speak to me. I never understood how the mechanic worked, and still don’t, so I treated it exactly as random extra damage.
  16. One of my mains in Live was an Illusion/Rad Controller named Doctor Pajama. His powers came from his use of the the waking dream state, and would affect his enemies by causing them to trick themselves through their dreams. I should remake him!
  17. Another point I’d like to bring up. There’s a big difference in my mind between blindly zerging at +4/x8 and playing strategically at +4/x8. You can get away with the former against some enemies but the more complex groups require strategy and sometimes frantic retreats. Also, I generally don’t play 4/8 against AVs. There are a lot of AVs that I can’t beat, especially if I retreat into a mob I didn’t clear. I suggest heartily playing at whatever level you enjoy and don’t worry about what anyone else is doing. I don’t play my 50s much because as noted 4/8 can be a real chore, and for me 2/8 is too much like Andre the Giant against a bunch of first-graders, so I spend almost all my time on lower alts.
  18. SwitchFade, I'm not here to out PhD you. I know exactly how economics work. What I'm saying is that it's highly possible that the positive effects (i.e., getting people to shut up) may outweigh the negative effects (surplus currency in the system). I really hope that HC has enough legs that inflation even has the potential to become an issue! Your no vote is registered!
  19. Sadly, to bring it back to topic... I am against free stuff as much as anyone, but I actually think, why not bring back double inf for no xp? (Do NOT bring back the exempt bug though). Hear me out. 1. I really don't think it will have a significant effect on prices. I know as well as anyone about money supply and inflation, but there are already so many hard and soft caps in the system that the worst case scenario is that we bump up against floors or ceilings already in place. Frankly, I think that the death knoll of the economy is going to be when people start to get tired of making alts and equipping them, and I've already seen what I consider evidence of that. But that's a different topic. In short, I really don't think it would cause much harm in the short run, although prices may rise. 2. It'll shut people up. Right now that would be a great influence sink!
  20. Hmm, I'd say a merit a minute seems overly generous, but then again, I'm on the side for fewer rewards.
  21. What was the rule of thumb the Live Devs used? Didn’t they base number of merits based on average completion time? I’ve never really tried a speed run, but I’d imagine a well played solo build could run through three paper/radio missions and a safeguard/mayhem in 10-15 minutes.
  22. Melee at 50? +4/x8 except maybe some stalkers. By 50 the only non-TF content I still run is against Carnies and Malta. Ranged and support will generally be +4/x3-8. I usually start at +1/x3 for melee characters, then up the difficulty when I can.
  23. I play mostly solo, and a few months ago went on Redside with a vengeance. I avoided it mostly for the color scheme, to be honest. Playing it, I really enjoyed it and probably levelled up about 15-20 villains. My complaints: there is not enough content. I barely read the text, so I'm not going to judge whether it's a better story line. But there's not enough choice. Unless you are zerging through TF/SF content and outlevelling like crazy, you end up running the same content not out of choice but out of necessity. What I suspect to be other people's complaints: It's a lot harder than blueside. There are more difficult enemies at earlier levels. There are a lot more EBs/AVs. There are a ridiculous number of ambushes. Personally, I enjoy the challenge, but it's a lot harder, and unless people embrace the challenge, they are going to demand more rewards for the experience. It is ironic that redside content benefits more from teamwork than blueside, while redside ATs are more solo based and it's just much harder to get a team redside than blueside.
  24. They heal when PFF is up. Not instantly, but their regeneration is working. You see it much more dramatically when you are fighting Nemesis, Nemesis?, Nemesis Rex as AVs. Many is the time when soloing one of those AVs that I would cross my fingers that I would be able to get him down to zero before the PFF came up, then wait while he regenerated in perfect safety. I'm curious why this in particular has drawn your ire. There are far more annoying enemies.
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