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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. Also, on a macro basis, people in that other thread are predicting supply of items is going to decrease. The only way I see that happening is if farmers decide to rage quit. I mean, let's say yesterday a farmer would AFK farm for an hour and generate X inf and get Y drops. Today, if they farm for an hour they generate X/2 inf and get Y drops. If they want to keep inf steady, they farm for 2 hours, generate X inf and get 2Y drops. Is it my imagination or will this potentially INCREASE the supply of drops?
  2. I wonder if the devs even know what the inf flows look like. In principle, farming inf (and to be honest, earning inf through regular play) was like printing money in your basement and using it to buy groceries. The question was whether or not the inf generation was more than 10x the value of the associated drops. I think that it was, but since the cost of creating goods was so low, we didn't see significant inflationary pressures. Ironically, a lot of talk in the thread on the Patch Notes indicate that people are going to start raising their offer prices, so maybe we will see that inflation after all. I expect there will be less demand for farming build IOs such as Aegis. Performance Shifters will be harder to come by, since the conversion pool just increased by 150%.
  3. But you cannot stop supply. Someone buys out all the LotG 7.5%? People will produce more, and will particularly produce more the higher the bids rise. Recipes will keep dropping, merits will still be earned. Then the trillionaire gets stuck with listings that are too high.
  4. There already are caps, either hard or soft, on everything except (I think) Hammy-os. Salvage is seeded, you can buy merits with inf and you can buy everything else with merits. And there is a hard cap of 2bn on everything, but that's not what I think you were thinking of...
  5. This is the big one, but I felt that this was a patch that can cause volatility in a number of ways. Your thoughts?
  6. I hear you, but given the fact that inf, merits, xp, and any other rewards currently in the system literally fall from the sky, would anyone actually start running Carnie farms for 1.25x-2x inf/xp/purple drops?
  7. Sleep is tremendously overpowered solo or on small teams that know how it works. It is mainly useless on zerg teams.
  8. But what is a reasonable price to post? [screws in monocle and begins to monologue...] People seem to be uncomfortable in choosing the "right" price to post their offerings. I think part of that is that dumping is instant and easy, versus choosing a price is more work and may take a little time. I think the other part of that is that people are afraid of posting too high and eventually having to eat the 5% posting fee. If it's the latter, my rule of thumb is to let my offer sit for a week before I repost at a lower price. 5% is a drop in the bucket versus getting on with your life. Shrug your shoulders and move on. I think there are four basic categories of offers. In order from fastest to slowest (and from lowest price to highest price): 1. Sell it NAO. As long as there is a bid outstanding, you are guaranteed to sell your item instantly if you offer it at 1. A lot of people offer their items at 5, in order to make sure that they at least break even on listing fees. Speed: instant, so long as there is a bid outstanding. The problem is that you have no idea what that bid is. If you sell something NAO, you need to make your peace with the idea that you may sell it at the price you listed it for. 2. Sell it NEXT. This is a method you can use when you want to be the very next person to sell to a "real" bidder. If you are able to figure out what the highest outstanding bid is, then you offer at a level that is just above that level. Example: last 5 trades are: 10mm, 9mm, 10mm, 5mm, 8mm. That's not a lot of information. There is a "low" bid that got filled. If I wanted to be the next seller, I'd offer it at just over 5mm. That way, I'm not feeding the lowball bidder, but I should capture the first real bid that comes in. I call this being the lowest outstanding offer (LOO). Speed: generally pretty quick. You are relying on a "real" bid coming in, but you don't know when that will be. In my experience, I'd expect that to trade in minutes to hours, depending on the item, 3. Sell it SOON(tm). This is what I use for most of my sales. I try to capture the high end of the range, but I want to sell it within a day or so. In the example given above, we see that there are buyers at 10mm, but fishers at 9mm and 8mm, and lowballs at 5mm. I'd like to sell to some of those 10mm bidders, but if I offer at 10mm, I'm going to lose out to anyone who offers less than 10mm. In this case, I would probably offer at something just over 9mm. Speed: generally less than a day. Almost always by the next time I log in that character (I alt a lot). 4. Sell it SPENDY. I almost never use this method unless there are less than five of the item in question currently offered, and I don't judge that there will be a lot of supply in the near future. Given the example last 5 trades, and assuming zero items for offer, I'd offer somewhere north of 10mm. How far north depends on the item. Speed: totally depends. You could post at 12mm and sell for 15mm in minutes, or 10 more could come in for offer at under 10mm, and you could potentially be sitting on your offer for a long time. If you have to sell right now, you are being held hostage to whatever bids are already out there. If you can want minutes/hours/days, then you have a lot more power in realizing higher sales prices.
  9. It operates the exact same way that it did on Live, but there are a few key differences: 1. There are a lot fewer people playing on HC than there were on Live, which means that the depth of the market isn't as strong. 2. Thanks to fungibility, converters, etc., nothing is particularly expensive to make, so costs of things are much lower than they were on Live. 3. Thanks to point 2 among other reasons, accumulating inf is extremely easy. So you have lower cost goods, higher disposable income, and illiquid markets. This seems to lead to more/most/all people simply "buying it NAO" since they have plenty of inf and prices are low. Think of what you do when you are looking to buy something. Do you buy it NAO, throw in a lowball bid and hope to rip someone off, buy something cheaper and make it into something you want, or put in a reasonable but high-ish bid that you expect will get filled in the next 24 hours? Almost everyone seems to do some variation of the first three. When you are selling at a "sell it NAO" price, and hoping to get a genuine high bidder, it's probably not going to happen. I tend to buy things at a "buy it soon(tm)" level which is much higher than the 20k you mention, but lower than the 7-10mm you mention. tl;dr If you want to sell for better prices, you need to offer at higher prices. If you sell it NAO, you are going to have to get used to the idea you may reap sell it NAO prices.
  10. I used to think of CoX as a game of chess, but eventually realized that was a flawed analogy. Rather, I think of CoX as a chessboard. There are a lot of games you can play on a chessboard. You can play grandmaster level chess; you can play beginner chess. You can play checkers. There are a hundred other games you can play on an 8x8 board with alternating colored squares. Heck, you can push horsies around the board and make "Freem!" noises. That's all good, and I don't really care what type of game you want to play unless it personally affects me. There are two viewpoints that come up a lot, however, that I cannot support: 1. "An 8x8 grid is too big and hard and tedious!" No, I do not support your concept of fundamentally simplifying the game. That negatively affects everyone higher than you on the difficulty chain. 2. "Well, you can handicap yourself to make it more challenging!" I do this already, but playing checkers blindfolded, drunk, and left-handed doesn't make it chess.
  11. If you are playing at +0/x1, the only question is whether or not you are playing with EBs or AVs. If the former, I think you can play just about any combination you want that you find entertaining.
  12. I can imagine that sleeps used in a zerg team setting would be less than ideal, but when soloing or in small teams that understand sleep, it's arguably overpowered.
  13. Another thing I've learned from my recent forays on the red side: There are a lot more difficult enemy groups, starting early on, and there are a lot more EB/AVs than there are on blue side. That's the sort of thing that's easily solved by teaming, but red teams are few and far between...
  14. I feel like I may be missing something. I'm not an expert in endurance drain, but it seems to be working as intended? It's not the fastest way to defeat enemies, but it is much safer than many other ways. For context, I recently started 7 characters and am running them all through the same content redside, currently in their late 20s. One of them is a Elec/Kin Corruptor. I'm not going to claim that he's as good as a TW/Bio scrapper, but he's able to do quite well for himself (certainly much better than the Archery /Pain corruptor). In fact, with bosses, EBs and Heroes (I'm not running AVs) his damage to safety profile is much better than most of the others. Two applications of Short Circuit, maybe three for EBs, with an occasional Ball Lightning keeps them drained and then I slowly punch them to defeat in near complete safety. That low damage/high safety seems to be a fair tradeoff compared to high damage/low safety. Is the problem that it just doesn't do as much damage as other sets? Unless we make all sets equal, there will always be some sets/combos that are stronger than others.
  15. Thanks for responding! This quote sounds like it would be a win-win situation. I, for one, only really care about badges for three reasons: 1. It provides a tangible benefit, like an accolade power or merits. 2. It is a name that I like and fits the theme of my character. 3. It represents an accomplishment that I am proud of. I'd like to understand more about the "gotta catch them all" badge mindset. I mean, if they reduced the "official Badge total" to 1000, or 100, or 10, would people still feel a need to get all the unofficial ones too? I'm guessing that part of it is that getting as many badges as possible represents an accomplishment that the badger is proud of. If it's OCD (which I take seriously, but mine manifests in a different way), then I'd like to understand that mindset as well. I vaguely remember that thread you referenced from November, and that's the sort of thing I was referring to as "vehement" objection. I'm sure there are some pearls of wisdom in there, but as I recall it was 18 pages of people saying, "Your pathology is stupid; my pathology is the correct one," before it got closed. Regardless, I would not re-read that thread even if they gave out a special badge! My willingness to undertake tedious and/or masochistic tasks has its limits!
  16. I have an honest question for the hardcore badgers. i’ve seen some really vehement blowback in the Suggestions forum when the idea of shinies inthe form of badges being given out is suggested. And I’m seeing in these comments Above that some people want more badges, but don’t want them to be difficult or tedious to get. Personally, I like accomplishments, and frankly I like being rewarded for “bragworthy” accomplishments. It seems to me that ibadges are an easy way for the devs to give new rewards without making the game easier for anyone, or by keeping those rewards away from anyone. My question is: what’s so bad about creating new badges that are difficult or tedious to get? Is it somehow exclusionary, or is it an affront to those of us with OCD and a need to catch them all, or other? Help me to see your points! Specifically, with prestige gone, I’d love to see badges for burning inf. 100mm, 1bn, 10bn, 100bn, 1 trillion. They would be difficult or tedious for the average player to get. Heck, the last one would be extremely difficult for even the ebilest. Which is why I’d love to see a brag badge for it. Also, I’d bet the devs would like to see more inf leave the system. Thanks in advance!
  17. At the risk of monologuing... I make all my inf on the AH. Once upon a time I started to write a guide about how to make a billion, but got bored. TL;DR version: To make a billion, find something that makes a million and do it a thousand times. I came up with over 50 general ways to make a few mm inf quickly, and it mainly boils down to the three Cs: Crafting: For whatever reason, you can craft something and sell it for more that the component pieces. Converting: Converters are truly magic. Lots of guides available. CTrading: CBuy at the low end of the range, CSell at the high end of the range. Never forget the vig. The 9:10 ratio defines what your break even is (buy at 900, sell at 1,000, pay 100 in fees). I don't work for under 7:10 and that's only with really high flow and high base value. I usually work for something like 5:10 unless I'm converting when I work for something like 1-2:10.
  18. Don't ever craft a lvl 50 recipe (except purple). Lvl 50 cost 490,400 to craft. Lvl 49 costs less than half that, and crafting costs drop from there. If you need a level 50, craft a lower level, and either sell it and use the proceeds to buy a 50 or buy it from yourself (two different characters).
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnF1OtP2Svk [EDIT: it's "The Spanish Inquisition"]
  20. At a certain point, and I think many of us hit this point a long time ago, we find ourselves in a “post-needs” society. There’s nothing I can spend inf on anymore. So it just becomes a habit of frugality, or a personal challenge to get from point A to point B in as efficient or elegant a way as possible. Sure I could buy something NOW for 25mm, but I’d much rather buy something similar overnight at 17mm and spend 1-4mm making it into the thing I wanted all along. It’s a disease...
  21. I'm surprised that there was no warning. That kind of sucks. I know this is a private server and all, but you would hope that they would give a warning before silencing. I'm not surprised that the topic was shut down though. It's a scary, stressful time for all of us, and I see how it could be a violation of the Code of Conduct since it is very sensitive: Controversial and adult content, including: Sexual, provocative, pornographic, or adult content Violent content Controversial religious content Anything involving controversial real-world individuals or organisations Anything involving sensitive events, both current and historical
  22. Sell it now?!? But I can't wait that long! Is there any way to sell it before I actually list it?
  23. When you think about it, every single trade on the AH is either someone buying it now or selling it now, and they are transacting with someone who posted to sell it soon(tm) or buy it soon(tm). If the "going rate" as you describe is the highest outstanding bid (or the floor), then it doesn't matter if you offer at 1 or if you offer at the HOB - 1. It's still going to instantly transact at the buyer's price. If you want to slow things down, offer it at the HOB + 1. That way, you don't feed the flipper, and you get the first bidder higher than the current HOB.
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