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Everything posted by TraumaTrain

  1. Great suggestions, Jax! I am definitely considering an all mastermind TF (I would include illusion controllers in that too). An all defender TF, or maybe all defenders and corruptors, would be awesome. I would like an all radiation TF. That opens up possibilities a bit since many ATs have a radiation based power set in them. All animal themes is quirky. The theme can be met with just costume and name, or can also be met with particular power sets. There are a lot of published heroes and villains that have some kind of animal theme. Batman, Black Panther, Squirrel Girl, Animal Man, Beast Boy, Beast, Lizard, Rhino, Toad, Howard the Duck, Penguin, Catwoman, Black Cat, Diamondback... so many more. (I didn't include insect theme people either.) In universe, you have Manticore, Chimera, Mynx, Bobcat. (A little bit of cheating there.) Power sets that easily lend well to animal themes would include Claws, Savage Melee, Spines, Savage Assault, Martial Arts, Beast Mastery, Widow. I have decided I'll be playing my dude Man-Orca, a Sonic/Sonic defender. (Not his Praetorian double: Killer Man-Orca, a Sonic sentinel.)
  2. Awesome. I definitely want to get a group screenshot of all the characters for this one. Do you all like themes of this sort more or less than themes like "all sentinels" or "all stalkers?" Or maybe it doesn't matter so much.
  3. How did your fresh build work out for Enigmatus?
  4. I'm glad everyone is enjoying the fun! We have a super solid team of players here and I'm happy to see you all each week! The next one will be animal themed Manticore! Level 30+. Cat Girls welcomed! Fish Folk. Tiger Men. Cow People. Bunny Warrriors. Whatever fits the bill. If you don't think you'll have someone that level by the, you can always recostume and rename a character temporarily. (Don't forget to save the real name though!) I will either bring my sonic defender Man-Orca, or my street fightin' tiger dude Tsov Tom. I'm leaning towards Man-Orca, but they both need Manticore.
  5. No worries! Thanks for letting us know. Have fun. I'll post soon about next week's theme.
  6. Did the Freedom Corps vendorfolk wear those costumes prior to issue 6 when Longbow was introduced? I don't remember.
  7. Viridian's arc "Conference of Evil" is a great one. You have to jump through some hoops just to unlock him as a contact though.
  8. About a year ago, I recall someone asking about renaming their SG, and the response was to email the request to... somebody. Support? GMs in the game maybe? Sorry, not very helpful, I know. The point is, a request can be made to change an SG's name. But name tokens would be super convenient.
  9. It's really a shame that not more of Sappho's writings still exist.
  10. @Piecemeal will there be a red side version of this intriguing intriguement? I can help you put it together if you're not overly familiar with the Rogue Isles content.
  11. It will be disappointing if there is no red side representation in this game. Highly disappointing.
  12. Great screenies, @Midnyte! Thank you!
  13. I'll put you down for scrapper and leave room for the flexibility. Thanks, Jax!
  14. The all sentinel Citadel was a blast, and the all stalker Tarikoss was perfectly executed! Next week is the "bag of skittles" Lady Grey TF. No more than one per AT. It is level 35+, but closer to 50 would be ideal; we have to fight the Hamidon and then the Honoree is no joke either. I'll update the list here of what you folks choose to bring... Me: Tanker @EmmySky : PB @Enigmatus: Blaster @Justaris: Brute @TrixieKixx: Controller @Jaxman100: Scrapper @socom242: Corruptor @Midnyte : Sentinel
  15. Maybe not a screenshot scavenger hunt, but a souvenir scavenger hunt.
  16. Hmmm... You also said it is not an accolade. I'm thinking an annual screenshot scavenger hunt with the winner(s) getting a gold title.
  17. "The first count as five, and come as a squad; A pirate and a commander and a mute, how odd." This whole thing is about Sgt. Schorr's arc. St. Martial. There are five of you, a squad: Schorr himself, Colleague, Second Measure, Network, and you. Mission 1: defeat Dr. Hyperbaric, a piratey fish guy working for Arachnos. Mission 2: defeat Rising Vengeance, a Tsoo commander. Mission 3: defeat Steve "Mute" Mutombo, a Family man.
  18. Yeah, vigilante is quite sufficient! I learned the hard way switching all the way around once. The Tarikoss SF takes place completely in Cap au Doable. Upon completion, it triggers a zombie attack somewhere.
  19. Yep, you can simply visit Null and switch to vigilante. And afterward, if you like, switch back to hero. Don't switch to rogue or villain, though - you may lose any missions you have in your queue.
  20. @Rylas These are fantastic! Thank you very much. Have I missed Dual Blades? I'm not seeing it under the melee sets.
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