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Everything posted by srmalloy

  1. <patrolling NPCs walking past a fight> "Hey, look-- the boss is getting his ass handed to him by a couple of heroes. You think we should help him?" "Didn't he write you up last week for having a grease spot on your uniform after you'd pulled an eight-hour shift in the motor pool?" "You're right. Screw him. If he can't handle the heroes, he doesn't deserve his job. Let's just pretend we don't see it." "Say, don't they have lasagna in the cafeteria today?" "And it's time for our lunch break. We'll come back later and see what needs to be cleaned up."
  2. You've got LBUTTON, MUTTON, RBUTTON, and then BUTTON4 through BUTTON8. Along with 25 joystick buttons and four positions for each of a joypad, three joysticks, and three POV hats; they're all in the standard 'key' names.
  3. At the end of Sunstorm's "Winslowe and the Cosmotron" arc, Archon Swann appears to be capped at 24, rather than matching the level of the mission. This can make him a surprisingly-squishy walkover if you get the mission at a higher-enough level.
  4. That's not entirely true; however, to do so requires a fairly ruthless hand with the 'Disable XP' toggle in the options.
  5. In the AH listing for Attuned Enhancements, "Universal Damage Sets" appears, but this category is missing under the the Crafted Enhancements list, which goes from 'To Hit Debuff' to 'Universal Travel' with nothing between.
  6. The Rikti need to pay more attention to where they're recruiting their personnel for missions; apparently the Traditionalists and Restructurists still can't work together. In Levantera's mission "Fight Rikti Raid", the first mission she hands out after you join the Vanguard, my Peacebringer found a number of Quantum Rikti mobs in the mission. These Quantum Rikti and the regular Rikti were, however, completely hostile to each other, and spawns containing a Quantum would fight it out until one side or the other was down. Equally entertaining, the raid leader spawned in the field of fire of one of the Vanguard turrets, and died to the artillery before I could get there. Not a shining demonstration of competence on the part of the Rikti.
  7. Random NPC dialog in Night Ward: [NPC] Huntmaster: NIGHTWARD_NIGHTSTALKERS_FIGHT_APP_INACTIVE_TEXT Should be something a little more informative.
  8. In Gordon Stacy's 'Revenant Hero Project' arc, he sends you to talk to Marc Freeman, who sends you to deliver a CD-R to Jake Montoya. With the advance of technology, the 'CD-R' could be updated to a DVD-R or a USB stick; it doesn't change the mission, it's just that sneaker-netting a 640Mb storage device when there are multi-gigabyte replacements available feels odd.
  9. You want to run solo, or inside the AE building, you're fine with however you choose to build your character. But if you come out of the AE building, join a Citadel TF, and the only movement power you have is the inherent Sprint -- and don't even know that the P2W vendors sell jump and flight packs, then get bent out of shape because nobody is waiting for you to sprint to the NW corner of IP for a mission, then the "patently rude" demands are on the part of the AE baby. And yes, I've had exactly this experience with someone who was playing a level 50 character. They did know how to get around between zones, but they didn't think how much time it took them should matter to anyone else.
  10. This. If someone wants to spend all their time in AP, or inside the AE, or in their base, that's their choice. If they come out and join a TF, and then have to be hand-held to micromanage every step of just getting to the zone the TF starts in, and then everyone else in the team has to wait every mission because they not only have to be hand-held to get to the mission, but don't have any movement power beyond Sprint, then they need to either go back to AE (or whatever they were doing) or start a new character and level it while learning what you need to do to be effective out in the wider world of Paragon City/the Rogue Isles. Expecting everyone else to reshape their play to fit them us, in my opinion, unreasonable.
  11. In the "Recover the Cosmotron" mission from Sunstorm, the mission completed after I collected the glowie and defeated an Assault Raider who was shadow-boxing and running his mouth. The mission completion text said "You found some orders on the defeated Penumbra Elite Archon" -- but the Assault Raider was not fighting with anyone; he was solo in his spawn. So it appears that the mission was slightly broken because it didn't spawn the Archon that the Assault Raider should have been fighting, and still counted the Archon as defeated when the lone Assault Raider went down, with the text still assuming that the Archon was present.
  12. Hmm. I suppose the PS devs might have decided that computing s spray of misses would have been computationally expensive enough to be impractical to animate, but it seems sloppy and lazy, given the special-effect-fest that is the bowl of an MSR or the final phase of a Hami raid.
  13. I thought that I'd seen it happen while soloing, and paid more attention to it while running Synapse and Manticore -- the Nova-form power Scatter, if you miss your target, has the character animation but no visual effect of the power; other nova-form powers have a normal miss 'power effect goes off into empty space' effect.
  14. I completed a Manticore yesterday (the blueside WTF) on my 38 (40 at the end) PB, and didn't see any Prismatics in my salvage afterwards, either. At the time, I just chalked it up to drop rates.
  15. Ouro gives you the opportunity to complete content you missed, outleveled, or just want to do over, with the restriction that you are locked into that content until you complete it or quit early. In a game-lore sense, you're doing this in a slightly disconnected time stream, so you're not affected by whatever is going on back in the 'real world' -- technically, you shouldn't even see TF announcements, because they're not happening in your personal time stream. I see no reason to change this.
  16. How can you pass up the opportunity to smack Ci'dion down, then come back and teach him how much his "It was just luck; I'll get him this time" attitude is just wishful thinking by handing him his ass again?
  17. There are a number of missions like this that have various forms of screw-ups. With personal story missions, summon your buff pet before entering the mission, and the buff pet will be in the mission following whatever character the mission is replacing you with. In Matthew Habashy's mission to investigate the Hellion hideout, female characters with tails will still have them in their Girlfriend From Hell 'disguise'. More amusingly, if your character is an MM, your tier-1 pet will be in the mission with you; if the character is a female Demon Summoning MM, it just adds verisimilitude, and you can sort of handwave a thug pet, but the other pet types are a little jarring.
  18. I can't say for sure, but I suspect that the problem may be with the amount of Unicode outside of the subset that City of Heroes supports, and the way it handles glyphs that aren't in the chat font.
  19. No, going to the forums is not a requirement. But deliberately ignoring information that is pointed out to you in a window you are required to see and then expecting the other players to supply you with the information you already decided you didn't care about, at least to me, smacks of self-entitlement -- "I can't be bothered looking for myself; tell me what I want to know."
  20. What will be most confusing about a max-level build that gets posted is an artifact of an old change to respecification (re-picking and re-slotting your powers). Originally, you did it the same way you did while you were leveling up -- at each step, you got a power pick or slots, and assigned them to what you had available at that level. This was changed so that you picked all your powers, then allocated all the slots, so that the 'slot levels' (which the game doesn't actually track) are irrelevant -- you can put the slots you received at levels 5 and 7 into the power you picked at 49, and Mids lets you do this, too. Which makes following a build as you level really difficult if you don't already have a good grasp of distributing slots as you level. Sovera's correct, though; if you see a build you like, but don't understand how it would be slotted as you level, ask the person who posted it for help.
  21. I don't want to suggest it because of the inevitable fewmet-storm it would produce on both sides of the argument, but I have to wonder what the effect would be if the AE buildings had 'chat blocker technology' installed -- chat inside an AE building would not be heard outside, and vice versa. Someone wanting to advertise a farm could leave the building -- going out onto one of the balconies is easy enough -- but if you wanted to beg for a slot on a farm from the people running them, you'd have to go into the building, at which point your 'LF farm' messages wouldn't be heard in the rest of the zone (or outside the building for requests in LFG). I can think of good arguments both ways, but I think the counterargument that it would be complicated to do, and the HC staff has more important things to fix is probably the strongest, no matter how attractive having the farm traffic mostly disappear inside the AE buildings would be.
  22. Pocket D -- getting to the truck just ENE of City Hall is easier than taking the tram to KR and then running the couple of blocks to the AE building there.
  23. It's not the confusion per se, it's the ongoing stream of people asking the same "Where did the AE building go?" over and over and over again until it becomes more obnoxious than the "sitter LF farm" spam was.
  24. This has always griped me about ambushes; they should be dispatched to the character's location, not targeted at the character. They should still have normal perception, so if you don't move far enough away (or they run past you) they should aggro, but if you're stealthed, they shouldn't have a target lock on you. And if they reach their target position and don't find anything, they should go on a random walk to see if they can find you nearby, not just stand there like idiots.
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