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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. I'd support this if all non-ticket rewards were removed from AE. That includes inf, xp, and drops.
  2. Please let this thread die in fire. Too many memories.
  3. I am curious as to the macroeconomic aspect of veteran levels, in terms of money supply, I.e., inf. The devs would have a lot more hard information as compared with my idle speculation. Consider two scenarios (assuming regular xp and inf): 1. Player runs one character to veteran level 100. They have accumulated 150 levels, and 2/3 of that time are gaining inf at lvl 50. Presumably there is little change in terms of IOs after lvl 50. 2. Player runs one character to level 50, then creates two more alts and levels each to 50. Total of 150 levels. Let’s make the simplistic assumption that those 150 levels take the same amount of time and effort. Scenario 1 will generate significantly more inf, while Scenario 2 will consume 3x the investment in IOs and such. I’m totally biased because playing alts is my preferred play style, but it strikes me that it’s also probably “better” for the overall inf based economy. This reinforces my belief that veteran rewards should remain “cashless.” my two inf
  4. The ebil is strong with this one. Out of curiosity, why the aversion to buying converters? They are so ridiculously cheap and plentiful.
  5. What’s your global? I’ve responded to every email I’ve received.
  6. Yes, yes, a thousand times yes. In Eden too.
  7. You need to do Peebles in the low 20s; otherwise she passes you off to one of the other contacts in Striga.
  8. Not my best names, but some of the ones I'm surprised weren't already taken: Excelsior: Chronomancy Staff Sergeant Sonic Screwdriver Plate Tectonics Double Helix Nervous Breakdown Ice Axe Torchbearer: Sonic Screwdriver Chernobyl Kid Staff Sergeant Major Golden Ticket Verb Jerry Rigg Everlasting: Power Broker Corporate Fat Cat Compound Interest Boy Genius Golden Ticket Indominable: Ditch Digger Doctor Moist Defense Complex Fluid Situation
  9. I would have gone with Agile Lee. He can join The Fabulous Lee Family SG on Excelsior!
  10. All the dialogue in that mission is gold.
  11. I wasn't sure which post to put this in, but I'm happy that I was able to nab the name: Fluid Situation
  12. Hollows, Faultline, and the first arc of Striga are my go-tos for new bluesiders. Good stories, good rewards, very few annoying or pointless missions.
  13. Just curious what people think, and it’s been too long since an ebil post! I’m not talking about what is temporarily cheap or expensive, but things you feel are out of whack for the value. I get annoyed at how cheap the Force Feedback +recharge is, and it surprises me every single time. IMO it’s an IO that should be in just about every KB power, so I always expect it to be 3-5mm. What’s yours?
  14. I’m surprised you only leveled once!
  15. I knew that I had seen someone else talking about their claws/fire. He was one of my projects for Unicorns Anonymous, but it’s a good enough build that I think it was just overlooked until recently-ish. Not like some of the other monstrosities I’m working with...
  16. I made a SG called Unicorns Anonymous with the ones I found, but none of them are 50 yet. Yet.
  17. Nemesis is generally my nemesis. I try to fight him as an AV on all my alts that I think can handle it. Nemesis, Nemesis Rex, Nemesis?, it's all good. I just wish I didn't hate jaegers so much.
  18. It was probably potato vodka anyway.
  19. I'm all for an option to choose either current or older snipe. I also miss the dynamic.
  20. Pro tip: when you talk about what your pet is doing, refer to him/her/it as "The drunk guy at the end of the bar..." It works.
  21. Here's your problem. Gaussian's doesn't slot in the Boggle power!
  22. If everything was purple, then you were fighting +4s. I've often tried the +4/x8 challenge at level 2, but if you were able to pull off one entire mission +4/x1 at level 3, color me impressed. I don't doubt you used all your inspirations, since probably 6 wouldn't even get you through one minion!
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