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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. You know, my initial response was, "Wha? The devs invented something that drastically makes this game easier for anyone who wants to use it, and people are complaining because it's not easy ENOUGH?!?" Then I checked myself. You really weren't complaining, and it's no skin off my nose. Carry on!
  2. I'm tempted to say we should split the difference and leave things unchanged.
  3. Based on a relatively small sample set, I think purples drop too frequently. More specifically, I think they are dropping faster than people are slotting them. I'd like to see their drop rates cut in half or more.
  4. This is the only meaningful part. All you have to do is care and you end up with hundreds of billions of inf and several thousands of Winter-Os. P.S.: I love books too.
  5. At this point, I'm only offering encouragement on the Market forum, if anyone wants to go there. Here, I've finally given up and am resigned to feeling derision and mocking people who lack rudimentary math skills. I can only take cold comfort in my belief that with respect to the current system, the devs will not further kowtow to the lowest common denominator.
  6. I posted this in another thread: That's for selling. Here's the equivalent for buying: 1. Buy it NAO. Even this requires a little effort, since you have to bid at least as high as what someone is offering at, and if there are no offers, you are out of luck. Generally, just look at the last 5 and bid something well above the high end of the range. This is what keeps the Miracle proc market humming. In the example of last 5 trades: 10mm, 9mm, 10mm, 5mm, 8mm, I'd say a buy it NAO price would be at or above the high end of that range. 2. Buy it almost NAO, aka bid creeping. I suggest that if you really don't care what price you pay, start your bidding at 1mm and increase by 1mm until you get it. If you are even more patient, then estimate where the offers might be and cut your bid increments to 100,000. In the example given, I'd start at 10mm. 3. Buy it VERY SOON(tm). There is very little difference between this and #4. You want to catch the next reasonable offer, but you understand that the next reasonable offer might not be someone blowing out their inventory. In this case, I'd bid somewhere in the 7-9mm range; you are not trying be the lowball bid, but if someone comes in and offers at a "reasonable" price you will be well situated. And if someone dumps you will be first in line. 4. Buy it SOON(tm). You want to be the highest outstanding bid, so when someone comes in and dumps their inventory at 5 inf, you are beating out the previous outstanding bid. In this case, bid something just above 5mm. 5. Buy it LATER. You really don't know if 5mm is the highest outstanding bid or not, just that it traded there. If you put in a lower bid, you may get lucky and if there is enough product offered then any higher bids will get filled and unless new bids come in, you may eventually get filled. Put something in the 3-5mm range and hope, but don't hold your breath.
  7. The best part of this 1300+ entry thread is the clear demonstration that people dump things they don't want for practically nothing into the /AH, pay prices that they think are too high for the things they do want on the /AH, and never seem to realize they are buying back exactly what they dumped. Now THAT, my friends, is rich, in several meanings of the word!
  8. Do Black Scorpion's patron arc solo on an Archery/Pain Corruptor. Lethal v. Malta. Ouchie.
  9. I started thinking about things that we fear, and many of us fear aging. This got me thinking about undead in old D&D lore that would either drain levels or age you in years if they touched you. Pretty scary. Meet Uabhas Wraith, a Dark/Dark stalker. I'm looking forward to building him out.
  10. I'm terribly sorry that you feel that 20+mm is expensive for the most high-end items in the game. I cannot imagine how you got a character to level 50 without accumulating at least enough to buy a set of purples. If you want to play chess, that's great! We're giving free chess lessons, and frankly, those lessons are pretty good. But please stop asking us to play tic-tac-toe and call it chess.
  11. Also, that was not any sort of a judgment call. I just liked saying "Cyndi Lauper rich".
  12. I think you should have to arm wrestle Back Alley Brawler for 'em.
  13. I'm opting for Elton John rich, since he was also one of the first people listed.
  14. Someone bought a Regenerative Tissue proc from me today for 20mm and all I could think was, "Serves the low-baller right!"
  15. I just googled "famous rich people" and Cyndi Lauper was one of the first listed. You are Cyndi Lauper rich.
  16. Again, I'm no expert, but what stuck with me is that you would need to rebuild your domination bar each time, whereas now that is unnecessary if you activate domination before it wears off. I'm totally fine with that, personally.
  17. I was all warmed up and ready for a "nope" until I actually read your post and realized it was calling for a nerf. Yeah, I'm good with that. I'm not super familiar with dominators but I have a few in their mid-30s that are easily soloing +2/x3 content and I expect to up that to +4 shortly. Currently I only use domination for boss and AV fights, so perma-dom seems excessive and "easy mode" to me. But, in general, I will support most nerfs to this game. Anything to add more of a challenge.
  18. I love this post for two reasons. First, a good theme is a good theme. It's nice to see people not chasing a FOTM, and this is a great way to encourage that. Second, that's a great prize. Both in terms of value, and in terms of convenience. Well done. You have earned the Yomo(tm) seal of approval.
  19. I know you do. It makes things psychologically harder when I know who I’m cowman PvPing against!
  20. That is certainly an option. Cowmen of the crafting variety aren't creating inf. They are making more valuable goods from materials, but they are actually removing inf from the system. Please read my previous post. You might learn something.
  21. I know this ship has sailed, but maybe I can simplify the issue of why inflation is bad. First of all, inflation is not the same as higher prices. If demand for something something rises, or supply of it falls, you'd expect to see prices rise. Basic economics 102. Let's say that our current economy is exactly the same, except Miracle +recovery is replaced with 2x Miracle +recovery . Demand would get filled very quickly, there would be a lot of extra supply, prices would drop. We'd say that's working as intended. Who gets hurt? Well, anyone who owned a lot of them in storage. But anyone who wants to buy one in the future is better off. Now, let's say all inf in the system is doubled, bur the rate of recipe drops et al remain the same. The medium of exchange has just increased in supply, and that is going to affect prices of everything that is denominated in that currency. Prices of goods would rise, possibly as high as double their previous level. Who gets hurt? Well, if prices on everything double, then it's just a menu pricing problem, which is minor; if everything you sell is at doubled prices and everything you buy is at doubled prices, then for established players it's pretty much a wash. The people who get hurt are the newish players who don't have an inventory of goods to sell. Effectively, their purchasing power has been cut in half, and their relative earning power as well. That is what the devs are trying to keep from happening. No one expects to have a billion inf in 24 hours from scratch*, but putting newish players at a purchasing disadvantage to established players would probably lead to fewer new players entering the system. And the lifeblood of this game, even in free mode, is new players, since in the long run we will all be dead. So it goes. * It takes about 34 hours.
  22. Seriously, the farmer and the cowman should be friends. From here on out, I will refer to marketeering as cowmanning until we come up with a better name.
  23. From Sunday to Monday, it feels like a lot of supply of set IOs hit the AH. Prices definitely are a bit depressed today.
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