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Everything posted by golstat2003

  1. Was getting incarnate xp from regular missions added by Paragon or by the inbetween private time the game existed as hidden, or by HC? I don't remember any last patches (when the game was live in retail) where incarnate xp was added to regular missions, but I might be wrong. I have a feeling that was added as the "solo" path AFTER COH shut down. But I wasn't part of the "hidden time" for COH. So I wouldn't know.
  2. Yeah no. The rewards for AE are fine seeing as how you can just sit there doing nothing and get rewards. As I've said before I'm against making the game harder by force for everyone (it should be optional to play on harder difficulty) AND I'm ALSO against making it any easier.
  3. Yeah no. I use twitter because I have to and have pretty much stopped using Facebook over the idiocy it has caused over the last 5 years. So no I won't be promoting anything on it. Discord I use only because it's a channel the devs here for betas use.
  4. Well yes, I thought that was obvious. Clearly there was an issue and the OP should have spoken up. If it can’t be resolved as numerous people said for pages and pages previously, then yes quit and reform. If it’s annoying enough that they came here to complain, they should have spoken up. No one is holding you hostage to a team. MMO does not mean you are forced to just be quiet and take it. Nor are you forced to stay in a teaming situation that makes you unhappy. It’s a game, not work. My point is life is too short to put up with nonsense. The OP said he did. not want to rock the boat at the start of a TF. My argument is that THAT is the exact time you should speak up. If it ends up the TF collapses, good. Better it to happen in the first mission of a tf then mission 4 of 5. Sorry if that was not clear earlier.
  5. If the task force is starting out terribly not it absolutely is not. if the first mission is going absolutely terribly as the OP alluded to, you damn right you should quit and reform. again it’s a game, not a f$&king job. Wasting everyone’s time on something that may end in a complete s)$t show is idiotic.
  6. appropriate. Except I might use an orbital death laser. 😛
  7. Yeah I'm not required to stay on a team that's driving me crazy. The second it stops being fun I leave. It's a game, not a job. I wouldn't be posting on the forums, I just leave and find another team.
  8. At that point I would have explained the issue, dropped and re-formed. It's only the first mission. You got time to restart the TF with another team.
  9. with less players we should expect higher prices. Less folks producing things and putting them on the market.
  10. I would not mind if the implemented the OPs' suggestion. Do I think it's needed? Not really.
  11. yaaaaawn. As others have asked let's have some evidence of someone actually manipulating the market. As I mentioned if I want something I'm going to pay the buy it now price. I've paid 100K for yellow salvage if I'm making builds or IOing out characters. Which I have done in the past three weeks. 100K for someone who regularly farms and gets massive converters (and uses them to sell things on the market) from massive merits from constant hamidon runs a week is nothing. I can sneeze and make that. So paying up to that for yellow salvage is nothing. I'm sure I'm not the only one. EDIT: And to be clear, again, I'm not saying everyone has to pay that. Just put your bid in, wait, and come back. Your bid will be filled. We're talking about uncommon salvage, not purples.
  12. Best post in the whole damn thread.
  13. Pretty much this. If I want it now I'll pay "want it now prices" I couldn't care less. It's a game. If I feel like waiting I put in a low bid then come back later. It eventually fills. Again, not seeing the issue.
  14. I just buy and sell what I want for uncommon salvage and wait. Not seeing an issue. If you want it "now" you pay a "buy it now" price. Seems fine.
  15. Though I agree the have the right to work on whatever they want since it's their shard/server . . . I don't think they should spend time on this at all since it's a terrible idea that will get 0 usage (for all the reasons multiple people have said) and (as someone else said) would pretty open up the pvp zones to the argument of allowing an opt-out of pvp in those zones, so to me, yes this would be a waste of dev time, from the perspective of a person that plays the game and would want the to work on something else, and sees all the negatives this would bring to the community overall if this were implemented. Nothing wrong with saying that.
  16. Would be . . . very very very difficult to code. But sure why not, sounds fun.
  17. Even if they took a chunk of HC's playerbase 10,000 monthly subs isn't realistic.
  18. This is soooooo good
  19. yeah was about to say this also.
  20. Sounds interesting.
  21. So in conclusion: Yes to Gap closers. No to changing existing powers. Sounds good.
  22. I thought Tip Missions where part of the Alignment system, and came at the same time no?
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