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Bill Z Bubba

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Everything posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. That'd be easy for my fire/bio sent. Replace the KB/Repel/Hold in Blazing Blast with 100% chance Mag 4 Immobilize.
  2. Again, I don't disagree, but in this case I was speaking more toward how a single epic power pool eclipses the others so completely that it becomes the go to for so many.
  3. Are you running any incarnates that apply DoT? Are you fighting many AVs? (He asks, confusedly, knowing who he's asking that question of.) I can't figure out why you AREN'T seeing this behavior. Edit: It's got to be debuff related. I don't see it happen when I'm solo on a melee with any kind of taunt. I don't recall it happening with BZB Scrap and he has zero taunt in play. I do know it's happened with taunters taunting and smashing but only on teams where debuffs would be in play. I do know it happens on my sentinel because he's a hover blaster.
  4. It does but ain't it just viscerally awesome with its crunchiness?
  5. I'm not disagreeing as I've seen the numbers, but does anyone else find such a situation absolutely appalling? It's amazingly bad design. Edit: For the record, I've enjoyed my rad/regen Sentinel. Based him off the ghouls from Fallout.
  6. Same with water and oxygen. Harm no other and do as ye will, kids.
  7. Agreed. WM puts out some seriously crunchy goodness on both the ST and AoE fronts.
  8. That's been a major part of my build philosophy for a while now. The amount of damage that proc-monster builds add to any given build is even more ludicrous than the recent tank buffs.
  9. I quit my system analyst gig at the end of April and have found temporary retirement to be absolutely wonderful. Quite frankly, I plan to continue it well into 2022. As for having my own shard, I'd love it if those smarter than me would set up a package installation for a single player (or something ridiculously small like 5 concurrent players) so that I could have the entire thing on a single beefy-ish server just in case something goes awry with Homecoming.
  10. Not that I'm aware of but that's also incredibly vague. I think my builds are awesome but those that love proc-monster builds think they're all crap.
  11. Hi. I'm on the other side of the equation and often get far more drops than I would expect including purples and pvp recipes. And my main is only at 700andsomethin vetlvls. This thread absolutely sent me down a WTFBBQ spiral of insanity so... ummm... thanks? I mean, chaos is good and all but wow. There is NO drop rate reduction past vetlvl 99. I have at least 5 characters past that threshold and have seen nothing of the sort.
  12. I've pondered the same, but I'm not sure that the extra .01 seconds on followup's recharge is going to matter in the long run.
  13. Probably the pewpew of flares and night fall.
  14. It's actually a great reason to solo Synapse!
  15. This appears to be the case. As long as I made absolutely sure to damage them all at regular intervals, they stayed on me. If I forgot about someone blasting me at range and got too far away from them, they'd wander off. Side note: No, my tank can't survive this ride at +4. One AV at a time, sure, but I might not get it done in the 2 hour time limit. On the herding of them, even with avoiding Malaise and Numina, it just ends up being more than my mitigation can handle. Granted, I never popped One with the Shield as I plan to respec out of it, but even Malaise on his own was a rough fight due to all the psi damage, so I seriously doubt my current build would live long with all 15 beatin on me. Regardless, It's a fun test.
  16. But once a critter on a map has been aggroed, if I'm the only player on the map, shouldn't they stay aggroed?
  17. 15 or 16 AVs on map. All other critters wiped out. I could only keep around 10 on me. If I went after the others and even attempted to bounce targets and use aoes only the freshly hit would stick around while the rest would just forget I was there and wander back to their spawn points. It was strange. No Taunt in the build but punchvoke and taunt aura were in full effect. It behaved as if there is a lower aggro cap for AVs than for regular critters but I didn't think that was a thing. This was with my shield/nrg tank.
  18. It was the big robot version of Siege in Maria's arc that was my tank's stopper. I could not get past his heals. Finally just said fark it and called in some SGmates to take him down.
  19. Some State of Decay 2. More prep work for the move. Posted more on the forums.
  20. He ain't that bad. Time consuming, yes. But I've been on various +4 Khans and we got the job done. What's that? Have I soloed him? HAHAHAH. No. And Aeon in MLTF... I hate that guy. Regarding Eva's Praetorian Invasion arc... yes, they can all be soloed at +4. But I got bored at Diabolique and quit. A lot of times an AV fight's success is inevitable but only if ya have the time.
  21. Good point. So the real question is, should we be testing builds by herding all the AVs on @Eva Destruction's Praetorian Invasion map into a single group before taking them down and if so, at what difficulty should that be attempted? Sounds to me like the starting point should be +1 so that they'll be even con against our alpha level shift. Hmmmm. Edit: Huh. Couple things there. I survived far longer than I expected and for some reason even on a tank, I wasn't able to keep them all aggroed on me. Seemed like even having been recently hit, some would get bored and head back to their spawn points. Exited mission before faceplanting to type this. Heading back in to see if I can actually take them all out one by one at +4.
  22. Hilariously enough, I have far fewer low blood pressure dips when I've got some booze in me. They're unpleasantly common when I'm sober. Edit: And I'm a fattish smoker as well, go figure.
  23. Then perhaps you should and no, I did not state what you are saying I've stated, (edit: This part "You want Stalkers to change because you don't like playing them and it just so happens one of those reasons fits into your "all powersets that are the same in name should match across all ATs" campaign." as I have already explained. Your extrapolation routine is malfunctioning.
  24. And now you're just lying and attacking me for some petty dumbass reason or another. I have one stalker and that's all I'll ever have and that's only so that I'll have one of every AT fully built out. The AT doesn't suit me for the reasons mentioned earlier. I wouldn't build any more of them with or without the changes.
  25. Drunk, high, sober. Sometimes drunk and high. Depends on my mood at the time. Drugs are good, mmkay?
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