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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. Assemble the Team Base Transporter Mission Transporter Pocket D VIP Pass Team Transporter and that is merely in the Teleport section of the P2W vendor. The tools are there.
  2. A common abbreviation for "assorted" tends to lead to hilarity.
  3. Hmm, I always found that the Mark of Supremacy was the MM set that was the better seller. To the point where I'll buy cheap Command of the Mastermind, convert to MoS and make a few mm. I'm surprised that MoS is a poor seller, especially at the low low price of 6.5mm.
  4. Don't forget you can convert within ATO AT type for 2 converters, so you can change a H&V to a R&V. I wouldn't call it a huge money maker, but it is profitable.
  5. I've played all four to 50. From strongest to least strong I'd rank them stalker, tanker, brute, scrapper. For staff, I generally play Form of Soul early on until endurance issues are solved, then Form of the Body. I don't think I've ever played with Form of Mind. For bio armor, I generally play Offensive unless I'm facing really difficult enemies, in which case I shift to Defensive. Again, I don't think I've ever played with Efficient.
  6. Any AT that has the minimum resist damage cap (75%) will/should? try to maximize their defense.
  7. Please talk more about this. A few months ago, BG were in the 3-5mm range. I can now literally buy all I want for under 2mm. I can pretty much do this for any set you want to talk about. My point being, prices are lower. In my opinion, not because supply is higher (which is certainly isn't), but because demand is much much lower.
  8. If I had a lot of rare salvage, like 20k, rather than sell them at 1 and give people thousands of really cheap rares to resell, I’d pick a price, say 400,000, and offer all 20k there. That would be putting in a pretty solid cap and would put downward pressure on prices for a good long time.
  9. I’ve done something similar on a challenge alt that was not allowed to buy anything on the AH. I got him to the upper 30s before I felt I had proved the concept, but it basically required doing AE missions because: 1. I needed specific salvage since I couldn’t buy it from the AH and 2. yellow recipes dropped way too infrequently for my tastes. So I went the ticket route. Some thoughts: You have to get converters from somewhere. My alt used merits to buy converters, and eventually used inf to buy merits at the merit vendor at 1mm a pop. I agree with your thought of accounting for ten converters per yellow recipe, although in practice I’ve found it takes fewer than that. But that’s what I put aside. I think that bronze rolls at 25-29 are the way to go, despite there being more variety in sets. I’m assuming you are farming with a 50. This means that the rolls you make will give you the recipe at the lower of your level or the max level of the set. Crafting level 50 recipes are throwing money away, in my opinion. It costs almost 500k to craft, which is twice what it costs to craft a lvl 49. I’d rather vendor 50s and buy them on the AH at lower levels. So if you roll bronze at lower levels, you will get access to a wide variety of levels to craft, not just 50s. And there are a lot of very lucrative IOs at lvl 30. On that note, if you are crafting lvl 30 recipes, you will need level 30 salvage which won’t drop on your lvl 50 farming. I’d just buy them on the AH, but you can burn tickets for them as well if you REALLY don’t want to buy them on the AH.
  10. You make a good point insofar as it does appear that people are more comfortable using converters, but I reject your premise that prices overall are higher. I spend a lot of time in the AH in just about every single aspect of it, and I can comfortably say that prices are lower across the board.
  11. I hear you and agree with you on the tuning issue, but based on the current state of the game, I would probably go a different direction and nerf the overperforming sets rather than bump the underperforming ones. Except for Assault Rifle. That's a hot mess.
  12. Yeah, I love looking at these because there are a lot of assumptions, but it's interesting to ballpark what other people are doing. Admittedly, that's based on my personal experience and patterns which may be more or less efficient or profitable than other people's experience. I'll post this one here, since it used a strategy that I've mainly abandoned. Old Guard primarily followed one strategy: buy Titanium Coating recipes at level 41; craft them; convert once by Resist Damage to get either an Aegis or an Unbreakable Guard; if necessary convert within set to get either Resist, Resist/Endurance, or Resist/Endurance/Recharge. Usually 50-100 at a time. This was very profitable and high volume for a long time, and it may be again, but he's currently retired except for some bottom feeding flipping.
  13. Some hard workers put together this listing:
  14. This. I am so happy to hear I am not alone! Every one of my alts gets a surgeon's mask or the bandit bandana when I stop by a trainer.
  15. Ugh. Knockback is a good mitigation tool, but knockdown is a better one. That’s why there is a trade off insofar as a slot used up if you want to translate it. Fair enough. A global Proc? Too powerful, unless it takes away a slot from every kB power.
  16. I can reasonably count my scrappers. 18. I have 18 of them which is roughly one of every five of my alts. I think that scrappers are clearly underpowered in comparison to brutes and stalkers (even tankers now), and that's ok. Because underpowered still means soloing MoITF at +4/x8. There has to be a shortest kid in the class, but that kid can still kick the shit out of anything the game has to offer.
  17. Would you mind linking to the discord page?
  18. I really dislike Female Face 1 too. I mean, this is my default?!?:
  19. Sorry, that was not very useful, and I see you have a low post count so I'll go into more detail. The AH has a long outstanding bug with some (but far from all) items where the "Last 5" trades is completely false. I'm not sure if it is erroneously listing a different item, or if there is just some strange bleed through, but some items have a particularly buggy listing. Miracle procs are probably the most visible of them. What makes it worse is that the bug isn't there all the time, at least not for Miracles at least. The devs are aware of it, but I've never seen a statement about the reason why it occurs or what, if anything, they are planning to do about it.
  20. For what it's worth, about a year ago, the last 10,000 bids were all below 100k.
  21. There's the power tray too, but I was referring to the screen where you slot your enhancements. I really wish they would give an option to hide the inherents like brawl and PPS.
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