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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. You lost me with "more". The last thing this game needs is to be made any easier.
  2. I would be over the moon if we could change this to "Make Bid". As far as I know, the only other time that "offer" is used as an order to buy something is in the US residential real estate market -- everywhere else in the world, "offer" is used as an order to sell something. I've made this request to the US residential real estate market many times over the years. Maybe I'll have more luck here. Stay safe, and wash your hands, you little monsters!
  3. Now that it's springtime, I'm planning on buying up all the Winter Packs in the AH so I can relist them at 50mm. Because I'm ebil like that.
  4. I don't have a problem if they add an option to sell threads or other incarnate salvage to a vendor for 5,000 inf a piece. In my opinion, there should not be any way to buy or trade incarnate salvage with other players for inf.
  5. It is old, but still valid. Personally, I think fixing the documented bugs in the AH would have a magnitude greater effect on QoL than a new power set or costume piece, but I admit I don’t know if the bugs can be fixed without ripping the whole thing apart. I’d love to see it work properly, but I’m also very comfortable with the workarounds.
  6. I'm a big fan of measure twice, cut once, myself, but it wouldn't bother me if they rolled out a prompt that notified you if you were bidding over X thousand/million on an item. I don't even mind a slider, so long as it's not a particularly difficult programming task. I'd just disable it like I disable all the other prompts. That said, I don't really see how this is a big problem. I'm sorry you overpaid, but personally I'd much rather see dev time and resources go towards what I think are more important things than making sure you don't overbid again. That's my opinion, and I understand that yours differs. If you are really bent out about it, send me a PM and I'll trade you 200mm for your Cloud Senses to make you even.
  7. This is my opinion and thought process against fixing an exchange rate: 1. When they introduced the AH, CoH was designed to be a player-based economy. Although there were (and are) still things that can be bought or sold from or to vendors, the intention was that players would provide supply and demand. As the game progressed, and as we went from Live to HC, the smaller user base led the powers-that-be to provide more supply. That supply could either be direct, like seeded salvage, or indirect, like buying purple recipes with merits. This put effective bands on just about everything. I feel that if there were a fixed exchange rate*, that would stifle the motive for people to produce supply. To take it to an extreme, it would be leading back towards a merchant-based economy like an RPG game like Skyrim. Some people may actually prefer that, but I would not, which leads to my second point. 2. The AH in and of itself is an entertaining mini-game, and I would hate to see it go away. I've said before, I *think* I would play CoH without the AH, but I *know* I would play the AH without CoH. I think the devs, past and current, have done a great job in setting floors and ceilings on things and letting market forces work within those bands. I'm not against making merits tradeable, although they already pretty much are. * A fixed exchange rate that sets a very low floor as a backstop is fine in my eyes. As I mentioned above, rare salvage serves as a pretty good proxy for the soft floor (5k if you sell it to a vendor) and the soft ceiling (1mm if you buy it from seeded salvage). You can currently buy merits for 1mm a pop, the same price as rare salvage. I'd be ok with a floor at something like 10k -- something low enough that if you absolutely wanted to extract value without using the AH you could.
  8. I guess it depends on your motives! If you want to name it that because you want to turn to humor to help yourself get through an uncertain time, go ahead. Just expect some people to get uptight. If you want to name it that because you want to see how many people you can piss off, go ahead. But you're being a dick.
  9. My therapist friends say that certain behaviors are natural reactions to anxiety and fear of the unknown. To put a name on something that scares you and then use that to fight Hellions? Totally understandable. Then again, some people just want to cheese off the squares.
  10. However one feels about farming, I don't think this is the right forum since it has nothing to do with the market. Maybe General?
  11. Almost there! I've got all mine listed at 1,000,005!
  12. 100k would have filled instantly. Just saying. Also, you are making 5mm profit per recipe after costs? Nicely done. There must be plenty of profitable spots left!
  13. You forgot to mention adding inf to the system via farming v. destroying inf via trading.
  14. Ok, I've spent almost all of my time redside over the past two weeks. Two observations on why it may be inferior to blue side: 1. Way too vertical. That's fine now that you can buy jet packs at lvl 1, but if I wanted to run a super speed character for concept redside, I'd quit the game. 2. Way too many random mobs. This is related to the verticality to some extent. It's virtually impossible to run to a mission without aggroing a lot of mobs. Maybe this would change as I got used to the maps.
  15. Yes. I get disappointed when I see an orange recipe drop, but yellow is ca-ching!
  16. So far, my most masochistic is my TW/Stone Armor brute. No, I'm not going to teleport. I'll get there ... eventually ...
  17. I agree 100% and am so incredibly puzzled. I don't understand why people are losing their shit over this. It's like Apple refusing to make and sell any new $800 iPhones because one tiny component's cost went from 1/100 of a cent to 1/10 of a cent. People REALLY hate change, is my takeaway so far.
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