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Everything posted by kiramon

  1. Arachnos use psychic scream: 680 damage heroes use psychic scream: 68 damage
  2. Roll the immobilize from subdue into mental blast, give a new blast with some exotic damage type (brain freeze with ice or brain storm with electricity) Increase tk blast to high damage Increase speed of ticks of tornado, change to psi/cold Increase damage of psychic scream, add -resist maybe add something aside from -recharge to the set as a whole - like for example “Thought Seize: inflicting a status effects causes your next attack to lower the targets recharge and increase your own” or something like that. really though psi just needs a damage boost, some animation clean up, and probably a little endurance relief, it definitely feels better on a blaster than a defender/cor despite originating there
  3. I have directional binding set up; I use hasten even in builds with perma dom without it 😕 it’s just too powerful of a button for how little actual investment you need in it. (Forever In the fun comes first mindset, and think it should just be a global passive effect rolled in since it in and of itself is neither fun to use nor player button utilization-changing lol but I’m likely the minority XD)
  4. I don't play Scrappers, pretty much ever - which I think is obvious in the build. I think I switched it over to soft cap Lethal/Smashing/Energy/Negative/Psi ; i originally did it with chasing to cap everything which I did but it was super expensive and seemed like it would be lacking in any oomph So I moved things I around -- I don't really /want/ Geode, but not sure if I need it for the brimstone damage? Or how helpful that is? As a result of that, I ended up moving stuff around to get 47.49 S/L 45.21 E/N 51.24 Psi Perma Hasten Numbers wise it seems Cardiac is a necessity due to the passive end drain from the toggles but I still don't even know if end will be a problem (i assume if i ended up going ageless it wouldnt matter anyways) ANYWAYS Help/Optimization? Will it suffer because I skirted away from Resists? I had originally had it for more procs/spreading scrappers strike around but i couldnt lower my s/l so it was just overkill (I don't plan on doing anything where i need 59%) Scrapper - Spines - Stone Armor.mxd
  5. Seriously just proc it out 🙂
  6. I made a lot of stalkers at one point - and every one of them could run off in 8x4 in a group and solo packs without breaking a sweat. Except my regen lol 😂
  7. You’re about to change everything you know about the game
  8. Poor toxic
  9. Willpower is great and has prettier powers. Lol 😂
  10. Plant/Savage is actually Savage/Plant
  11. The original designers were like “what’s cool about the electric sets… yah let’s not give any of that to doms”
  12. Psychic scream and world of confusion just need some major number buffs. Psy in general does tho. liquefy needs a rework, just move it to sonic cage, remove cage and decrease it’s cooldown by 80% and give sonic some giant aoe disorient final power that deals d damage and lowers resistance And reduces enemy damage.
  13. It’s always slots that get me when I magically have an extra one and am like oh I miscounted and proceed to see zero slots in powers only after I complete
  14. So one might say you’re having a blast?
  15. Yah but energy blast doesn’t do damage 😞 lol
  16. It just sounds so fun and is really the only blast set that is like, blasts. Fire has you throwing things like Ice; water has you making whirlpools and.m splashes.
  17. Idea wise, not implementation wise
  18. It’d be kinda cool to have liberi fatali play for the demons
  19. Farming just makes regular groups feel mundane, slow, and inefficient. No loot, no money, QQ
  20. Yahhh drop leadership
  21. I mean, sure. But 2 power picks that can both take lotg for frees while giving your team a little cushion with a once-every-5-minute-push seems odd to skip, given that well there arent really that many powers worth picking... unless youre totally solo, I suppose... even then I bet theres still room lol
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