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Bill Z Bubba

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Everything posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. Nah, don't buy it. I don't faceplant on squishies due to long animations. I faceplant due to lack of mez protection. Clarion? Can't get it until vetlvl somethin well after you've spent 50 lvls getting mezzed to death. Rune of Protection? Great, mez protection for SOME of the time. Mezzed and dead the rest of the time. But wait, a few buff sets grant mez protection to the user... that doesn't help when I'm not playing that powerset. Long animation times? I've got several EM users. I know all about corpse blasting and wasting time. That's not what sends me to the hosp or back to the base.
  2. And I don't see this as a problem. The problem for me is when I'm soloing a squishy and constantly think "wow, this would go a lot faster if I just left the squishy at the door and cleared the map with a melee character." As everyone has repeatedly stated in this thread, no AT is needed for team success in this game. So why are so many ATs penalized for not having persistent mez protection? All squishies should get +4 mez protect by lvl 12.
  3. Warmace is smooth crunchy goodness.
  4. Nah, the scrapper just gets his ass kicked. 😞 This was on the tank. But if you're already capped on nrg/neg then yea, rebirth makes sense.
  5. I'm currently rocking the presence pool on a dm/bio scrapper. Invoke Panic gives a surprising amount of damage mitigation.
  6. I found the +negnrg resistance from barrier FAR more useful than the heal and +regen from rebirth. Just 2 more shillings for the mix.
  7. And this right here is the whole damn problem. Let's see those 100% clear all times!!!
  8. Convert 50 Emp Merits to a single Transcendent Merit so that you can easily email it to another character on that same account.
  9. I went for permahasten and just run Clobber, Jawbreaker, Shatter, repeat. Adding in CC for more aoe when needed.
  10. So far, degen core for the -HP seems to help my pylon times the most.
  11. Shards and shard related rewards all get converted to threads. I have ZERO use for them as shards and have yet to craft a single incarnate anything with them since HC went live. Shards are simply more useless junk.
  12. No reason that there couldn't be an AT modifier attached as well.
  13. This. Which I follow up with /bind h "powexectoggleon combat jumping$$-up$$-autorun"
  14. I don't disagree with you at all but still fail to see why a power pick should be wasted on a rez when I try to always build to where faceplanting even at max diff is an extreme rarity or when we can get a rez from the P2W vendor or just eat wakies. Leveling up, maybe, but they're often T9 powers. More useful in the days of no IOs and no incarnate powers? Sure. Nowadays? Not even remotely to me.
  15. Katana has some nice crunch.
  16. I don't follow. I was at max diff and there was a LOT of Tab, F, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3 goin on. 🙂
  17. I was unsure so I went and ate a buncha reds til the monitor went blue at 600. Well, they do, if you ignore that crits happen, by a whopping 2 DPS.
  18. Claws with Followup, Focus, Slash with a total arcanatime of 3.96sec Scrapper total base damage for those three attacks: 219.5909 Brute total base damage for those three attacks: 158.0722 Scrapper damage cap is +400 vs brutes +600, right? Scrapper: 219.5909*5 = 1097.9545 but scrappers get crits, just 5% for minions, 1097.9545*1.05 = 1152.852225 (291 DPS) and against lts/bosses 1207.74995 (305 DPS) Brute: 158.0722*7 = 1106.5054 (279 DPS) Unless I'm doin something wrong, scrappers win even without the AT IO +crit procs in there and definitely with.
  19. That's actually been my one major gripe about the MCU. They completely screwed over that character. ESPECIALLY with their horrid take on "Professor Hulk."
  20. Incarnate level enemies with a 13% tohit buff that are completely neutered by the level shifts we're granted. Cuz, fighting +1s in DA for +4 rewards ain't no challenge.
  21. There's that edge case thing again. I never ask for anything when I build teams. But I would never prefer a brute over a scrapper unless I really wanted something with energy or stone melee. Especially now with the tank buffs. Brutes are the ones that have become, sadly, superfluous.
  22. There's a retort based on my devil-hood and your magic nipple but I KNOW the forum mods won't like it.
  23. On a team, buffs are flying everywhere so survivability becomes moot. Want a perfect team? Scraps and corruptors. Don't bother with anything else. The above statements are both opinions lacking numerical proof other than that one dude runnin max diff ITFs with quad-teams and scrappers are in the lead on time. EDIT: My claws/sr scrapper clears max diff DA repeatables faster than the claws/sr brute. That's not pylon fighting.
  24. Nah, our country is in the shape it's in because we ALL have not spent nearly enough energy calling out garbage for what it is when we see it. /just the facts, maam. That's all I care about.
  25. Truth. It'll just be slower.
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