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Everything posted by kiramon

  1. Outside of hitting your own defense numbers, you'll be fine on a team not having Defender-level buffs and debuffs; it will hardly be noticeable. Just play which you like (unless easy soft capping is your goal, then go defender ;p)
  2. My heart gets sad when I shoot something and don't see scourge
  3. Capable and "not suck" are not necessarily the same thing
  4. Because sonic is king and deserves attention always. (As a side note, idk why they don't take drastic changes at this point since we tossed that out the window and put the two shield types into one button for sonic/FF/thermal lol) That being said, give Regen to frostwork to bridge the gap somewhat from losing max hp, even if it loses the ability to.bypass the Regen cap.
  5. I'm sorry, but powers with 10m cooldowns shouldn't exist. Like, at all. Power pool or not. This isn't the type of game where that's necessary, and it certainly isn't fun.
  6. It's slotted for set bonuses, not itself 😉
  7. Amazing stuff here
  8. This set is leagues better than anything except maybe plant.
  9. Water or dp will help ease the cd requirement for drain psyche
  10. No purples and decent on a Dom eh
  11. I farm solely on torch bearer and it is usually pretty dead. The ae is usually empty too. I move all my characters to excelsior and it's more active, but it's full of SITTER LF FARM spam
  12. I look at mine and I'm like what the heck was I on
  13. I know it's good I just don't find it fun lol personally
  14. Lol I've never been a fan of "designed for" matches, but I've also never been a huge fan of dark miasma. I leveled it out of boredom lol
  15. I told you it hurt my endurance bar from here lol
  16. I sacrificed perma PA by 6 seconds 😞
  17. I can't imagine that without Cardiac or Vigor, lol. My endurance hurts looking at it 😧 Though I do like the double confuse aura
  18. vs +3. You actually dont need to do all that, just switch the enhancements in those powers some. Also, is there a specific reason for 48 vs 45 def? Just curious (primarily because of tactics' slotting)
  19. My favorite of the bunch honestly.
  20. Your freeze ray and LR are at like 88% accuracy. Not sure why they got random (+dmg) enhancements rather than acc/dmg etc.
  21. I am not recommending this over that thread (for things that conflict, since I didn't read it). But here's one You can use caltrops over triage; I just like the free preventative. Adding in the FFG (+15.42%), you're soft capped Melee/Ranged/Aoe and 75% SL with Cardiac.
  22. Or proc char and not upthrust
  23. Aside from even just fun, it has rotations that make sense, as well as the ability to slot multiple FF procs, leading to a better secondary gameplay, too.
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