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Everything posted by TraumaTrain

  1. is @Mender Derek the Gilligan of Ouroboros?
  2. Sounds villainous. I wonder if the name Market Master is taken... brb
  3. Maybe it would just be easier to swap some of the less awesome T1 powers with their T2s.
  4. When stalkers get Super Strength, I want their Assassin Strike to be called Assassin's Knuckle Sandwich.
  5. I would like a completely new Nemesis Staff power set for doms and controllers. And also for defenders and corruptors. And also for all four melee ATs.
  6. Fun. I just learned... how to save my UI and then load it for new characters (or for old characters because i just got a 34" curved monitor with a lot more room to spread out on and needed a better and quicker way to do that on my 66 mains (I have no alts -- just 66 mains)).
  7. That's her "Out" ability. (Sentinel Comics RPG reference. )
  8. I use the time to attack him psychologically through a variety of emotes and sass. There's a point where it becomes too much for him to bear (bare? beer?), and he shuts the force field off. That's when I have him...
  9. This is a really cool character concept; I like it a lot. There are a bunch of ways you could go with AT and power sets. I want to know what you decide on, @Lynkon. Speaking of table top RPGs... if this was a Champions game, you could go with a variable power pool with the urban shaman theme.
  10. Thanks for the suggestions. I will turn off the shakes first and see where that gets me. If I still have problems, I'll check out the particles. Meanwhile, today I had my modem equipment exchanged. I ran a full Eden trial and had no hiccups at all. Earlier today, before the new modem, I was rubberbanding and lagging during a Posi 2.
  11. Help me understand this please... For the past couple weeks or more, I have not been able to stay online during MSRs. I keep losing connection to the mapserver within 10 minutes or so in the bowl. I've also been having a lot of choppy movement and rubberbanding. Is that my internet connection, or my graphics card, or what? I have reset/rebooted my modem a lot, and it doesn't seem to help. I have backed down my graphic settings some, and it doesn't seem to help. My internet speed is 100 megawhatevers and is a wired connection. My graphics card is an older model, sir, but checks out. Nvidia GTX 980.
  12. Keep leveling in Praetoria, First Ward, and Night Ward till you're at least 25. Don't make that transition at level 20 to Red or Blue side. Just realize that once you switch to Red or Blue, you'll lose access to those Gold titles. At level 20, get the mission to make the Red/Blue transition, but just let it sit in your mission list. Go into the sewers in Imperial City. All the way in the south is a door that leads to First Ward. Heck, you can get all the way to 50 as a Gold sider if you don't mind being limited to those zones. I got my dude Trauma Train to 37 in the Night Ward before I decided to take him Blue side.
  13. If you're going to roll a stone, name him Sisyphus.
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