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Everything posted by srmalloy

  1. It's 'Quantum Maneuvers' in my Mids, but still doesn't have a default slot. Something to toss into the Mids forum to be addressed in a future update.
  2. And don't even get me started on how long Paragon City has been laughing at all the ADA lawsuits over buildings with no alternate routes for mobility-impaired individuals (similar suits were filed in the Rogue Isles, but Lord Recluse just dismissed them all out of hand).
  3. The top pinned thread mentions, on page 37, the presence of 'Quantum Acceleration' that can't be moved in Peacebringer builds, throwing the power selection off. With 3.2.17, that appears to be partially handled -- it now shows as 'Quantum Maneuvers' to match the power list in the game -- but when selected, it appears in the power list as a naked power selection. It has no default slot, and you can't add slots to it, neither of which are true in game.
  4. A flag and an effectiveness factor, to account for powers having a greater or lesser effect on a fire than their base damage, so you can have a power that does a lot of damage in combat, but is only marginally effective at putting out a fire. And you're right, it's more work than the increase in 'realism' would be worth.
  5. Unfortunately, it seems to be a 'neutron meteor', that takes out living things (admittedly, with some stretching of the definition) but leaves structures untouched.
  6. Ignoring the incongruity of having it toggled on while flying, Mud Pots should be effective against fires, as would Quicksand, because of the water content of the effects, but special-casing two powers from different sets, particularly since neither one does damage, is reaching a bit too far. And then you'd start to get into things like what happens if someone drops Quicksand on a burning oil patch and things like that, and it just gets too fiddly.
  7. Wormhole does have an intermittent Wile E. Coyote bug. I have a popmenu for it with several options -- normal (place the destination by mouse), 'here' (fetches the target(s) to you), 'away' (moves them to max distance in front of you, which can be used to move groups out of your way by adjusting how you face when using it), 'back' (moves them to max distance behind you -- a pulling tool, since the lack of aggro lets me move up and slice out part of a conjoined pair of spawns), and 'up' (sends them to max distance straight up; unfortunately, they don't take fall damage). When I use the 'up' option, sometimes one or more of the mobs grabbed by the wormhole don't notice that they've been teleported up into the sky, and fail to fall back to the ground, standing unconcernedly in mid-air.
  8. The character is 25 now, and seems to be going well; I note that there's an oddity in your build -- Quantum Acceleration doesn't have even the default slot; I've temporarily dropped a LotG:Def/+Rech there until I see whether that will push me over five, and if so, I may sack Combat Jumping for something else. Perhaps move all the subsequent powers down one choice and decide the 49 power later. I was surprised at how useful skating up to a spawn with Stealth on, popping Hasten, Inner Light, switching to Nova, then Scatter and Detonation was as as an opener. I expect that I'll get a lot more familiar with form dancing as I continue.
  9. ...if you were hurling loose dirt instead of rocks. You'd need to throw a rock big enough to cover the fire completely to put it out -- if I stand near a fire and toss one-pound rocks into it, it's going to take a lot of rocks to do anything to the fire.
  10. And the point I was making is that both water and ice draw heat from the fire, reducing the ignition source, with both ending up as steam, but with ice absorbing more heat due to the 80 cal/gm heat of fusion that is required to melt the ice.
  11. That would necessitate a power-by-power assessment of which powers deliver more water/ice than their raw damage would indicate, some of which is already factored into AoE attacks being able to hit more fires. Lots of complexity for little benefit, particularly with the limited coding resources.
  12. I'm not sure why, but it seems that all the Supa Trolls are hard-coded to find their way up to the area between the tram and the park Synapse is in; if no one thins the herd when they're raving, all of them will become Supa Trolls and head for the park. At the height of the AE powerlevel craze back on Live, the number of heroes spending time in Skyway was much smaller, and fewer people came back to the newbie zones for things that didn't get them XP, so you saw more Supa Troll swarms.
  13. The problem I have with this build is that it's a build you respec into at 50, not something you can level with, unless you twist the hell out of it. Five slots, at 5, 7, and 9, put into White Dwarf Flare, a power you don't get until 20, for example. I like the concept, but I'm going to have to fiddle slot order quite a bit. That said, winging the slot additions, two Rikti invasions and one Nemesis invasion took me from 13 to 21; Scatter and Detonation are amazing for target coverage.
  14. Both work by draining heat from the fire to reduce it below the ignition point of its fuel. If you spray room-temperature water, the fire will expend energy raising it to 100°C, then on turning it into steam. If you cover the fire with ice, the fire must expend energy to melt the ice, then to raise its temperature from 0°C to room temperature, then the same amount of energy as for water. For the same mass applied to the fire, ice removes more heat (i.e., does more 'damage' to the fire) than water. However, water/ice is not a good choice for all fires; look up the different types of fire extinguishers. For frame buildings, like we have in the fire events, though, both are workable, although neither will work as well as, say, retardant foam.
  15. Proper vitriol takes time to simmer before it reaches full potency; we're only seeing the tip of the iceberg.
  16. I remember, back on Live, the common slotting of attacks for characters that didn't have a good sustain power being three Damage, one Accuracy, and one Endurance Reduction, with an optional sixth slot being whichever of those three needed more help. Prior to ED, a good sustain power meant that you could skip the EndRdx for more damage or accuracy, and a character with Focused Accuracy could skip Acc in all their attacks, so that with both you could six-slot your attacks for damage. But this 'burden' of having to account for endurance use and slotting to manage it has been around since the game rolled out. And you perceive it as such a crushing burden that you want to effectively hand out a 'free' EndRdx enhancement for every EndRdx enhancement slotted in a power, so you can get free slots to use elsewhere. I'm sorry, but this feels to me like a whine about how unfair it is that you have to work within the game's limits when building your combat monsters, so the game should be changed to let you make your characters more powerful.
  17. I object to this on general grounds; it and the other Radiation sets need to have their base color corrected to stop perpetuating the myth that radiation is green. This meme came from the glowing green markings of radium-lit displays -- but the color came from the glow of the sphalerite (lead sulphide) phosphor that was mixed with the radium, not the radium itself. Radioactive material doesn't itself glow (unless it gets hot enough to glow like any other hot-enough material), and the glow from radiation passing through air, water, or other transmissive material -- Çerenkov radiation -- is a turquoise blue; decades of cheesy science-fiction movies playing to misguided public perception to the contrary, it's not green.
  18. Fun fact: If you did this in the 'northeast Boomtown' map of the 'close the dimensional ruptures' wolf farm, and the Blaster kept planting Trip Mines until the Tanker called out that they were inbound to the dumpster, if you were too close to the dumpster when the Blaster zoomed back in, you'd get a pop-up from the game engine throwing an error: "Too many effects to render". It didn't crash your client, but it was fun to see that it was possible to overload the game.
  19. Be kind to it; it's in a strange place.
  20. Reminds me of a lettercol from a Marvel comic many years ago commenting on something in an earlier comic that got past the proofreaders... A reference to a device that was "programmed to shit itself off".
  21. There is a section of parkland in Skyway City roughly centered on [-1080.2 -0.0 -2369.3] where there are a number of civilians endlessly wandering in a square, in much the same way as the civilians used to climb the sewer entrance west of the tram in Kings Row.
  22. Reading that, I had a quick flash of a minimum-height MA/SR Scrapper, 'Odori Ebi'... just to see how long it takes people to get the joke. The farthest I've gone for a deliberately obscure character name, though, is Xiao Guo, an Earth/Storm Controller, whose name is a multi-level indirection.
  23. Kind of appropriate, too, given that the character that I have the footstep-sound issues with is a Bots MM whose backstory is that he was a Soviet military project to create a semi-autonomous director for teams of combat robots that became sentient, then began altering or ignoring its orders when it determined that alternate tactics were more effective. The project was shut down, with everything stuffed away in storage, until an earthquake triggered an incompletely-shut-down sensor. If I ever work out how to write a believable fight scene, I'll go back and finish the six and a half pages of background for him (it just kind of ballooned).
  24. That's the problem; it seems as if, no matter how much damage my bots do when I tell them to attack, the first riposte from the target is always directed at me, not the bots attacking them.
  25. I think the reference you're looking for is "I may be getting older, but I refuse to grow up".
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