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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. That thread got me thinking as well. I'm gonna hold off on flexing for the nonce, but wanted to give a reference level. This is the character I used for my 24-hour billion inf challenge: EDIT: This character was entirely self-contained, started from zero, and played at double XP so that essentially all inf came from the AH. I was surprised at two things. First, it seemed like I had made and sold a hell of a lot more than 700 IOs. I would have guessed at least twice that. That goes to prove that I may tend to exaggerate things in my mind sometimes! Second, my net profit per IO at about 2mm per was, frankly, a lot higher than I expected. Everything that I made was priced to sell within hours, if not minutes, so I expected it to be closer to 1mm. My real marketing alts have higher profit targets generally, but then again, they aren't working against the clock. I wish it would track how many converters I used.
  2. Never without your permission! I hardly mind removing it from bar 2 on EVERY SINGLE new alt, since there are other adjustments I need to make as well. But what really grinds my gears is that it takes up valuable real estate in the third column of the Manage screen. Oh how I wish it'd go away...
  3. I checked one of my market alts and was astonished.
  4. When I hit 100 alts over lvl 17, I think I'll add to it! Soon. Soon(tm).
  5. I'd really like a good "wooden stick with nails through it." Kind of a mash up of the baseball bat and the studded mace.
  6. Life is short, comfort is important, and chicks dig scars. Wait, maybe I got that wrong.
  7. I am surprised as well. For me, it's more of an aesthetics issue -- it's a long white line that breaks up two sets of data.
  8. And then there is my new Staff/Energy Aura scrapper, Long and Pretty.
  9. It's really the only secret of Ebil club: at what level do you offer. But like you say, there's plenty for everyone!
  10. In case you didn't know, you can open a window on your screen that monitors various combat attributes. From the power bar you click on Powers, then Combat Attributes. This opens a menu of all kinds of goodies, and if you right click on any of them, it will add it to the window which you can later reposition. Example: For those of you who already did know that, what do you choose to monitor? I'd tell you what I do, but, well, you can see for yourself. Happy hunting!
  11. There are a few guides on converting on this forum as well as the guides forum that should get you going. Two specific pieces of advice: 1. Think ahead when buying yellow recipes. It may be impossible to buy 10 lvl 31 Enfeebled Operations right now, but if you put in a good bid for a block of 10 (10-50k), you will probably fill that within a day. I often bid on 10 recipes for each individual IO in the set, and end up with 60 recipes the next day. That's a good amount to work with. You don't need to buy your salvage ahead of time, at least not how things are right now, but you can if you want. 2. Think ahead when buying IOs for your alts. Let's say you anticipate buying three pieces of LotG. Instead of going out and buying each one when you need it, put in a lowball bid a day or two before you think you'll need it. Even better, put in a bid for 10x each one, then sell the remainder at market prices and you paid for your IO with your profits. Basically, think ahead. Happy hunting!
  12. Sure, Mercs, but I was thinking more like those otherwise useless Hellion Lts!
  13. AR could probably use a little modernizing, but I would only support it if all mobs that use the set get the upgrades as well.
  14. Due to the mechanics that bids and offers are blind, but then the lowest offer goes to the highest bidder, it's a strategy game to try and outwit other sellers and buyers. For example: If I want to sell something for 2mm, I could list it at 2mm. But someone who offers it at 1,999,999 is going to sell it first. If it's a high flow item, then new offers under 2mm make keep coming in and selling before me, so even if I see the past 5 history full of 2mm or even 3,4,5! it's because supply kept coming in that was listed under 2mm. Now, I could offer at 1mm, but then I run the risk of someone bidding 1mm and buying it there. With few exceptions, when I talk about selling something at a particular price, I am actually offering it at a level somewhere below that price and hoping/expecting to sell it at that price.
  15. There are certainly ways around it, the two easiest being to send yourself a global name email for up to 999,999,999 each (not sure what the upper limit is on emails either in Live or HC) or to bid up to 2bn on items that don't currently exist (like lvl 53 Hammi-Os in HC, I don't remember on Live). I can't speak for Live, but it is certainly *possible* that someone has amassed a trillion inf in HC by now. But I doubt it.
  16. I just made a villain named Big Data on Torchbearer.
  17. My overall opinions on AT inherents: Assassination: Core. Working as intended. Assassin’s Focus: Overpowered in my opinion. Criticals on demand without Hide. Combat Flight: Working as intended. Good defense IO mule. Conditioning: Working as intended, but not particularly sexy. Containment: Working as intended. This is a great example of what an inherent should be. Cosmic Balance: Working as intended, but not particularly sexy. Critical Hit: Underpowered, certainly in comparison to Stalkers. Dark Sustenance: Working as intended, but not particularly sexy. Defiance: I feel like this is overpowered, but I run so few blasters I don’t have enough data. Domination: Tremendously overpowered. Energy Flight: Working as intended. Fury: Working as intended. This is a great example of what an inherent should be. Gauntlet: Working as intended. Opportunity: Underpowered. Too complex for what it does. Scourge: Underpowered. I’d like there to be a (decreasing) chance for scourge damage over 50%. Shadow Recall: Working as intended. Shadow Step: Working as intended. Supremacy: Working as intended, but not particularly sexy. Vigilance: Working as intended, but not particularly sexy. Prestige Power Slide: Burn it with fire.
  18. I will almost always 100% support new weapon skins. +1
  19. It’s almost certainly an anchoring effect that ATOs are half the price or less of winter Os. I rarely use anything except Avalanche myself, and I use that everywhere.
  20. I haven't run the numbers, since that sounds perilously like work to me. From experience, the mean seems to work out around 1.2-1.3 ATOs per pack, and it's probably pretty straight forward to come up with an approximate standard deviation. I generally do Packs in bunches of 25 to keep it manageable, and after ?a few hundred? bunches over the last year or so, I do not recall ever getting less than 28 ATOs or ever getting more than 38 ATOs, but I am definitely not a strict record keeper. You might be ok with 10, but 25 is a good number for me. Oddly enough I bought about 30 of those yesterday, but none at your usurious prices!
  21. That said, there's no shame in spending merits directly for things. It may not be the most efficient way, but it gets the job done, and if you don't mind paying more than you have to, do as ye will. Just because it may be more efficient to bake your own bread doesn't mean that there is anything wrong with buying a loaf at the grocery store!
  22. I would incarnate them from worst to play to best to play, based on your personal preference. I would suspect that incarnates would probably really help a few of your builds (based on my personal experience), and I think you'll get a real rush as a character goes from "meh" to awesome.
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